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Shivaay saw his bride descending the stairs along with Gauri. He thought that when he will see Anika as his bride, he'll feel a spark or something in his heart like always, but today he didn't feel anything, which is really weird.

He was seated quietly at the mandap. Gauri made Tia sit beside Shivaay while Tia was smirking.

When Tia sat beside Shivaay, a very uncomfortable feeling rose in his heart. He wasn't feeling good beside his bride, which has never happened to him before with Anika, even when they were strangers.

S(thinks) - Why am I feeling so weird? I've never felt like this before. It's like something is wrong. Oh God! What's happening with me? I think it's just the wedding nervousness.

He came out of his thoughts when he felt Tia clutching his hand. She started rubbing his palm with her thumb and he felt uncomfortable. He immediately took his hand back.

He looked at her but he can't see her face due to veil. He then noticed the mehendi on her hands, which was the lightest color of mehendi. He then looked for the engagement ring which Anika never takes off from her finger, it was missing. His eyes widened in shock.

S(thinks) - This is not Anika. Then who is she? Where is Anika? Is she fine?

He started feeling restless.

The pandit was chanting the mantras.

P- Now the groom and the bride stand up on their places and exchange the garlands.

Tia was the first one to stand up. Shivaay was still lost in his thoughts until Om patted his shoulder and asked him to stand up.

Shivaay stood up on his place and looking around the Hall to find something wrong but everything was clear except the bride herself.

Tia was the first one to put Garland in Shivaay's neck.

Here in the bedroom, Anika became conscious. But she was feeling too much pain in her head. She clutched her head tightly. Only one name slipped from her mouth before drifting into unconsciousness again.

A- Shivaay.

Here Shivaay felt that Anika is calling him. He felt uneasy. He immediately took off the garland from his neck and threw it in the fire in hurry. He ran towards Anika's room. All the family members were shocked to see his act. Tia was beyond shocked.

Om and Rudra ran behind him while the other family members followed him.

Shivaay entered Anika's room and started calling out her name.


Om came towards him and held his arm.

O- What's wrong with you Shivaay? Why did you ran from the marriage like this? And why are you shouting bhabhi's name? Bhabhi is waiting for you at the mandap.

S- Om, she's not my Anika. I know. She's not Anika.

O- What? What rubbish are you talking? Of course it's bhabhi.

S- No.

He started frantically searching her in the whole room and washroom by calling her name.

Suddenly he noticed a dupatta near the bed. He immediately went towards the bed and bend down on the floor. There He saw His Anika lying unconscious.

S- Anika.

OmRu also came towards him and saw Anika. He was too shocked to react.

O- Bhabhi.

Shivaay was about to take out Anika from below the bed when his palm came in contact with the nail in the bed and got cut.

Blood started flowing from his palm and some drops of his blood dropped in Anika's hairline.

All the family members including Tia (hiding her ugly face behind the veil and sweating profusely due to tension) came in the room and were shocked to see Anika, lying unconscious. They looked at Anika worriedly.

Shivaay immediately took out unconscious Anika from underneath the bed and picked her up in his arms. He immediately made her lye down on the bed and sat beside her head while caressing her head.

S- Anika! Anika! Wake up.

R- Bhaiya, I've called the doctor. He's on his way.

Shivaay nodded his head. He continues to caress Anika's head. After sometime, the doctor came.

He asked everyone to leave the room but Shivaay was stubborn not to leave Anika alone. Finally the doctor let him stay in the room.

Doctor checked Anika and gave her injection.

S- What happened, doctor? Is she fine?

D- Yes. She's fine. But someone has hit her hard on her head that's why she fainted.

Shivaay's eyes widened in shock.

S- What?

D- But don't worry, I've given her painkiller injection so she won't feel pain and there are no external injuries. I'm writing some medicines, give it to her.

Shivaay nodded his head and doctor left.

Here outside, whole family was waiting for the doctor to come out. Tia who was getting worried that she'll be exposed, decided to run away. She was about to sneak out when Rudra held her hand.

R- Where are you going, looteri dulhan? Now bhaiya will decide what has to be done with you.

Tia got scared and tried to free her hand from Rudra's hold but Rudra dragged her inside the room.

R- Bhaiya, she's the main culprit who hurt bhabhi and was trying to marry you.

Shivaay looked at her with blood shot eyes. Gauri came forward and removed Tia's veil and everyone was shocked to see Tia.

Shivaay came forward and slapped her tightly.

S- This is the first and the last time when I'm raising my hand on a woman but you know what you deserved it. I already told your father that if someone tries to harm Shivaay Singh Oberoi's family then they have to face the consequences and I don't care if its a man or woman. But you both stupid father and daughter, always try to hurt my family. Now you will face the consequences. But first tell me why did you do all this? Why did you hurt my wife? WHY?

Shivaay shouted at her. Tia tried to cup Shivaay's cheeks but he pushed her away and she stumbles back.

Ti-  Shivaay baby, I love you. I wanted to get married to you but you never paid heed to my love. Since college days, I was madly in love with you but you always told me that it's not love but obsession. Yes it is, you're my obsession and how can a bl**dy cheap girl can take you away from me. No I won't let this happen ever. Please get married to me. I'll keep you very happ....

Suddenly another slap landed on her face. She looked towards the one who slapped her and it was none other than Dadi.

D- How dare you to talk about my daughter in law like this? It's you who is cheap.

T- Daughter-in-law? Hahahahaha...... What daughter-in-law? Can't you see that Shivaay isn't married to Anika yet and your so called daughter-in-law is lying on the bed unconscious. Tch! Tch!

Tia said laughing evilly. Now it was Shivaay's turn to smirk.

S- Miss. Tia Kapoor, if you're not aware of this then let me tell you, Anika is already my wife. For your kind information, she is already Mrs. Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

Tia looked at Shivaay shockingly.

T- What?

S- Yes. Today in the morning, I and Anika got married in court, just to be on safe side. So our marriage is already registered and we're married.

T- No. No.. This can't happen. You're mine, Shivaay. Mine.

S- Shut up. Now the time has come to face the consequences of your stupidity. KHANNA! KHANNA!

Khanna entered the room with police officers.

S- Inspector sir! Arrest her and make sure that she doesn't get released from jail for at least 10 years.

The inspector nodded his head and the lady constables arrested Tia and took her away.

S- Khanna, in 12 hours, I want the Kapoor Industries to get bankrupt. I want them to be on road.

K- It will be done sir.

Khanna left from there.

O- We're sorry, Shivaay. We were about to make you marry with that witch but thank god you recognized that it's not bhabhi.

S- It's okay, Om.

R- By the way, bhaiya, how did you get to know that it's not bhabhi?

Rudra asked with a smirk and Shivaay's eyes widened.

S- Ummm... Wo... Act.... Actually I saw the color of her mehendi... Then... I noticed her missing engagement ring.

R- I didn't knew that my Bhaiya is Sherlock Holmes also. Good Job bhaiya. Today you saved your dignity from Lady baba.

Everyone burst into laughter. Suddenly they heard Anika's voice.

A(weakly) - Shivaay!

Shivaay immediately went towards her and sat beside her. All the family members stood near the bed.

S- Anika, are you fine?

Anika nodded her head. Suddenly Anika sat on the bed.

A- Shivaay....the bride.... It wasn't me.. Someone hit me on the head and I fainted. Shivaay... She is fake.

Anika started crying and Shivaay cupped her face.

S- Shhh! I know and I didn't got married to her. It was Tia.

Anika's eyes widened in shock.

A- Tia?

Shivaay nodded his head.

O- But don't worry bhabhi. She's in jail now.

A- Jail?

G- Yes bhabhi, your hubby sent her to jail for 10 years.

Anika's eyes almost popped out in shock.

A- What? But Shivaay....

S- It was her fault and she has to face the consequences and no ifs and no buts.

Anika pouted and Everyone chuckled.

D- Puttar, you rest and I'll send the guests back.

A- No. Why? Dadi, why are you sending guests back? Our marriage?

S- If you're forgetting then we're already married and its no big deal. Now you should rest.

A- No. I'll get married tonight. In this mandap only.

S- But you're not well. You should rest.

A- No ifs and no buts. I've decided, we'll get married tonight. Thats it. If you're not ready to marry, I'll catch hold of some handsome guest and get married to him but I'll get married tonight only with all the ritual.

S- Fhat the wuck! You can't marry someone else. We're married.

A- Then are you ready for getting married to me tonight?

Shivaay rolled his eyes and nodded his head. Anika smiled widely.

All the family members were enjoying their cute fight.

D- Okay. Gauri puttar, help Anika to get ready and bring her downstairs.

Gauri nodded her head and helped Anika to stand up from the bed. Rest of the family members went down stairs except Shivaay.

S- Gauri.

G- Yes bhaiya.

S- Be careful.

G- Don't worry bhaiya. I won't let anything happen to your lovely wife.

Shivaay left with a smile and Anika blushed on seeing his care.

Gauri took Anika to get her ready.

How was it? 😊😊

Finally Tia got exposed.🤯🤯

Shivika were already married. 😱😱

How was the twists? 😈😈

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