107. At Least

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"When he told me you are in coma, I thought you were dying." Jennie looking out pass through the glass window of the café that they currently are, watching a man companying a little girl eating their lunch outside the mc Donald across the road. "I should've known he is over act anything about you."

Lisa who was sitting across her table sighing, fidgeting with the hem of the napkin on the table.

"Were you expecting to see her die now?" said the woman beside Jennie in a mockery tone. "Heard you've moved on. I guess you are not. Still after Jeon Jungkook, don't you?" She sips on her strawberry smoothie when Jennie intentionally snatching the straw make the liquid splash over her broken white dress. "Shhh..." Jennie only smile cunningly and gently put the straw on the table.

"Be grateful I only ruin your dress, not your life." Said Jennie still smiling as Lisa touch her hand pleading her to stop. "Heard you stick yourself on Hoseok? Never know you are that shameless to take any opportunities to stay around Jungkook."

"I am not. I am serious with him." Jung Eunha, the girl who was cornered by Jennie she the red as she rise her tone. But Jennie isn't Lisa, she is merciless and heartless.

"Then why bother to stick your nose on Jungkook and Lisa's relationship?" eyes still glued on the straw, voice as calm as the wind outside even though Eunha already on her edge. "Know the limit, Jung Eunha ssi!" she said with finality. "If this situation happens again in the future, I might not hold on myself anymore." Eunha was on the edge of crying if it's not for Jisoo who break the atmosphere.

"If you two continued to make scene, I might not hold on myself too." She is emotionless, but everyone stays quiet right away. "Good. Now, what's the next plan Lisa?" Lisa, who was suddenly got the question flustered and look so lost.

"What plan?"

"You, and Jungkook and Jane. Duhh." Jisoo rolls her eyes at her.

"Are you planning to disappear, again?" ask Jennie once again looking out the window. Jisoo and Eunha both look at Lisa who has no emotion after listening on what Jennie said. "Poor guy. Look at the way he stole glance to look after you." Jennie shook her head and sighing before straightening her sitting position looking pass Lisa's soul. "Don't be a fool, Liz. I walk away from all this shit to open the path for you." She sounds so serious that even Rose had goose bump all over her body. "And I want you to know it's not easy, to leave everything behind and starting from zero when in the fact all the things I want are in my palm. A husband, a child, a family."

"It's not right, I can't take what's not mine."

"Please cure your good girl syndrome, stupid." Jennie sounds so mad, her grip on the napkin. "Respect yourself. You didn't beg for their feeling, they choose you. He chooses you over me. He loves you. Fuck it."

"Calm your tit." Jisoo half laughing caressing Lisa's back who seems taken aback at Jennie's spat.


"Lisa!" she looks up from her phone and looking at Jennie peaking from Jane's bedroom.


"Can you watch Jane for a minute?" Lisa put her hand phone without thinking twice and walking toward Jane's bedroom. Jennie is smiling sweetly at that and letting Lisa getting in to look after sleeping Jane on her bed.

After Lisa closes the door, Jennie walking toward backyard where Jungkook sat alone, looking up to the night sky. He adores Moon and stars since he was kid. Even up until now, his heart will calm itself by only looking at them.

"Such a melancholy man." Tease Jennie earns attention from Jungkook who is now straightened his back, leaving some space on the couch for Jennie to sit, if she wants. And she did.

"Jane is sleeping, already?" he asks after taking a deep breath. Jennie nod without looking at Jungkook. "What a relief, she born to be an active kid. Always curious of things and can't keep her energy by herself."

"It must be an influence from Lisa." Jennie beams make Jungkook chuckled and looking down at his sandal.

"It can do." He beams back. And he sighs again. "It usually takes time to rock her to sleep."

"It must be hard to lie at her every single time." Jennie's words really hitting Jungkook in a strange way. "Not like as easy as you always lie to yourself."

"I am sorry, I try my hardest to make her happy."

"And you failed. You can't give her a mom that she wants." His heart clenched at that, he always been trying hard to be the best parent, taking both role of mom and dad for his daughter to the fullest. But no matter how hard he tried, in the end of the day, the thing that matter for his daughter was her mother.

"When will mommy come home, dad?"

A nightmare, her last question will always hunt him like a nightmare.

"I can't just force her to stay."

"Why can't you when you knew what's inside her heart, when you understand what scenario that's playing inside her head?" Jennie spats now taking out a pack of cigarette. Taking one and smoking just like that in front of Jungkook as if it's nothing big. "She has been trained as people pleasurer at such a young age. By me. My mistake to face. I made her thinking that giving me happiness before her, will make her as a good person. And I believe she used to that lifestyle, until now."

Jennie crossed her legs and leaning her back on the couch.

"She waits for my permission for years even though everything she want is right in front of her eyes. She made Kai giving that permission too, I will always regret that jerk's decision. He made me become the only bad villain alive."


"Don't console me, I deserve to lose everything that's why I left not knowing that everything will be this complicated." She takes a good time to smoking and letting out the smoke as her sad smile formed. "She loves you; I can tell from the way her eyes twinkled when I give her my permission. I can tell from the way her hand trembled from the excitement. I thought I will hear good news in the future and now here I am."

"I am sorry."

"I don't need that bullshit. I didn't leave my only daughter and everything behind for all of this. One stupid Lalice is enough, you had to be brave and bold. Force her to stay."

"I can't."

"You are just afraid of her rejection. After all this time it's only your feeling that's matter, right Kookie?" she snorted and threw the almost finished smoke on the grass. "She just wants you to ensure her of how much you want her to stay after all the dumbness she did. For letting you go, don't you understand it?"

"Why would it always be me?" ask Jungkook out of nowhere make Jennie glaring at the man unbelievably. "I can be tired too, you know." He smiles tiredly and covering his face with his hands. "I don't know if its love or just simply regret that she had for me. Call me stupid, but I haven't been loved for so long I forget how it felt like." Her heart sink at those words.

How can a man, a good man that is surrounded with people who will take a bullet for him say something like that.

"Even until the day she goes away from your life, as someone who knew her since we were you, the reason it's not because she doesn't love you anymore." Jennie said softer now knowing how he's been hurtled and look awfully wrecked. "It must be as a gift for you, in hope that you'll feel happier by having a fresh start. Fuck you two." Hissed Jennie in the end make Jungkook chuckled. Jennie watches him in awe, how it's so hard to make two most precious person in her life happy. "Now let me know, do you want to let her go or what?"

"And what? You'll come back?" he said teasingly make Jennie slap his shoulder, but she blushes anyway. "Joking, I wish you the best with your man."

"Thank you." They both smile to each other for a mere second. "Don't smile like that, this is not fair." Protest Jennie at how his sweet and genuine smile still make her heart flustered. He is still affecting her that she hates it.


"Don't make me say everything, you idiot." She slaps him once again before stood up scared to fall deeper for this dangerous man. "Anyway, you are always surrounded by people who love you. Your friends, Jane, Lisa, and me." She stops at her name. "You are just too busy focusing on your insecurity." He can't be more agree.


"She will do everything as much as I did just to make your life better. Once she thinks you are all fine without her, she'll disappear. For good." They both end up in a deep silence. "She'll leave this country the same day as mine."


"I bring her here today to say farewell."

"But she works-"

"She asks for transferred-"


"Yes, Kook. She'll leave if you stay still. Face it! Or work on it!" She walks away and almost reaching the door when she halted her step. "If I were you, I will give her taste of the sorrow that I suffer when she left me before she walks away from my life." She smirks. "Well, at least."

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