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Years Later. . .

Arjun's eyes fluttered through the documents ahead of him.

Soft hands wrapped around his eyes, a smile appearing on his face. "Panchaali" He called making her pout, "Arya you caught me again?" She whined playfully a smile on his face, while he turned around, a teasing smirk on his face.

"Paarth won't recognise his Panchaali?" He teased, eyes sparkling with joy while he gazed at his blushing wife, whose cheeks were matching the dark shade of rose.

He chuckled making Panchaali's blush intensify, as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to his chest.

Her soft form fitting against his hard one perfectly like she was meant to be his.

Years had passed now since their marriage, fourteen years to be exact, they had three kids, Shrutkarm, their eldest son and two daughters Pragati and Pragya.

So much had changed yet nothing had.

Everything was different except their love for each other that seemed to grow with each passing moment.

He cupped her cheeks, a sigh of relief passing through his lips.

"After all this year's one would think that I'll get use to this sheer beauty. But the god knows that with each day you still make my breath hitch, I get lost in this dark doe shaped eyes. The scent of your blue lotuses making me lose my control. With each day I have ever loved you more. From the day I saw you under that tree in the forest shining, I knew you were the one for me. The one woman who I would love more than my life, protect and cherish every second of my breath. This fourteen years with you were the best of years of my life. You gave me everything, three loving kids, a best wife, and everything. You have been with me through thick and thin, smiling always beside me. I don't think I can express in words how much lucky I feel to have you. How much I love you Panchaali. "

He whispered, his words laced with honesty as, tears glazed in his eyes. The sheer happiness that he felt made his heart thud in his chest wildly making him gaze at her. A light smile on his face.

Panchaali's eyes stung with tears, as a joyous smile appeared on her lips, her heart thudding loudly in her chest while she gazed up at him.

She wanted to tell him how much she loved him, how much grateful she was to life for blessing her with a life partner like Arjun.

Who loved her like a lover, cared for her like a father, protected her as a brother and understood her as a friend.

Her entire world at the end was he.

He was her reason to smile, her reason to wake up. What words could express the love that she had in her heart for him.

No amount of words could express the love and bond that they shared, it was the most pure and soulful bond.

One that not many could understand, he was so much more than her husband, he was friend, a philosopher, her guide.

What words could she use to express what he was to her? Could any words explain,the way he made her heart thrum in her chest every time she looked at him. The way just the thought of him made her smile, the way she would miss him when she was away from him even for a second.

The way he was never away from her, in her thoughts he always hovered.

She didn't at times knew where Paarth began and Panchaali ended, sure they were two different bodies but their soul was one, their essence was one.

He was her ardhang and she his ardhangini, bound by the holy marriage bond that was strengthened by their love.

His lips claimed hers, moving in a soft synchronized manner. Expressing his love to her, she kissed back with equal fervour, his hands tightening on his waist while he pulled her closer.

Pleasure sparked through them, making their hearts beat in sync, their lips moving against each other. He traced his tongue on her bottom lip before entering her mouth. Seeking for her tongue, his tongue tangled with hers in an elegant dance of love and passion, making warmth spread through them.

"I love you Panchaali." He confessed, "I love you so much more Arya." She whispered back sealing her confession with her lips on his, her heart rejoicing for the simple fact, that she was his and he was hers.

Paarth and Panchaali forever together, for the rest of eternity,

As this was their,

Happily ever after. . .


"And than Kali and Mahakaal disappeared along with Duryodhan's body." The melodic male voice filled the throne room of Indraprasth where the guests sat.

The room lit by various lanterns, creating a beautiful ambiance.

Calmness and happiness ruled the heart of many while they heart the tale of Duryodhan's end.

Pragya smiled, straightening her green odhni as she heard the tale from Shri Krishn himself.

What a tale it had been, her eyes fluttered to her twin who sat beside her in a deep thought. Her pink odhni suited her well, after all mata had chosen their clothes for tonight's celebration, how can anything go wrong?

"Excellent Vasudev hearing the story from your mouth has completed the aim of my life." One of the kings invited stated a wide smile on his face as others nodded.

"Really Tatshree the story was excellent! The evil got what he deserved." Bheem's son stated, a wide smile on his face.

Krishn nodded, a calm smile on his face gazing around the room that while he gazed around the room, his eyes were fixed on particular child sitting quietly. His little Sakhi.

"What's such a big deal about it, it's just a stupid story. What is so special about Krishn telling it?" Shishupal stated, his voice ringing with arrogance as he glared at Krishn.

"Maharaj Shishupal mind your words." Arjun gritted the words out, his hands fisting at his side, in this moment he wanted nothing more than to pull out the sword, the soft touch of his wife on his hand, hand the anger that burned in him lighting as she shook her head.

Shishupal bit back a growl as he sat down, fisting his hand. This murk Krishn think that he was great? No one was better than me! He thought glaring at everyone.

"What part of the story did everyone like or who was your favorite character?" Panchaali questioned, trying to distract everyone, and ease the tension that had suddenly filled the throne room.

"Mine is Mahakaal!" Pradhyumna stated, "Mahakali!" Pandavas stated together in unison, chuckling at the their surprisingly similar response.

I was very upset at the death of Bhanumati and Mata Gandhari part." Devika stated, her eyes glazed with tears.

"My favorite part was mahakali sliced the man in two equal halves!" Stated Bhism. A chuckle passing through his lips.

One after another everyone presented their favorite character, and their favorite parts of stories.

Krishn continued to gaze at his friend, who still held her silence, the serenity of her glow enlightening around her.

She who possessed the beauty of her mother and valour of her father. She who held the mischief and flame of dharma in her heart.

"Pragati what's your view dear? How did you feel throughout the story? Or who is your favorite character?" He finally asked, unable to hold back.

"In a hurry to know everything aren't you sakha?" Pragati teased, her joyous world making everyone in the throne room chuckle, Pragati's eyes sparked with humour as her lips spread in a wide smile as she gazed at her best friend and guru, raising her brow.

Krishn chuckled, his heart lighting with humour as he gazed at her nodding.

"Day by day she's becoming more like you sakha. " Panchaali stated, her voice ringing with joy. "After all she is the loyal student of Krishn himself." Arjun teased, a wide smile on his face.

"But dear even I am curious to know your favorite character. " Yudhisthir said, his voice ringing with curiosity. As he gazed at his favorite niece.

"My favorite character Tatshree? It's Krishn! And as for what felt. I felt calm throughout the story. I neither hated Gandhar raj nor did I for second hate Duryodhan." She stated, a mysterious charming smile on her face, that matched with Krishn's, whose eyes met with hers. He nodded very slowly signifying that he understood.

"Krishn? But where was Krishn in that story love?" Panchaali asked, her voice ringing with curiosity while she gazed at her daughter.

"Another puzzle of Pragati." Teased Nakul making her giggle.

"That only Krishn seem to understand." Day added on teasingly

"Huh! There's no puzzle! This girl didn't listen to the story as she's brainwashed by Krishn!" Shishupal stated, "Mind your words Shishupal before I end you!" Bheem snapped glaring at the man ahead of him.

The air cackle with energy, as fury intensified in the room.

Pragati smiled, "No reason to threaten Maharaj Shishupal Tatshree, everyone has the right to put their opinion even if they are a bit impolite." Pragati stated, her voice calm just like the smile that spread on her face while her hazel orbs that matched her father's shined with an intelligence way beyond her years.

"I shall answer his doubts." Stated the little girl as she stood up moving to the center of the room. Her each step measured and graceful.

Krishn rested his hand on the armrest, his fingers supporting his chin. While he gazed at her with mischief in his eyes.

Pragati took a deep breath in, her eyes moving to her mother as a tinge of nervousness seeped in her feeling the eyes of everyone on her.

Panchaali smiled encouragingly and gave her an assuring nod, Pragati's gaze fluttered to her father who gave her a broad smile, winking at her making her giggle.

Pragati gazed at everyone, her eyes focusing Krishn, as they softened.

"I didn't feel any pain, sadness or anger on any of the actions. Even when mata Gandhari was killed. Nor do I hate anyone for it." She stated, a wave of shock struck the throne room while mummers broke out as they gazed at each other.

But Pragati continued to look at Krishn, his eyes holding her, wrapping around her like a warm blanket of assurance.

"For I could see Krishn everywhere. For he is the beginning, end and everything in between the creation. Krishn is in everyone, Krishn is in you, Krishn is in me. He was in Duryodhan, he was in Gandhari, Shakuni, and Bhanumati. The one who was killing was Krishn, the being killed was Krishn, the air that is in this room is Krishn as the star in the dark sky is Krishn. How can I hate anyone when I can see Krishn in everyone?" She stated, her voice laced with love as her eyes shined with devotion.

"Duryodhan got what he had reaped. His misunderstood destiny for injustice. A beginning of a person doesn't necessarily decide their end. The lotus blooms the murky waters but ends up on the feet of Lord himself. It is not a person's birth that destiny that decides his end, it is their Karma." Her voice rang with power as she gazed at Krishn, his eyes beckoning her to speak her heart out.

"What one sows, they shall reap. All darkness of life disappears when one attains the right knowledge and self actualization. For as the heat of a fire reduces wood to ashes, the fire of knowledge shall burn all the evil Karmas. The way to knowledge is surrender to God. For those who surrender to that one true Bhrahm, and creator, all selfish attachments are like the leaf of a lotus floating clean and dry in water. Sin cannot touch them." Her words seemed to pull everyone in a trance, while they gazed at the little girl.

Krishn smiled broadly proud of the little girl in front of her.

"How can you call this Krishn god? When he is nothing but a mere human?! " Snapped Shishupal, while he glared at the little girl. His fury intensified as he saw her smile to him, her face a mask of calmness.

"Belief. Though a short word holds the world on it. If you believe strongly enough than even a simple stone is god, but if don't believe than god himself to you is nothing but a statue made from a mere rock. It our belief that make us who we are, the thoughts though seem like simple and insignificant are what that mold us. And thoughts are a result of mind and will. For those who have conquered their mind and will it is their best friend and for those who have failed to do so it works like their enemy. " She stated, the teachings of Krishn ingrained in her mind.

She gazed at Shishupal who was fuming in hatred, "If you will fill your mind with enmity and hatred, than you shall experience hell on earth. You don't need others to torture you, your thoughts shall do that for you. Let this hatred go and you shall see how free you will be. " Pragati knew her words would have no effect on him.

For there are two type of people, one who learn by words and others who learn by the experiences of life.

She didn't want to develop any hard emotions as Krishn had taught her, that one's reality is nothing but perception, viewed through various prisms of contexts.

Shishupal growled, he wanted to shout, but held his tongue.

"Leave your hatred and move on, for one cannot undo what has been done. But the inexorable march of time the wise opportunities for redemption. Do not escape. Stay in this world and do your karma." She stated, her voice bouncing off the walls of the throne room. Confidence screaming through her words as she gazed at Shishupal.

"You! Who do you think you are to teach Shishupal the great how to leave. You are nothing but a little ant that I can crush under my feet! You are nothing! I am King! The most powerful!" Roared Shishupal, his arrogant voice ringing throughout the room.

A laugh passed through Pragati's lips while she gazed at the man ahead of her. "Most powerful?" She asked, doubling over in laughter. "Did you hear that Govind? He called himself most powerful!" She asked giggling, her gazing at Krishn, who chuckled.

His dark obs twinkling with mirth and pride, "Isn't he the most powerful dear? He is the king after all." Krishn's voice rang with humour as he gazed at his student, who giggled harder.

"Rich maybe yes. But powerful I don't think so. And a king not at all. For a king holds justice and mercy in his heart.

For justice without mercy is cruelty and mercy without justice is mother of all dissolutions. Non violence and mercy to all life forms are the goals of a great godly personalities  who are endowed with the nature of god himself.

He calls himself great Kanha, when he doesn't even know that the opposite of love is not hate, hate is nothing but love gone wrong.

The true opposite of hate is apathy, that is you don't care what happens to the person.

So in a way he loves you, just in more twisted way maybe." Teased Pragati, eliciting a laughter from everyone, Krishn doubled over in laughter as he gazed at her.

"You brat... " Before Shishupal could continue Pragati turned towards him.

"Arey rey rey. No cursing in front of God. Remember god is not just present in temples but also in the places you sin. Ganga can only wash off the mistakes done unintentionally, but the crimes done intentionally and planned will only be washes off by the pashan of Yamraj.

What are you so proud about? Your kingdom? Or your riches. Remember we are souls that existed before this body was born and shall exist even if the body dies, the way a person changes clothes, soul changes bodies. As a soul you are powerful and compassionate spirit that has entered the school of earth to learn lessons.

Life will give you problems, but remember no lock is made without a key. You just need to find it. Often the deepest agony empowers one to grow into their highest form. Remember life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your conscious.

One little thing that doesn't go your way, may it be career or anything at home, and one beings self pity.

Remember god has plan for everyone, ending your life or running away from reality is not the answer to it.

Just think back to all the sufferings that you have been through, and you will realise that each day you have grown stronger that your previous one.

Doubt regarding your life enter your soul only when you don't trust in God.

Who in this life doesn't have problems? Everyone does. But blaming others, hating them is just paving your way to your suffering.

You have the right to work but never engage in actions for the sake of rewards, nor should you long for inaction.

If you want to be the most powerful embody love, be the candle of the world. For its not easy, as one has to burn and melt first to lighten the world around.

Your hate and anger is nothing but the reflection of your fear. Let it go, for ultimately we all know that the other side of every fear is freedom.

You came in this world empty handed, you shall leave empty handed. What's yours is today, someone else's yesterday and will be someone else's tomorrow. So why the hate? The fear? The anger? When in complete honesty, we as humans are nothing but tenets on this earth.

You want to have the powers of Krishn, but isn't living your destiny imperfectly way better than living someone else's imitation in a perfect manner?

Krishn is neither hungry for glory, nor respect, he is just hungry for affection and devotion. Trust Krishn, so what if something didn't work out. Everything will work out in the right way at Krishn's time.

Life has a beautiful paradox Maharaj Shishupal, the day you learn to let go everything is the day you shall gain everything.

I know you didn't like what I have said, but truth doesn't need to be liked it only needs to be spoken. The truth may hurt but it will set you free.

Let go of all the delusions, no matter how true they seem for delusions are often created by the most compelling believes.

When you feel the suffering of every living being in your heart that is true consciousness.

Surrender to God, for anything you accept fully will take you in peace that is the power of surrender.

All my desires are Krishn Krishn,
What I get is also Krishn Krishn,
My destiny is also Krishn Krishn,

My Aaradhya too is Krishn Krishn.

For it's Krishn who has created me, for its Krishn who walks with me through all the pains and suffering, for the words I spoke today were his.

I being with him,

I end with him,

For I know if I take one step towards him, he takes ten towards me.

And you know what Maharaj Shishupal, I don't hate even you for I see Krishn in you too. " Pragati teased, her voice filling the room, as giggles left her mouth.

Krishn smiled widely.

"You wench!!! I will kill you!!! " Shishupal roared, his anger bursted as he pulled out the sword and ran towards Pragati.

The air thickened with tension as Bhism along, with pandavas, Pandu, Dhritarashtr, Balram, as all the padavas putr, along with Krishn and Balram's son roared pulling out their swords.

Energy cackled in the room.

They marched for Shishupal, but he was out of their reach as he jumped in the air, sword whistling as it cut through the air, everyone's heart froze, their breathing hitching.

A bolt of terror shot through Panchaali's heart, "PRAGATI!!!!!!" her scream reverberated throughout the throne room, as her breathing came in short pants, tears tracing down the cheeks.

Shishupal's face marred in shock, he watched Krishn appear out of nowhere behind Pragati, who stood smiling widely.

Krishn's face marred in wrathful expression, as mischief escaped his dark orbs, fury darkening his gaze. As he glared at the man ahead of him.

His jaw set, as his hand tightened on the sword, strong gust of wind began to blow, the sound of thunder filling the room, as the air grew heavy with tension.

The earth trembled at the wrath of the angry god, while the surrounding charged with energy, cackling with the sheer power.

Loud shank's could be heard.

"Dare touch my devotee and it will be the last thing you do Shishupal!" Krishn roared, gritting his words, the thunder sound filled louder in the air, the dark pool of fury in his eyes made Shishupal's eyes widen with fear as he stumbled back.

Krishn snapped the sword in two halves like it was a mere stick and not a metal blade.

"Run before I am tempted to behead you!" He growled, the fury in it tearing through Shishupal who fell back, stumbling ran out of the throne room.

"Well that was quick." Pragati giggled, her hazel orbs twinkling with mischief, the tension in the air seemed to have disappeared as Krishn chuckled.

"Very true dear." He called back, chuckling, his eyes lighting with humour while they shared a look before falling in bouts of laughter.

"You two will be the death of me!" Panchaali chastised, making them laugh harder, "what did we do?!" Krishn and Pragati asked together pouting and blinking their eyes innocently.

"Uff you two. No one can win the battle of words with you both. " Panchaali grumbled, faking anger. "And yet you try Panchaali." Paarth teased, earning a chuckle from everyone.

"Arya you too!" Panchaali mock glared at Arjun. "Aae ae ae phasa!" Krishn and Pragati sang making the entire court fall in the bouts in laughter, the beginning of their happily ever after. . .


The End!


"Oh wait where are you going, have patience in a hurry to leave me so fast?" Krishn stated, pouting as he gazed at the readers.

"And you start again." The writer teased, gazing up from her laptop, lowering her glasses, gazing at him.

"Shoo away woman who even called you? I am talking to my fans out there. Let me steal a few hearts before I leave, you go continue with your writing." Krishn teased, the author shook her head smirking at his antics.

"So as I was saying before this annoying author interrupted. Where are you all going? I mean seriously thinking of leaving a handsome hulk like me?" He teased, laughter peeling through his lips while he gazed at everyone.

A calm smiled appeared on his face, as his eyes shined with kindness and unconditional love.

His face glowed with serenity, as the calm and assuring smile intact on his lips.

"Today we come to and end of this tale of Paarth and Panchaali. It was a beautiful journey with you all. It was great laughing with you,crying with you, furious along with you and at times even bored with you on this journey.

I just wanna say it was beautiful having you all as readers.

Like there are ups and downs in a story,  so are in lives of each one of us.

Remember I am beside you writing your story, each tale unique, each tale distinct, but at the end all are beautiful.

I am with you through and thin.

All you need to do is just look for me.

I am always there.

With this note I take your leave.

Cyaa till we meet again, another time in another story.

Till than,

Radhey Radhey. . ."

Krishn whispered shutting picking up his golden flute and began to play, the sweet sound of it filling the air as he shut his eyes.


A calm and relaxing tune filling the air as everything disappeared in thin air. . .





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