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Anika reached the hospital and was going to Sahil's ward when she saw some nurses running in and out of his ward. She got worried and immediately ran inside the room.

As soon as she entered the ward, she saw Sahil breathing heavily and some doctors were treating him.

A- Doc.... Doctor, wh..... What.... Happ.... Happened?

Anika choked on her tears. Doctor immediately injected some medicine in his veins and Sahil relaxed and went unconscious.

Doctor looked at Anika who was continuously looking at Sahil with teary eyes.

D- Anika, please come to my cabin. I need to talk to you.

Anika looked at doctor and slowly nodded her head.

She went towards Sahil's bed and caressed his hair.

After sometime, she went to Doctor's cabin.

D- Have a seat, Anika.

Anika sat down on the chair opposite to doctor's.

D- Anika, I know this is difficult for you but Sahil's condition is getting worst day by day. Now we have to do something as soon as possible.

A- Doctor, please start his treatment. I'll arrange the money by today itself.

D- Ok. We'll start the treatment.

Anika nodded her head and left the cabin. She rushed to Sahil's room as tears were continuously making their way through her eyes.

She sat beside him and held his hand.

A- Sahil, wake up baccha. I won't let anything happen to you. You are my only family and I won't lose you. I will do anything, I will cross every limit to save you. Nothing is more important to me more than your life. If I will have to sacrifice my life to save yours then I will do that also. Don't worry baby, Your Anika didi will do anything to save you. Just don't lose your faith.

Anika stood up with determination and wiped her tears.

She took out her phone from her bag and dialled a number.

A- Hello Mr. Oberoi.

S- Yes.

A- I'm Anika. Can we meet somewhere?

S- Ok. But I've a meeting in half an hour so I think we can meet in the evening or tomorrow.

A- No.. I mean it's urgent so can I come to your office? If you don't have any issues.

S- Yeah sure.

A- Ok.

Anika hired an auto rickshaw and went to Oberoi Industries.

As soon as she entered the office, she was stunned by the lavishness.

She went towards Reception.

A- Hello. Can you tell me where is Shivaay Singh Oberoi's cabin? I have to meet him.

The receptionist looked at Anika from head to toe.

R- Do you have any appointment?

A- No.. But Mr. Oberoi told me to meet him in his office.

The receptionist chuckled.

R- You mean Shivaay sir called a low standard girl like you. He never even looks at people like you and you are telling me he called you. Look at you, just a dirty lower standard girl. I cant let you meet him. Get out of the office or should I call the guards to throw you out.

Anika closed her eyes to control her rage as she has to meet Shivaay anyhow.

A- Look, I don't want to argue with you. It's really important for me to meet him. Just call him and ask him.

R- You won't understand this way. Let me call the guards. GUARDS... GUARDS...

Shivaay was in his cabin waiting for Anika when he heard some chaos from downstairs. He saw Anika near the reception and the receptionist who was shouting something. Some employees have surrounded them.

He immediately rushed downstairs. As soon as he reached near reception, he saw that two guards were about to touch Anika to drag her out.


The guards immediately backed off and bowed their head.

Anika looked at Shivaay with a pale face and dried tear marks. Now his anger knew no bounds.


The receptionist shivered in fear.


R- I.... I.... a... am.... Sor.... Sorry...... Si.... Sir.... I.... tho..... thought...

The receptionist stammered in fear.


The receptionist started crying in fear. Anika felt bad for her.

A- Mr. Oberoi, it's o......

Shivaay showed his hand to her to stop.

S- If anybody comes to meet me then I am the one to decide who will I meet or not. Don't poke your bl**dy nose in my matters. This is Anika, if I ever saw anyone ill-treating her then he or she will have to face my wrath. She is as respectable as me. IS THAT CLEAR?

Everybody nods their head in fear.

Shivaay held Anika's hand. Anika was looking at Shivaay in a daze. She was always the protector of her family but this is the first time, when someone became her protector.

S- Let's go in my cabin, Anika.

Anika nodded her head and was about to move when Shivaay stopped abruptly.

Shivaay turned towards the receptionist.


Anika was totally shocked.Shivaay held Anika's hand and took her to his cabin.

S- Have a seat.

Anika nodded and sat down on the couch.

S- Umm.. Wo... I'm.... Sor.... Ummm... I... Mean.... I apologize for that.

A- It's ok. Look, I'm no one to interfere in your professional issues but I think you shouldn't have fired her for just a small issue.

S- She deserved that. Now let's come to the point.

Suddenly Anika realised the main motive to meet Shivaay.

Shivaay sat on the opposite couch.

S- What was the "urgent work"?

Shivaay said finger quoting the " Urgent work". Anika cleared her throat.

A- I am ready.

S- Huh?

A- I'm ready for this contract marriage.

S- Wow. That's fast.

A- Look Mr. Oberoi. I only have one reason for this marriage and I think you know that.

Shivaay nodded his head.

Tears filled Anika's eyes after thinking of Sahil's condition.

A- Mr. Oberoi, my brother's condition is very critical. Please can you arrange the money for his treatment by today itself? I will do anything you will ask me to do. But please...

Anika started crying hysterically. Something pinched Shivaay's heart.

S- Anika... Anika... Calm down..

Shivaay forwarded a glass of water to her and she drank it.

S- Don't worry about your brother. I'll talk to the best doctors for his treatment. He'll be fine.

Anika nodded her head.

S- If you're fine with it then can we sign the contract papers?

Anika nodded her head.

S- Let me read the clauses then-

1) This marriage contract will be of one year.

2) You, Ms. Anika will be My, Shivaay Singh Oberoi's legally wedded wife for one year.

3) Neither you nor I am allowed to keep any love relationship out of this marriage.

4) In Return of this marriage, your brother will be treated and you will get 2 crore rupees after this contract.

Anika interrupted him in between.

A- Look. I just want my brother to be treated. I don't want this money.

Shivaay looked at her shockingly.

S- But...

A- No please remove this money clause. I'm self dependent and I can earn my bread single handedly so no need to pity my status.

Shivaay unwillingly nodded his head.

S- Ok so next clause-

5) If, in this marriage, the grandmother of Shivaay Singh Oberoi is ill-treated or hurt then the contract will be cancelled that moment.

6) After the end of contract, none of my property will belong to you.

7) There will be no relationship between us personally.

8) We have to attend the public functions or events together and pretend like an ideal couple.

9) We will not interfere in each other's personal life or privacy.

10) Nobody except us should be aware of this contract.

That's it. Tell me if you want any changes in the contract or you want to add any terms.

Anika shook her head in negative.

A- I'm fine with it but please cancel that money clause. Then I'll sign the papers.

Shivaay nodded his head. Anika stood up. Shivaay called someone and told to start Sahil's treatment and transfer the money in hospital account.

A- Thank you.

Anika was about to leave when Shivaay nodded his head.

S- Anika...

A- Yes....

S- If you are free today, can we meet my dadi today evening?

Anika thought for sometime as she was nervous to meet his dadi but nevertheless she nodded her head.

A- Mr. Oberoi, umm.... I do... Don't know how to say this but....

S- Just say it, Anika.

A- Mr. Oberoi, can my brother live with us after marriage? I mean... After me, he has noone in this world.

S- Don't worry about that. He can live with us.

Anika smiled slightly.

A- Thank you.

Shivaay nodded his head and Anika left.

S(thinks) - Oh God! What's happening to me? Why do I forget that I'm SSO in front of her? Why did I show my soft side to her? Why did I felt pain in my heart when I saw her crying? The most important question- why did I only chose her to be my wife? Why do I care? Everything is getting so complicated.

Suddenly his phone started ringing. He picked up his phone from the table and threw it on the floor in frustration.

How was it? 😊😊

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