Chapter 20- Doubt

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Marinette's POV

"Huh? Where am I? Ouch, my head." I rubbed my temples gently in an attempt to sooth my pain. I looked around, and I believe I was in my room. How did I get here? All I remember was that I was training with Clara. I stood up feeling a little dizzy. There was a note on my night stand that read:

Dear princess,
           I had to bring you home last time. You have seemed to hit your was pretty hard after you fainted from training with Clara. Take a good rest! Please skip school today, okay? I don't want you being more injured. Here is some Advil for your headache. I will drop by after my photoshoot.
Love, Kitty

I smiled at the notes and gladly took the Advil to help me. I guess I can't go to school today since Chat is dropping by later. Thankfully my parents left to visit old friends of theirs earlier this morning. I nudged Clara. "Good morning sleepy head."

She looked like she was going to blow up with happiness. "Oh Marinette! I'm so sorry. This didn't need to happen. Please forgive me. I'm so glad you're ok!" She hugged my face tight. I started giggling at the feeling.

"I'm okay. I'm okay. Let's go down and eat breakfast. Wake up, Nooroo, please." She nodded. I walked down the stairs clutching the railing not wanting to fall. I felt very physically unstable. I grabbed a box of kelloggs extra chocolat noir et de noisettes. Most French cereals have chocolate in them. I didn't mind chocolate is my favorite candy. As I ate I started thinking. Is fainting normal for Clara? Plagg said that some people even died. What if I can't do this. Most people have never grasped this power. What if I die doing this? What thoughts were suddenly drowned out from blood hurtling screams. Out of instinct, I immediately said, "Wing up!" I transformed. "Both of you are staying here, okay?" I flew out the window making sure no one saw me. I made my way toward the noise. My flying wasn't straight. I kept moving from side to side or randomly gaining or losing altitude. I didn't feel that great either but the city of Paris was relying on me. I started falling. I didn't have anymore strength to fly. Tears flowed from my eyes. Why can't I do anything right? My vision was blurring from my tears. Right as I was about to hit the concrete, someone caught me. I looked up to see my knight in shining armor. "" I choked out.

"Why were you out! I told you to stay home!" He said angrily.

I stayed silent. The tears that were spilling from my eyes came faster. My breathing was anything but steady. I tried to wipe the tears away but that didn't help anything.

"Oh princess. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I'm just worried about you. Ladybug and I can take care of this." I got furious. Ladybug and him. It was always him and I. I was Ladybug! When I was Ladybug, I was perfect. I loved being Claire but being Claire, I was disappointing.

I pushed away from Chat and tried to fly straight up. I tightened my back muscles and hard as I could. I wanted to escape. I couldn't do it. It didn't work. I was so drained. I dropped the ground and cried. My hair was hiding my face. I put my hands into my face, weeping into them. I felt arms wrap around me. I cried on Chat's shoulder. He picked me up and brought me home. I couldn't stop the tears no matter how hard I tried. My cheeks were stinging from the salt in my tears. He put me in bed. I was still transformed. He said,"Princess, tell me what's wrong. I can't bear to see you like this." Clara and Nooroo were worried sick but they kept there distance.

"Am I a...a dissapointment?" I asked timidly.

"Why would you ask that? You're the finest lady to walk planet earth. You remind me a lot of my mother." He stared into the distance. "Why did you come out of the house?"

"I heard a scream. I had to help. Paris needs me, too! Not just you and Ladybug!" I outbursted. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say is like that."

"Is that it? Are you still worried that I will love Ladybug and not you? Are you jealous of her?"

"I am jealous because she is perfect. When I was her, I didn't mess up at all! Everyone can rely on me. See me as a model figure. I love being Claire, but I mess up a lot. I couldn't even fly right today. I'm not good enough!" I almost screamed.

"You fainted yesterday. You hit your head pretty hard I think. Of course you didn't perform as well today as you normally would. It drains your energy that's why you couldn't fly. You need to rest. I stay here with you, I promise."

"What about Ladybug? She needs your help."

"She messaged me saying she took care of it. Now move over! I wanna cuddle now." I made took for him in the bed so he could lay down. I faced him, and he placed a warm kiss in my forehead. I snuggled into his chest wanting to feel the warmth of his body. I felt myself drifting to sleep. My tears were finally gone, and I slept peacefully.
(Important a/n below. Update on chapter uploading.
A/N: Slightly shorter than the usual. My grandparents are over so this next week I can't promise everyday chapters but I will try hard. I NEED MORE QUESTIONS FOR THE Q AND A!!! I DONT CARE IF HOU ASK LIKE 4 QUESTIONS! If I don't get enough I might just put it off till 30 chapters. Just keep commenting questions. Thanks guys! I want to at least get 10 of them. I have one so far. Don't hold back! It can be about whatever you want. I hope you enjoyed this emotional chapter!
Remember live, love, learn!!!
Signing off, ~Epic

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