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Shivaay and Anika were sleeping peacefully in each other's arms. Sunrays fell on their face and they both stirred in sleep.

Shivaay was in half-asleep state when he felt some weight on his chest. His movement broke Anika's sleep.

They opened their eyes at the same time and looked at each other. They gave each other a sheepish smile. Suddenly Anika's hand touched on Shivaay's bare stomach and both of their eyes widened.

They immediately sat up on the bed and gave each other horrified looks. Anika looked at Shivaay's bare chest and shouted in embarrassment. Shivaay immediately covered himself with the blanked and Anika also clutched the blanket close to her chest.

S- Oh My God! What did we do? Do you remember anything?

Anika looked at him and shook her head in negative.

A- Even I don't remember anything.

S- Did we.... I mean... You know... ?

Shivaay asked her hesitantly. Anika just tucked her hair strand behind her ear.

A- Yeah.. I think so.

Shivaay turned to look at her with a guilty look.

S- Anika, I'm so sorry. We were really drunk and we didn't know what we were doing. I should have controlled while drinking. I'm so sorry.

A- It's alright Shivaay. We're husband and wife and it's normal. Are you regretting this?

Anika asked him hesitantly, scared of his answer. Shivaay looked at her immediately and saw her scared expression.

S- No.... No, I don't regret this. I just don't wanted to make you uncomfortable. I mean we have just started this relationship.

A- I understand. But it's normal. So. We're cool right?

S- Yeah. Everything's good and we're back to normal. So you go and get ready. I'll prepare breakfast. We have a flight to home in afternoon.

Shivaay said with a wide smile. Anika nodded her head with smile and wrapped herself in a blanket while leaving another blanket for Shivaay. She went to washroom to freshen up.

Shivaay also wore his clothes from previous night and went to kitchen to make breakfast.

Anika came out dressed up in a white dress and headed towards the dining room.

She saw Shivaay making breakfast shirtless and a blush covered on her cheeks.

A- Don't you think that you're taking too much liberty?

Shivaay looked at her in confusion.

A- Shirtless n all?

A smirk formed on Shivaay's lips after seeing her blushing and on the realisation.

S- Do you like what you see?

Shivaay asked her with a smirk and Anika looked other side to hide her blush from him.

S- Just joking. I'll go and freshen up. Can you please prepare coffee?

A- Yeah! I'll do that.

Anika said with a nod and Shivaay left from there to freshen up.

Anika was making coffee when an idea striked her mind. She smiled widely and started working on the coffee.

In no time, Shivaay joined Anika.

S- Okay. You take coffee to the table and I'll bring the breakfast.

Anika nodded and took the two cups to the table while Shivaay followed her with tray of breakfast.

Shivaay kept Anika's plate in front of her and Anika kept his coffee in front of him.

They both were surprised when they looked at each other's creations.

Anika's breakfast

Shivaay's coffee

Shivaay's breakfast

Anika's coffee.

S- Wow! You too?

A- You too.

They both chuckled and had their breakfast.

Then Anika and Shivaay both packed their luggage after finishing their breakfast.

They locked the house and drove towards their airport where Shivaay's private plane was waiting for them.

Shivaay and Anika settled down in their seats in the airplane.

S- Are you comfortable?

A- Yeah.

Anika nodded her head and they flight took off.

Shivaay noticed Anika's nervousness.

He held her hand and Anika looked at him.

S- Are you alright? You're looking nervous.

A- I'm fine. It's just that I'm wearing this dress and what if dadi didn't like it?

S- Chill Anika. Dadi is cool. In fact, I think she's the only one who packed all these dresses for you.

Anika's eyes widened in shock.

A- Really?

Shivaay nodded his head with a chuckle.

A- Wow!

They sat their in silence when Anika spoke.

A- Shivaay.

Shivaay looked at her.

S- Hmm.

A- I've to tell you something very important.

Shivaay frowned in confusion.

S- What happened?

A- Actually Dadi... She knew about our contract. She told me this during our engagement. I don't want to hide anything from you.

She looked at Shivaay who chuckled at her seriousness. Anika looked at him in confusion.

S- I already knew that.

Anika's eyes widened in shock.

A- What? How?

S- I know my dadi and trust me when I say that she's more curious than a cat.

Anika and Shivaay burst into laughter.

S- Now rest for a while. It's a long journey.

Anika nodded her head and they went to bedroom and drifted into sleep in each other's arms.

Hello everyone. 🤗🤗

Here you go with the next chapter. 😁😁

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Bye bye. 🙋🙋

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