Chapter 29

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A few weeks after we came home, I was sick to my stomach. I could barely focus in school, and I couldn't bake without wanting to throw up. Adrien was always there for me thankfully. He was by my side the whole time. We bought an apartment together. It was small but nice. Mr. Agreste paid Adrien when he did modeling and paid me for designing and sewing clothes. My outfits were on the market ranging from little kids to full grown adults. In this state, I mostly worked from home. I had a friend drop off notes and homework for me. I was very grateful for her. I missed Alya. I didn't see her everyday now. She went to college outside of Paris. We talked every now and then.

I was designing my clothes and accidentally poked myself with my needle. The sight of the red liquid made me nauseous. I rushed to the washroom and hovered above the toilet. I felt acid climbing up my throat and out my mouth. I couldn't breath and the terrible smell made me vomit even more. Once I was done, I quickly bandaged my finger to prevent myself from gagging again. I went to lie in bed and rest a while. I couldn't help but be sucked into the dreaming world.

Two hours later

I woke up to the light shaking of my blonde husband. "Good morning," I said yawning. He chuckled a little while I looked at his confused.

"Oh Marinette. It's about 8 at night. I just got back from work, and I come to home to my lovely wife who is passed out on the bed." He smirked at me, the Chat smirk. I lightly pushed him making him laugh harder. "Well, you also may have slept through an entire akuma attack." He was already wincing, and I haven't even said anything yet.

"Did I really? Oh no. I'm so sorry. It's just that I accidentally pricked myself this afternoon. I threw up for a while and felt so drained so I guess in just fell asleep." I rambled. I felt incredibly guilty for not full filling my role as one of Paris's heros.

"Let's make dinner. Besides it has been a while since the chef has walked into his territory." He puffed out his chest. I giggled softly.

"Thanks kitty." I said hugging him. "I love you." He hugged back with a bright smile on his face. He held out his hand to assist me off the bed. The scene made me feel like a Disney princess. Adrien really was my prince. I grabbed onto his hand smiling. We walked to the kitchen hand in hand.

We decided since it was late, that pizza was the bet option. I pulled out the dough and pepperonis while Adrien retrieved the sauce and cheese. I made the dough earlier this week so it was pretty fresh. I sprinkled the counter with flour them rolled the dough out into a circular figure. I put the dough on to a baking sheet. Adrien poured the tomato sauce onto the dough. The smell of the tomatoes made me hurl. I ran to the toilet and puked out what felt like pure acid. My throat was burning. Adrien came to assist me tubing my back, giving me moral support. Once I was sure that was over with that, I brushed my teeth and gurgled mouth wash attempting to rid my mouth from the smell and taste of vomit.

"Hey you okay? You have been throwing up for a while now. Should we go to the doctor?" He said touching my shoulder.

Although I didn't want to admit it but this was going on for a while now. I nodded saying, "Let's go in the morning. I think I will just have some cereal tonight. Make the pizza since we already put the dough out." The blond nodded in understanding.

We went straight to bed after we ate and cleaned up. He spooned me comforting me. He put his hands on my chest in which I was normally okay with, but my breasts felt usually sensitive so I moved his hands down to my stomach. I slept peacefully.

When we woke up, we went to the doctors. They had done a few tests on me and asking us questions. I asked Adrien to step out when they told me the results. I think I knew what it was, but I wanted to tell Adrien myself.

"Well, Mrs. Agreste. According to your feedback and our tests, we have determined that you are pregnant. 3 weeks to be exact." I knew it! I was exploding in excitement. "You will have to come in every 10 week mile mark for ultrasounds and checkups." I nodded in full agreement. I almost jumped off the checkup bed. I ran towards Adrien and huge him tightly crying.

"So what's up? Please tell me nothing bad." I shook my head furiously.

"Oh kitty! We are going to be parents!" I broke the news to him. He covered his mouth with his hand. He hugged me again shedding a few tears himself.

"Oh my gosh! I'm going to have a little chaton or ladybug." He whispered in my ear. "I missed being a parent." Bella was amazing and if we have a kid that is exactly like her I would be so happy.

Now to tell our parents. We transformed and made our way towards the bakery. We walked in as civilians. We told them, and they were so happy for us. Thy had tears in their yes and were jumping for joy. When we told Gabriel, he howled more emotion than I have ever seen before. He hugged both of us saying that Mrs. Agreste would be so proud and happy.

We were honestly so happy that we decided to tell all of Paris as Chat Noir and Claire. We called up a news crew and met at the Eiffel tower. Ladybug even attended! A huge crowd was there. I saw our whole secondary class even Chloe. I saw Alya in the distance. She must have drove all the way here for the announcement. The news reporters came straight at us basically shoving microphones into our faces.

"So what's the big news? Never before have the superheroes of Paris asked for an interview."

Chat and I looked at each other smiling. We both said in unison,"We are pregnant." I heard the largest scream from all of Paris. Everyone went crazy!

"Well folks, you heard it right here straight from the heroes themselves that Claire is with child. Exciting news for all of Paris." I decided to fly above the crowd and wave to everyone. Today was easily the second best day of my life.

Thanks for all the reads everyone! I love you all! Don't forget your amewzing! I apologize for the lack of updates!
Remember live, love, and learn!!!
Signing off, ~Epic

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