Chapter 13-The Lost Miraculous

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"Marinette!" Nooroo said peaking out of my purse. "May I have my sugar water please?" Nooroo, being butterfly like, like sugar water. I always keep some with me either in my backpack or purse. It is very comforting to have a kawmi with me again. I still miss Tikki a lot but Nooroo has helped me a lot. He actually surprised me with how caring he is.

"Of course, take some from my purse. Just don't drink it all." I said. We were walking into class. Another boring day of school passed by. On the way home, I spotted a shiny object in a alleyway. I felt drawn to it, like it was calling for me. It had a whitish glow to it. It was a pin. A very shiny pin. It had an intricate design of a butterfly. "Nooroo? What is this?"

"I have heard of that pin before! I don't know much about it so we need to talk to either Plagg or Tikki go get more information. We can talk Plagg because Chat comes over a lot." Since the I was fully healed, I told Chat that he doesn't have to come see me everyday. Since he is Chat, he came everyday regardless so I get to see him later today. I put the pin in my purse with Nooroo and ran as fast as I could home. Even though I am not Ladybug, I still want to stay in great shape. Especially since Tikki told me something big is coming.

Once I got to the bakery, I grabbed a bag of sugar. I ran some lukewarm water and boiled in on the stove so that the sugar would melt much faster. Once I was done stirring in be sugar, I grabbed a small container and poured the concoction into it. I put the leftover into a larger container for later. I put that container in the fridge and went upstairs. To my convenience, my black kitty was already comfortably on my bed.
"Hi, princess. How was your day?"

"It was long and boring." I replied with a sigh.

"Why don't we spice your day up then?" Chat gave me the most cheesiest smirk I have ever seen.

"Oh no! No no no no no!" I said waving my hands at him.

"Princess. Your so cute when you are nervous." He moved hypnotically around me.

"Kitty....fine. Only a little, ok? We need to talk." I said pulling him closer.

"Yay! We can talk after."

"First, Nooroo. Please move to the closet. Can you help me pick out more cloths for the designs I showed you?" I asked politely.

"Of course! I would be happy to."


"Now...where were we?" Chat asked as he sucked my shoulder lightly.

"Chat...." I moaned. He rubbed my waist and kissed me softly. He gave me little butterfly kisses on my eyelids. The tingling feeling was left there even as his warm lips left.

"Mhm. Princess how did you become such a good kisser?" He moaned into my ear.

"I had an amazing teacher of course," I said softly back.

"MARINETTE?!" My mama yelled.

"Yes mama?" I yelled back.

"Who are you talking to?" She opened the hatchet. Thankfully, we were separated. "Oh! So Chat is over? Chat, deary, would you like to stay for dinner?"

"Of course, Sabine. Do you have some cheese? My kawmi needs it so if you leave it on the step that would be perfect." I requested her.

"Of course." She tiptoed down the stairs retrieving whatever cheese we have.

"Ok, Kitty. Now it's time to talk ok?" I said petting him.

"Oh but I was just getting started," he complained.

"But this is important. See look at this." I pulled out the white pin. "That's amazing! Where did you find it?"

"I found it in an alley by school. Actually, I think it is the alley I was akumatized in." I held up the pin admiring it from all angles. "Nooroo! Come here please." In the blink of an eye the purple kawmi was right in front of me. "Are you sure you don't know anything about this?"

"No, I'm sorry." He said.

"It's ok. Don't be sad." I looked at Chat. "We need you to detransformed because we need to talk to Plagg your kawmi. Don't take this the wrong way but I still want you to be a mystery ok? So can you go to my bathroom and listen from there. Ok? I love you Chaton."

"Ok." I heard the rush of wind when he detransformed. Plagg came up to me.

"Your a cute black cat, Plagg. My mama is coming with your cheese in a little bit ok?" I nuzzled him.

"Why doesn't Chat treat me like this?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Does Chat neglect you? I will be sure to have talk with him later." I said giggling.

"I can hear you, Mari!" I just laughed at him.

"Anyway, Plagg. Do you recognize this?" I held up the pin.

"Yes! It's the lost miraculous! It counters Hawkmoth! The people who do find this, most fail at successfully wielding its power. Legend has it that, when you master the power you can produce whitish pink butterflies. When they enter someone's possessions, they can't ever be akumatized! It is like a guardian. Most people fail and wielding this power and a few have even perished. This pin hasn't showed up for over 1,000 years! You're very special! The miraculous chose you! No wonder you couldn't be Ladybug anymore." Plagg was overcome with joy. I think he was communicating the message to Tikki.

"If anyone can do it, it's you, Mari." Chat said.

"Thank you. I can!"

"Marinette!" Mama called. "I have the cheese ready!"

I opened the trap door to get the tray of cheeses. "Here Plagg, eat up! Have as much as you want."

"Chat never pampers me this much...thank you Mari! I can see why Chat loves you." I blushed at the comment.

A/N: hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Pain's gift. Obviously Marinette has a lot ahead of her. I had a bit of writer's block this chapter but I recovered quite nicely. Thanks for reading!
Remember live, love, and learn!
Signing off, ~Epic

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