I'm not dumb. This is just Stupid

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Trigger warning: Mentions of alcohol abuse and parental neglect

Birth name: Hunter Ryder Dillion

Name: Hunter Ryder Dillion

Reason for change: There was none

Pronunciation: Hun-ter



Nicknames: Ry, and some of his friends call him dill
His ex used to call him dill pickle and he sometimes misses the name

Age: 18

Birthdate: July 6th

Birthplace: Hillview, Kentucky

Current residence: Hillview, Kentucky

Zodiac sign: Cancer

Belief in astrology: He doesn't really believe in it, and he would listen to someone he likes talk about it, but he wouldn't understand or retain the information

Biological sex: Male

Gender/gender identity: Male

Pronouns: He/him or he/they, but he doesn't tell anyone that

Preferred pronouns: He/him

Sexual orientation: He says he is straight, but he is actually in the closet and extremely insecure about his real orientation which is Pansexual and panromantic

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Nationality: American

Main Language: English

Languages known: English


Personality: Hunter is a genuine man. He doesn't make fake friends or pretend to like those he doesn't, but this doesn't mean he is an asshole because he isn't. Hunter is kind-hearted and empathetic. He doesn't get emotional easily, but understands those that do.

Hunter is the person that will wait after class with someone because they're still working on their test, or give his jacket to a random person because it started raining and he didn't want them getting wet.

He isn't the smartest guy around, but he has the truest heart and the best intentions.

Sometimes he can say things that make him come off as rude or ignorant, but if someone calls him out on it, he is the first person to acknowledge and apologize for his wrongdoings.

Hunter is big on teams and relying on other people when you have to, although he himself struggles with it in practice and tries to do everything himself.

Hunter gets a bit insecure when he does anything that has to do with academia. He has always struggled with it and for a while he got made fun of, so he focused all of his energy on sports, something he was good at, and just gave up on academics.

Hunter is your old school gentleman. He holds doors open for people, says "yes sir/ma'am" and "no sir/ma'am", he carries bags if he goes shopping with someone, especially if it's a girl or just a feminine person. He is extremely protective and will put his scholarships on the line to make sure a woman isn't being harassed.

IQ: 91

Intelligence: 10/20

Book smarts: 6/20

Street smarts: 14/20

Common sense: 13/20

Reflexes: 20/20

Speed: 18/20

Flexibility: 14/20

Endurance: 19.5/20

Hand-eye coordination: 19/20

Upper body strength: 18/20

Lower body strength: 18/20

General strength: 19/20

Dominance: 18/20

Submissiveness: 3/20


~Ice skating
~Blow drying his hair
~Spicy foods
~Horseback Riding
~Learning new things
~The Beach


~Doing the laundry
~Big cities
~The color Yellow
~Rocky Road Ice cream

Habits: He goes to his childhood park when he is really upset.

Hobbies: Hunter's hobbies all consist of some kind of sport. He does Ice Hockey and Baseball competitively, but he does a ton of others just as a hobby. He also likes to work on cars sometimes

Occupation: Student, and he works part-time at Dick's Sporting Goods

Secrets: He has not told anyone, including his closest friends and younger siblings that he has Dyslexia

Talents: He can walk on his hands and just kind of naturally knows how to do a backflip

Children: None, but he has always wanted some

Parents: Father- Johnathan Austin Dillion; 35, Alive, lives in Hillview, Kentucky

Mother- Loretta Daisy Dillion; 35, Deceased

Siblings: Younger sister- Daisy Faye Dillion; 9, Alive, lives in Hillview, Kentucky

Younger brother- Dixon Ford Dillion; 9, Alive, lives in Hillview, Kentucky

Younger brother- Colton Oliver Dillion; 7 months

Other Relatives: All of his grandparents are dead, but he has 14 aunts and uncles in between his mom and dad

8 maternal uncles- Frank Austin, Curtis Austin, Blake Austin, Raymond Austin, Jackson Austin, Landon Austin, Tobias Austin, and Dallas Austin

2 maternal aunts- Maryanne Cooper and Francis Hunt

1 fraternal uncle- Jefferson Tyler Dillion

3 fraternal aunts- Jane Taylor Samson, Jean Tiffany Hunson, and Jane Teresa Jordan

Best friends: He has a couple of guys in the hockey team that he has been friends with for as long as he can remember. They're all really chill and he sometimes doesn't know what he'd do without them;

Damion Flyer, Paxton Deter, and Caleb Crayton

Other: He has a black 2003 Toyota Tacoma that he works on sometimes



Voice Claim: Leo Howard, but with a thick southern accent

Skin tone: Somewhere in between limestone and beige

Natural Hair color: Brown

Hair color: Brown

Facial hair: The most he'll get us some stubble, but he keeps it clean shaven mostly

Body hair: He has a bare chest and his arms aren't very hairy either, but his legs and armpits are a bit of a jungle, he does trim his armpit hair, but his leg hair just grows and grows. He also has a small happy trail from his belly button

Eye color: Grey

Vision: 20/20; perfect

What's done: Nothing

Hearing: It's not the best, but it isn't all that bad

What's done: He typically just asks for the volume to be turned up, or for people to speak a bit louder/repeat themselves

Lip color: Pale peach or bubbly gun pink if he's been licking them

Height: 6'3

Weight: 169.35lbs

Body type: He's tall and lean

Age appearance: About 22ish

Scars: He has a couple from getting beat during practice and stuff, but the only major one is from when he got his appendix removed when he was a freshman in high school

Tattoos: None, but wants some

Defining features: Not really

Special markings: He has some beauty marks/freckles on his face, but only a couple

Piercings: None


Blood type: O negative

Other: His style is, in reality, jeans that fit his legs and either sweaters or tshirts


Mental health: Not exactly the greatest, he has some unresolved issues and no plans to deal with it; 9/20

Mental disorders: Anxiety, Dyslexia, and Anorexia Nervosa

Mental treatments: None, his family doesn't believe in medicine or accommodations

Physical health: Great, he works out religiously and participates in a number of sports; 19/20

Physical disorders: None

Physical treatments: None

Physical activity: Way above average, he spends, on the low side, 90 hours a week of physical activity

Emotional health: Not the greatest, he isn't the best with his own emotions and considering everything going on with his health, it is hard to be emotionally stable; 6/20

Emotional disorders: Depression and anxiety

Emotional treatments: None, his family doesn't believe in accommodations

Other: He deals with imposter syndrome in his daily life and sometimes it can affect him just as bad, and even worse than his anxiety and depression


Backstory: Hunter is the oldest of four children, twin 9 year-olds and a little 7-month old baby boy.

He grew up pretty normal, his family was a traditional southern family, going to church every Wednesday after school and every Sunday morning. He'd go out and ride horses and ATVs with his dad and some of his friends when they hung out.

He grew up in an authoritarian household in which he was popped in the mouth for talking back, given a bar of soap to suck on, or some liquid soap to swish around when he said bad words, and spanked, no matter where he was, if he misbehaved or broke the rules.

Hunter was raised with the idea that men loves women and they took care of them, while the women that were taken care of took care of the household. It was almost like a man showed his love for a woman by taking care of her, and then she showed her love to the man by taking care of his house and children.

Hunter, to an extent, still believes this. But he also knows that's woman can get a job if she wants, and while he still thinks she should have children, he knows that some don't want that and he does his best to respect that.

7 months ago, when his baby brother was born, his mother died. She had complications and lost a lot of blood and ever since his dad drank until he couldn't anymore.

His father would go to work and then come home and then drink. Hunter would have to take his sibling out of the house in order to keep them from getting on the receiving end of his grief.

He is now a senior in highschool and has scholarships to schools all around the country to play hockey for them, although his grades aren't the greatest and he has been told that if he doesn't get them up soon, he'll have the scholarships all revoked.

Social-Class: Lower-middle class

Powers: None

Religion: He was raised Christian and is currently going through a bit of a religious quarrel within himself

Strengths: He is very protective and observant of the things going on around him.

Weaknesses: He was raised to think men shouldn't have weaknesses or cry and it is his biggest downfall

Dreams: He wants to become a professional NHL player and support his siblings to give them opportunities he struggled to have, as well as have a family of his own in the future.

Fears: His dad hurting one of his siblings

Phobias: Gaining weight

Best memory: When he got his first goal on a junior hockey team he joined

Worst memory: His mom dying

Wants in a relationship: Hunter, in reality, doesn't want what he thinks he wants.

What he was raised to want and what he actually wants are two different things.

What he was raised to want is a loyal woman. He wants her to be passionate about raising their family together and loving them unconditionally. He wants someone that will get all of his things ready for him at the beginning of the day and then great him when he gets back and make sure he has what he needs. Someone that loves to be spoiled and understands that when he does things, it's for the good of their family.

In reality, Hunter wants an equal. He wants someone that is willing to pick up the slack when he is having a bad day, and he wants someone that will trust him to pick up the slack when they are having a bad day. Hunter wants someone that helps him grow as a person, and will grow with him at the same time.

He wants someone that is good at communication and has patience.

Type of partner: Hunter, at first, can be pretty traditional. The values that he grew up with make him feel responsible for his partner, which will almost definitely be a woman. He gets overprotective and worried which causes him to give unsolicited advice and sometimes he can get a little out of line by saying misogynistic things, but he is constantly working on it and apologizes when he is called out, or realizes he is doing it.

One thing they couldn't live without: His first Hockey stick, which his mom bought him after they saw a game for his 4th birthday.


Position: Dominant top, but can be a submissive bottom with the right person.

Love language: He is still trying to find that out, he likes to give his love through acts of service, but he doesn't know how he likes to receive it the most.

Turn ons:

~Squeezing: I.e. hips, thighs, butt, etc
~Hearing his partner moan
~His name being called
~Having fun; it being playful, with laughter
~Booty shorts
~Praising his partner

Turn offs:

~Too rough
~Too much degrading
~Fetring dirty
~Anyine that isn't his partner
~Usually when he is bottom
~Bodily fluids
~Bondage, most of the time

Kinks: None

Dominance: 17/20

Submissiveness: 8/20

Endurance: 20/20

Giving/Receiving: Giving

Drive: 14/20

Praising/Degrading: Praising

Safe word: Firewood

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