Chapter 0, Part one (Prologue)

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Chapter 0, (Prologue)
My name is Corey. I am a Prototype Spartan II who went M.I.A on Reach. At least that's what everyone says, the truth is, I was Killed In Action, but..... Well, it's complicated. I'll try to simplify it for you, basically, my other half of me, my evil side, left me for dead after it broke free from me. It looks like me, but trust me, it's Relentless, Ruthless, Bloodthirsty, and many other things. But what it didn't realise, I still had a physical form, but my real body was killed, and somehow, I still have a physical form, just not my original, and I've got transported to Remnant..... But, the reason I'm a Prototype..... I'll explain later..... Right now, I need to get to class, I'll also explain why I even have classes, kinda odd how it even happened.

I set the pencil down and scooted away from the desk in a chair, stretching, I started to take off my undersuit and got in the shower, after my shower I heard a knock at the door

Corey: Hold on!

The knocks continued

Corey: Son of a.....

I began to hurriedly put on some underwear and black jeans, sprinting to the door, just in time to open it to be punch in the face

Corey: Oof!

I got knocked onto my ass

Yang: Sorry Corey!

Corey: Yang....? It's fine..... What are you doin' here....?

I got up onto my feet putting a black T-shirt on

Yang: Uh..... I forgot..... I think-

Ruby: Hello!

Corey: Ah! Where the hell did you come from?!

I jumped back, startled

Ruby: Around the corner.

She said with a cute smile

Corey: Fair enough..... Anyone else with y'all before I get jump scared again?

Yang: Blake and Weiss.

I poked around the corner, seeing them both wave at me, I waved back

Corey: I still gotta get dressed in my uniform, could y'all wait?

Yang: You're gonna make us ladies stay out here?

Corey: ..... No....? Just, don't mess with anything, I'll be right back.

I let them in my Dorm, as I went back to the bathroom to get into my uniform

-Ruby's POV-

Me and WBY looked around Corey's room, he had quite a collection of all kinds of stuff, from Dog Tags, empty bullet casings, to weapons and armor, I picked up his favorite Rifle and inspected

Ruby: This is a neat weapon..... Wonder how it works?

Weiss: Put that down, you'll get in trouble!

Weiss said in a whisper

Ruby: No I won't, we're good friends with Corey, remember?

Blake: I dunno, Corey seemed a bit serious about not touching anything.....

Ruby: Relax, I'm sure he won't mind. Its only a-


I accidentally pulled the trigger, shooting the door into the bathroom


Ruby: .....

I put the Rifle in Weiss's hands, we were all shocked she didn't even notice

-Corey's POV-



A round from my Rifle narrowly missed my unprotected leg, I then barged out of the bathroom undressed, only in underwear


Weiss: I DIDN'T DO IT! I-It was Ruby!

The girls began to blush except Yang

Corey: You're holdin' my Rifle.....

Weiss: O-oh no.....

Ruby: S-sorry.....

Corey: Look, the four of you sir down, ok?

They sat down on my bed, I walked over and hugged them lightly, they hugged back nervously except Yang, who smirked

Corey: I forgive y'all, but that's just the reason why I said don't touch anything.

Ruby: S-sorry Corey.....

Corey: Ruby, it's OK, just don't do it again, ok?

Ruby nodded

Corey: I gotta finish gettin' dressed, I'll be out soon.

(That does it fro Part one of the Prologue, hope you enjoyed.)

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