Chapter 5 ~ Tialisor

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(Warning: the following chapter contains adult/mature content)

"God! You don't stop anywhere do you?" Mia moaned as Hoseok slammed her against the wall of the storage where the roses were kept. He smashed his lips onto hers and devoured them like the hungry wolf that he was. Mia moaned when he bit her lower lip like it was the most delicious fruit he had ever tasted. He slipped his tongue in and ran it all around her mouth, tasting her rose flavour. He then picked her up by the thighs and laid her down on the wooden table nearby as he tore all her clothing in half, revealing her half-upper body. He latched onto her neck and left sloppy kisses and painful bites on it as he began to go down to her chest and began to devour her bosoms. Mia threw her head back and arched her back. Hoseok went down to her torso and took her lower garments off before leaving butterfly kisses on her inner thighs. He then attacked her core with his mouth and at her out slowly and teasingly while drawing lazy circles on her bud. "Ahh! Heavens!," She cried out as she arched her back more. "Oh, I sure am going to bring heavens right here," Hoseok snickered as he pulled her close to the edge and undid his undergarments, just to push himself slowly into her, until all of him had disappeared into her. He began to thrust when she clenched hard upon his length and growled as he grabbed her throat and choked her hard, admiring the work of art he had inflicted upon her, his bite marks. "Argh! Let it go now!" He grumbled as he choked her harder but she was in no state to listen and he just dug his fangs into the crook of her neck as he withdrew his hand that was just wrapped around her neck. "Ahhhhhhhh!"

"And that is how it happened," Hoseok said while sipping the whiskey Seokjin had stirred up for him. "Relax Jung, you get attracted to women, it is what it is," Seokjin said. "So what do we do of the hybrid now?" Hoseok asked. "Leave it to Yoongi, he'll handle it," Seokjin said as he sipped some of his drink and gulped it down. "I just feel very much weird approaching Yoongi now," Hoseok said. "I know, that's why, try to accept it because someday, he'll have to leave us because of Pacio. Just live in the moment, alright?" Seokjin said. "Alright," Hoseok said. "By the way, do you happen to know by any chance, who this shaman is? The one who's protecting the hybrid?" Seokjin asked. "A bit, since I once asked her for a potion," Hoseok replied. "What potion?" Seokjin asked. Hoseok took a small glass vial out of his pocket and showed it to Seokjin. He took a look as he sipped his drink once again and asked, "What's it for?" He asked Hoseok. "It is actually for Namjoon. The potion actually dampens the tempering effect," Hoseok replied. "Perfect potion for him, given the fact that he's reckless when angry," Seokjin said. "Where is he now though?"

"You know, if you kill me, many other wolves will never be able to find their loved ones," Mia said cheekily as she finished gagging blood out of her mouth because of Yoongi's torture. "I know that and you can't die, since you're a protector, so I'm causing you lots of pain," Yoongi said. "Now you at least know how 1/4th of it felt," He continued as he tilted his head and smirked, the scar on his eye making its way to appearance. Mia looked at him blankly. "You have to feel all of it until I free you, mother," With that, he tore one of her fingers off from behind with his telekinesis. "Argh! AHHH!" She screamed in pain. "By the way, I also know that truth now," He said while snickering. "I know father had no intentions to turn me into a wolf. All he wanted, was to get rid of the curse laid upon him," He stood up and twirled his middle finger, passing half the pain to her other finger, slowly tearing it away. He stopped in the middle of it and plodded slowly behind her. He took a look at her hand and chuckled. "Heh, Calice was right, you really aren't going to heal for hours," Her middle finger was dangling, halfway separated from her hand. He then placed his hands on the shoulders of the chair and leaned closer to Mia's ear. "So he transferred the curse into me through the Lire knife, trust me he got what he deserved but you mum, are just getting prepped for all of it,"

"I swear to god, I'll rip that protector's heart out," Julia thought as she walked to class after shutting her locker. "So you're persistent to destroy your commitments, huh?" A voice mumbled out to her from beside her. "Lily, you again," Julia said. "I don't know what you're talking about," Julia added. "The date, dumbo," Lily said. Julia widened her eyes as she remembered what happened the previous night and was about to apologize for it, but Lily wrinkled her face and raised her palm. "Save it, I already like him and all and decided to ask him out but he refused and wanted to go only with you. Your loss that you're avoiding him," Lily said as she separated ways and went into the classroom beside Julia's. Julia shrugged it off and just attended class as usual, before going for lunch and ending her day with a sigh and lying down, just to check her phone. She got a text from Lily. It was an ad about contemporary dance classes. A youtube link popped up right under it. "That's him, take a look," A text under it said. She tapped the link and witnessed a guy almost her age moving his body like a liquid to some soft and serene music. She exhaled sharply and thought to herself, "I'll meet up with him then, what more could happen, right?"

"So you're saying you need the Lire knife to hold a curse?" Rake asked Calice while being on call with her. "Yes Rake, I am going to need one to uphold my end of the deal," Calice replied. "Alright, I only have one so come get it tomorrow," He said before cutting the call. "So this Rake guy is the one protecting your mind and thoughts from getting read," Yoongi said from behind her, leaning against a tree before coming beside her and taking a seat there, also admiring the view of the lake sparkling because of the moonlight. "Yes," Calice said as she leaned back and placed her palms on the wood above the water. "Where can I find him?" Yoongi asked while smiling lightly. "Oh, no you can't," Calice said. Yoongi frowned and said, "Why?" Yoongi asked. "I've never met him in person," Calice said. "Then he uses some kind of astral projection?" Yoongi asked. "Pretty much but in a shaman's language, it's called astralatch," Yoongi nodded and said, "So you don't know where he stays either," Calice looked at the lake and twirled her fingers, creating a small, shallow whirlpool in it.

"He was a baby when my pack attacked his family, killing his parents," Calice narrated as the whirlpool began to create depictions of his life in neon green figures. "I broke into his room while my pack slaughtered all of his eight family members when all the wrong deeds were done by his parents. I sniffed around and when I came across him, he was in a cradle, cooing and laughing. His eyes sparkled with nothing but pure innocence. I looked into them and my growls turned into whimpers as I just somehow began to shed tears, thinking I'll have to kill a baby," Calice looked down as she took a pause. "I'm guessing you decided to save him?" Yoongi asked. "I grabbed the cloth under him with my mouth and pounced out the window with him. That is when I went to the shaman I knew secretly. I left him there, for her to raise and then, I disappeared, never coming back to the pack again, or trying to find Rake again," Yoongi sighed and looked at Calice. "And 14 years later, I suddenly received a call from astral roots,"

{Calice} "Hello?"

{Rake}"Am I speaking to Calice?"

{Calice}"Yes, why?"

{Rake}"It is I, Rake,"

{Calice} "Oh, so Abby told you about me,"

{Rake}"Yes, she did. I just wanted to thank you,"

"And that is how we became friends, even though I've never seen him in person," Calice finished. "I cannot believe you chose him over your pack," Yoongi said. "Well, I don't know what came upon me that day but what I do know is that I'll be more than happy to protect the kid like he's my brother," Calice replied. "Like you'll always protect Julia?" Yoongi asked. Calice's smile just faded and she looked at him blankly. She didn't answer him at all.

"Alright, let's get started," Julia thought to herself as she took the elevator to the studio on the second floor and filled herself in for the classes. She stood by the entrance of the studio and saw many other girls and boys practising routines, while the others stretched and warmed up. "After you, young lady," A husky voice from behind her said. She turned around, just to look at the boy she saw in the youtube video.

"Hello, I'm Park Jimin, it's a pleasure to meet you,"

~To be continued

Special cameo ~ Jimin/Park Jimin.

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