Chapter One- The Change

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"Chat noir! Get out of the way!" I screamed. Chat was just standing aimlessly in the middle of the street. "Stupid, stupid cat," I murmured. I ran as fast I could to push him put of the way of the on coming car. "CHAT!!!" I pushed him out of the way, and the headlights of the car blinded me. I heard the screeching noise of the brakes, but it was already too late. I then realized that I wasn't ladybug. I felt so much excruciating pain. My world was turning black. But not before I heard Chat cry.
"PRINCESS!" I blacked out.

Marinette's body was in my arms as I carried her to the closest hospital. It should have been me. It should have been me. I thought. Why the heck was I standing there. I should have moved. Now because I didn't my precious Marinette got hit instead. Tears fell down my cheek as I jumped from roof to roof using my baton to help me on the way.

When I got to the hospital, nurses surrounded me and took Marinette to a hospital room. "Beep, beep." My miraculous warned me that I only had four more minutes as Chat Noir. I hid inside of the hospital's bushes and transformed back into Adrian. Plagg popped out of my ring and automatically begged for his favorite cheese, Camembert. I gave him some that I hid in my jacket. As he was munching on his cheese he started to speak up.

"What were you thinking?!"

"Honestly, Plagg, I don't know. All I know is that I am a fool and now Marinette is badly hurt because of me." My head hung low. I opened my white jacket for Plagg to hide in. I walked out from were I was hiding and headed home.

I opened the door to my house and right away my dad's assistant, Nathalie,  told me to see my father. I walked up to his office which was at the left wing of our house. I knocked lightly on the door then entered. "Yes father?" I asked. "What do you need?"

"Adrien, what were you doing today? You had a photo shoot two hours ago, and you didn't show up," he said looking out the window.

"I'm sorry father. It completely slipped my mind. See my classmate, Marinette got hit by a car so I went to go..."

"Since when do you have responsibility of this girl?" he said cutting me off.

" I don't, but I thought that..."

He cut me off again saying,"Then don't. Go to your room and stay there until dinner."

"Yes father." I left his office with a sour taste in my mouth. I flopped on to my bed and sighed. "How can he even say that Plagg? He is so cold hearted."

"Sorry Adrian but I don't know." Plagg replied sadly.

"I'm going to visit Marinette right now. Plagg claws out." I jumped out the window and ran to see her. "What room is Marinette Dupain-Cheng in?"

"Room 204 on the third floor sir," the front desk lady told me.

"Thank you miss!" I yelled while I ran to the elevator. It felt like it took three years to get to her room when it really only took five minutes. It has been approximately 2 hours since I brought the blue-belled girl to the hospital. She was now hooked up to a bunch of machines. She was out of her bloody scarred clothes and was changed into a hospital gown. She was badly bruised and bandaged too. Her parents were actually in the two chairs placed next to her bed. "How bad is the damaged?" I asked while my voice slightly cracked.

" First of all Chat Noir, we are greatful that you brought our daughter to the hospital right away." Mrs. Dupain-Cheng said. I don't think they actually know what happened but I didn't comment on it regardless. "Marinette has multiple concussions, as you can see many deep bruises, and is in a coma." I was very surprised on how calm they were about this situation. "She broke a lot of her bones including her spine and her leg." It was then that she broke down. Her sobbing filled the room, and I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I pulled up another chair and sat next to Marinette. I whispered to her just so her parents couldn't hear me. "I'm so sorry princess. This shouldn't have happened to you. It should have been me. I promise to be at your side as much as I can when you awake. I promise. I have to go now but I will be back soon ok? Goodbye princess."

"I apologize for this happening. This shouldn't have happened. I have to leave now though. Again, I am sincerely sorry about this situation." I bowed to them and took my leave.

A/N- Hi everyone! Thanks for reading! I don't know how often I am going to update these stories but I hope you enjoy them anyway. If there are any typos, please don't be afraid to tell me. See you guys next time! Remember to love, live, and learn. Bye everyone.

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