Chapter 30 ~ Histoire d'amour {II} {Final}

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"I wasn't invited," Julia said, fixing firewood within the fireplace as it continued to reduce to slow ashes, the fire heightening itself and warming the chalet up. 

"Well, one thing I can say for sure," Julian accompanied her for the evening, helping her unpack everything. 


"That those balls are a headache," 

Julia frowned, done with him. 

"I'm serious, for I have been to many," 

"How so?" Julia's gaze glided back to the fire. 

"At first, you feel considerable and royal, dressed up like that. After that, your social persona takes an obnoxious turn when you meet these people you have never even batted an eye for before," 

"Like that's the reason they all attended,"

"No, but that was the reason I had to,"

Julia looked at him again, every ounce of backfiring done within her. Julian smiled at that and took a seat on the armchair. 

"Now, care to explain how it all happened that night?"

"It was hypnosis. You were right," 

"I guess the coven has quite a lot against hybrids,"

"For real,"

Julia looked ahead, her face softening and her gaze weakening. The thoughts about her mother perishing before her while she huffed in confusion as blood covered her hands, the red, crimson beads reaching out to her elbows. The instance made her tears impossible to control as she broke down before the blazing fire.  

"It's alright my blaze, it's alright," 


"I supposed you wouldn't show," Chris teased Calice, gliding alongside her with the music. 

"Why? Because they hold responsible for my mother's death?"

Chris slightly widened his eyes upon hearing her whisper in his ear. 

"Julia told me everything," She added while gliding with Chris.

"Alright but how do you plan on defeating her? You know she can take all our powers away,"

"Doesn't mean she can't stop a wolf,"

Chris exhaled as the music faded into the air, the tune ending for another one to begin. 

"She's at the bar. I'll go talk to her," 

Chris nodded as he let her go towards the bar, about to talk to Odil. 

"Calice, my favourite creation,"

"More like your first,"

"Oh, come on darling. My ancestors didn't give you those powers to flaunt,"

"Well, I've been flaunting them for a long time now, for about a thousand years to be precise? And to flaunt again, they gave me these powers to end witches like you,"

Odil smiled. 

"So what did you wish to talk about?"

"Well, I do know why you haven't killed me yet but I wouldn't mind a better reason why you must go after Julia," 

"Her moon is three-sided,"

"I am well aware she is one of the most powerful beings on earth but that doesn't mean-,"

"That is the point, protector. She isn't one of them. She is the strongest being on earth," 

"So you know now,"

Odil smirked and placed her glass back.

"But that's not what I seek because she is immortal and the coven continues to look for ways to end her life,"

"What concerns you then?"

"We seek your mother's grave,"

The vein on Calice's forehead popped tenaciously as she clutched her wine glass in a grip, tight enough to break the glass, her blood conquering her fingers, trailing down towards the net 

"Over my dead body will you know where it is,"

"Your pack-"


"Your 'family' knows and I will resort to ways even the devil doesn't know, protector. Believe me,"

"You little-"

"Love, calm down,"

Chris immediately approached Calice from behind, gripping her arm softly, and stroking her lower back. 

"Let's not make a scene here," He whispered, a bit tense.

"My my even your mate is afraid of your anger,"

Chris's gaze raised itself towards hers, placing his comeback. 

"Wow, I must say,"


"I've heard some quite fascinating things about you,"

He neared her, fearless to look into her calm and evil demeanour. 

"But my ears scream nought at those now,"

Calice continued gazing at her, healing immediately out of the cuts made because of the glass. 

"For you are nothing but another empty can of threats we don't give a living shit about,"

"Mind your words, protector. I can take your powers away with the-,"

"Snap of your fingers?"

Odil's smile shrunk, and vexation began to surround her facade. 

"Go ahead. I dare you,"

"She would if she could," Calice intervened. 

Odil's eyes widened with a frown, her gaze consumed by alertness. 

"Relax, witch. I've always known you're all bark and no bite, that is exactly why I attended this stupid party anyway,"

Calice neared her, wrapping her palm over Chris's shoulder. 

"The only person who truly knew how to take protector powers was Arya but those were not the same powers used by ancestors who were against you. The difference was she consumed protectors for her use and benefit and you knew nothing about it. I truly hope you first take care of those around you than taking care of things unnecessary to your bland, tasteless life, for you are nothing but a normal being to us,"

Calice exhaled lightly. 

"Too bad she passed though, leaving you with nothing,"

"How did you know that?" Odil's expression began sinking like a ship being snatched by the ocean. 

"Let's just say, you're not the only one who knows everything," Calice looked into her eyes, her pupils blazing with anger. 

"Talk about my mother again and I will end you, even if it takes me 100 years," Calice walked away, determined to end Odil for good. 

Chris put his glass back and walked out after Calice. 

"Are you okay?" 

"You know I never am," 

Chris pursed his lips and grabbed her wrist, gently pulling her into his embrace. 

"It's alright,"

"She'll get what she deserves Chris, I swear to the almighty,"


"May I have this dance?" Yoongi asked with his hand out before Samantha. 

"I don't see why not,"

She slid her hand into his palm before he led her towards the organised crowd. 

"Oh to have what they have," Tamara sipped the champagne from the slender glass.

Tia scoffed with a smile, reacting to Tamara's sarcasm before questioning her tastes.

"Since when did you stop loathing romance?"

"Ever since I realised you can be close even without being in love,"

"Hon that's the beginning of a relationship,"

Tamara just shrugged her shoulders. 

"Can we talk?" Another voice asked from behind Tia before she turned around. 



He ran his tongue through his mouth, and cleared his throat, nervous than ever. 

"Be right back,"

She followed him out to the fountain and sat on its edge. He sat beside her and lightly ran his tongue over his lips. 

"Alright, now no one can be so nervous that their lips grow drier than the Sahara desert,"

Hoseok chuckled upon hearing that but froze as he saw her smiling, giggling at the joke she cracked. 

"Not to pull off topic but you should smile more often,"

"Why? So that everyone can think they can push me around?"

"No, so that everyone can see how phenomenal that smile truly is,"

"So you mean to say my smile holds you guilty?"

"No, it holds value for me," 

She smirked slightly, her eyes brightening. 

"Uh, what did you wish to talk about?"

"I'm sorry. About everything,"

"Oh, um, Thank you, I appreciate it. I'm sorry as well. I didn't realise I sided with the wrong person,"

Hoseok nodded at her. 

"So I had something to ask,"


"If you're a descendant, how come the moon chose you?"

"Well, it's because I'm the last remaining wolf from my pack,"

"What happened to the rest?"

"For beginners, I was abandoned by my parents and for the rest, my kind were massacred by Odil's coven. She invited me here to remind me of that,"

"I'm so sorry,"

"It's alright. It was ages back,"

"I get why you fear abandonment now,"

Hoseok pursed his lips and shook his head, little nods following. 

"Anywho, I must say, the dress came out great,"

"Says the man with a prince-like attire on,"

Slight chuckles followed as the ice seemed to be finally broken. 

"I'll be honest though,"

Hoseok intervened. 

"That run in the woods made me warm up to you,"

"Did it?"

"Yeah, I'm not lying,"

"How much?"


Tia raised her eyebrows, tilting her head at him, demanding a more precise answer. 

"Alright, alright! Enough to do this,"

He slid his hand into her nape, pulling her closer to his face until their lips met. 


Too flustered to say anything, she didn't dare to pull away, her mask sliding and falling onto the floor, beside her feet. His lips parted to capture more of her in, his hand sliding down to her waist. 


She grabbed his face with her gloved hands and helped him with the action getting imposed upon their lips. 


They parted their lips with a huff. 

"You're faster in this run, descendant. I must admit that,"

Hoseok chuckled as he picked up her mask from the floor and proceeded to place it back on her face, but she pushed it down and threw herself at him lightly, capturing his lips again. 

Huff "And you're swifter than I thought," 

His mask slid off as he said the same, dropping her mask, and wrapping his hands around his waist again. 

"Those two made up," Hayden snickered, Hunter, standing beside him on the balcony. He looked at Hunter, confused. 

"Why don't you go makeup with the hybrid?"

"What makes you think I need to do that?"

"I don't know, maybe your feelings for her?"

Hunter choked on his drink and turned away from Hayden, keeping his coughs suppressed. 

"A-are you insane?"

Hunter managed to question his retard of a twin brother. 

"Are you stupid? Because you can fool everyone, even the hybrid, but me," 

Saying that Hunter walked back into the venue. 

"I'm afraid he's right," Hunter sighed as he left his glass there and left the venue, seeking the opportunity to tell Julia the truth about his feelings. 



Tia withdrew again from Hoseok, willing to say something but suddenly felt dizzy, her vision blurring. She saw black as she lost her consciousness, her head resting on his shoulder. 

"You made the right choice," 

Hoseok grimaced and looked at Odil's sister, the vizor of the troop. 

"Now, your blood," 

"The antidote first," 

"Oh, I don't think that is possible,"

Hoseok widened his eyes in disbelief,"

"What happened to Mia is permanent, she'll never be a protector again,"

"Yeah, she's right,"

Hoseok looked ahead, gritting his teeth. 


"As you might know, what Odil spiked within your drink, doesn't affect descendants. It only affects protectors. Once she wakes up, she won't be around you, and by chance if you're thinking about helping her, let me just tell you that she's going to be mad you poisoned her,"

"What does it do to her?"

"She'll...decline, piece by piece until she consumed Julia's blood," 

"But I don't know where Julia is,"

"Well then you better let your Alpha know that the Omega is in a hurry and so is her health," 

Seokjin took Tia out of Hoseok's embrace and carried her into the woods. 

"Don't worry, we won't hurt her," The dark-haired lady tapped Hoseok's shoulder, smirking and tossing her cigarette on the ground, putting it out with her foot. 

She walked past the fountain before stopping for a few seconds. 

"Oh, and I'm Camille. You might hear from Odil often,"

Hoseok watched helplessly as she disappeared into the woods as well. He sunk onto his knees, his palm on the edge of the fountain. 

"What have I done?"


The wooden vanity got crushed as Hoseok's back landed against the wall. 

"Tamara, that's enough," Chris tried to stop Tamara, her knuckles bleeding and red, her breath harsh and her tone consumed by infuriating expressions. 


Hoseok's eyes watered as tears began flowing down his cheeks. 

"For Mia," They all looked at the front door, Hunter's arrival visible. 

"What do you mean?"

"The coven fooled him into giving him the antidote for Mia's permanent condition and took Tia as leverage to get Julia,"

Tamara looked at Hoseok, disappointed, anger consummating her demeanour. 

"I-I have no excuse," Hoseok groaned, his air supply blocked. He didn't deny the pain being delivered onto him, as if accepting what he deserved. 

"Alright Tamara, that's enough,"

Calice looked down as if wanting to hold the urge to stop her. 

"Not enough to bring back my sister," 


No response. 

"Tamara. Let. Him. Down,"

Not even a listen. 

Calice looked back up after processing it all and took a deep breath. 

"Tamara, not another moment,"

"Calice, he-"

"I wasn't asking," 


Brutal coughs left Hoseok's mouth as his head hung towards the floor before Calice's heels came into his view. She crouched carefully, adjusting her dress. 

"Hoseok. I will not tell you what to do, for you clearly do what comes to mind. I can assure you of one thing. You're still not on your own,"

Disappointed, everyone in the room looked at Calice, their facades invaded with disregard. 

"All you need to do is listen to your conscience for once, not your heart. The difference is simple. I won't explain it,"

Hoseok looked up slightly, his eyes still covered in layers of tears. 

"If you have regrets on your face, that means you are willing to sacrifice your powers for her,"

"How'd you-"

"Oh, Hoseok. I have known from the first time we met. Being the last remaining descendant of your pack can be quite a burden,"

His gaze softened as he felt understood for once. 

"Not to add upon your shoulders but it is all up to you,"

"Calice he won't save her! He still loves that psycho!" 

Calice didn't say anything. 

"She won't die, we know that for sure but you can choose whether you wish to win her trust back like you planned to or...,"

Calice sighed as she stood back up and continued to look at his figure on the floor. 

"...go back to the woman who cares nothing about you,"

Hoseok stood up slowly and looked up at Calice. 

"I'd like some of Julia's blood, for I'm saving her,"

~To be continued

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