Chapter 7

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Back to Jen's P.O.V. of that night (Chapter 5)

'Who was that?' 

          I was already scared out of my mind from what I had just seen outside of my window. Or, what I thought I had just seen. 

          I looked around my room, which didn't help in the slightest. It was dark and for some reason, it had gotten really cold. 

          The voice which had just spoken to me was a little deep, but still had that touch of femininity that convinced me that it was a girl speaking. I lifted the covers over my head and closed my eyes. I ran my hand along my opposite arm and felt the goosebumps . I realized I was shaking. 

          I didn't want to think about David or what happened tonight at all. It scared me too much and I already felt like someone was in my room and watching me while I was under the covers. I shook my head. 'I need to sleep. I need to fall asleep now'.

          I was lying on my back with my head facing my ceiling. My eyes were closed as tightly as I could close them and the covers covered my entire body. I started to relax myself and felt my arms loosen at my sides. Then I felt a really light weight on my head. It felt like someone was slowly dropping a pillow on my face. Slowly I opened my eyes.

          It was dark in my room, but I was still able to see a face staring at me, right above mine, and under the covers with me. Her nose almost touched mine. She was smiling. I froze as I realized that she was the girl from outside. The girl that was going to kill David. 

          Her pupils rolled back into her head leaving they shiny white part of her eyes glaring at me. Then from the inside of the center came a black liquid that engulfed her entire eye. My heart was beating so quickly, I feared that it would burst out of my chest. I kicked upward as an attempt to escape her, but my foot hit the covers. The face stayed right where it was as I realized that there was no body to accompany it. 

          I screamed, threw off the covers, and ran towards my door. I heard villainous laughing as I made it out of the room and shut the door behind me. I almost tripped over something lying in front of the staircase as I raced down it, only to find my mother running frantically towards me. 

          "What has gotten into you Jen?" She yelled while grabbing my face between her palms. I took one look at her face and began to break down into tears. She helped me to the couch.

          After I caught my breath, I told her everything. I told her about meeting David, I told her about how weird he acted and about what actually happened outside of the window earlier that night. She sat there with an expressionless face until I was done. 

          "So, that's it", I said as the last of my tears slid down my face.

          She released a large breath. 

          "I'm sorry Jen that this has been happening to you. And me being drunk all the time didn't help at all".

          I felt a little relieved. She believed me. I didn't think she would. A grateful smile crept onto my face. 

          "Wait", she said. Then she began to laugh. "I can't believe I actually kept a straight face while saying this".

          "Did you actually think that you'd get her to believe you?" 

          The smile fell from my face immediately and to my misfortune, I realized that was the only part of my body that I could move.

          She kept laughing. "An alcoholic mother.  An asshole for a father". Her eyes slowly turned black as the white drained from her eyes. She smiled a wide toothed grin that contorted her face in such a way that she no longer was my mother. Instead, she was the exact same face that I had run from. "I'm gonna have a lot of fun with you".

          She wrapped her hands around my throat and lifted me from the couch. I couldn't breathe. My eyesight became spotted as I struggled to retrieve some air. My body hung frozen from her grasp.

          I woke up gasping for air. It was the morning and light spilled into the room from in between the parted curtains. My arms immediately reached for my neck. It wasn't sore. I ran to the mirror and checked for any hand prints or bruises but couldn't find any. There was no pain. But it all felt real. Too real too be a normal dream.

          I ran my hands along my face. My black curly hair was sticking up in all places while the majority was tied up in a loose and messy ponytail. I stared at my dark face and brown eyes in the mirror until I had convinced myself that everything was going to be alright. 

>Soooooo, that just happened. Thanks for reading!<

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