110. Passenger

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"Welcome home, Young Master Jeon Jungkook." An old man smiling happily as he bows at us, can't hide his excitement to see who was coming to the Jeon Mansion, the place where Jungkook used to live. The place where he was raised, the place where he finally left, alone, without destination.

"It's been a long time, Uncle Jo." Jungkook bows back and returning the smile. "I am happy to see you again." He adds and looking around the front yard of the mansion which is treated very well. It's almost looks the same as far as he remembers when he and his older brother play basketball while his mom and dad having tea together on the bench across the yard giggling as his dad throwing some lame joke toward his mother.

I miss them.

"I hope I didn't disturb you."

"Oh no. It's such a pleasure to finally welcoming you here after years Young Master."

"Call me Jungkook, uncle!" Jungkook take Jane in his embrace and then looking at Lisa asking her to walk after him. "My daughter want to see the beach really bad; we will need place to sleep over the night. I hope we have decent room to stay."

"I always clean the house the way I did, Young-" He halted when Jungkook serious gaze looking at him. "-kook."

"Thank you, uncle. But you can just clean it once in a month, or in a week. Noone lives here anyway." Lisa looking around the mansion in awe, every picture of his family still hangs on the wall, as if they are still here, together, alive. "And you still hang all of them."

"How do you like your room?" Ask Jungkook as Lisa stuffed noodle into Jane's mouth, she looks up with her wide eyes before straightening her back.

"It's comfy. The bed almost makes me lost in deep sleep. And also, the books in there are amazing." He smiles at her words as his eyes watching every of her move.

He likes everything she does. The way she eats, the way she treats Jane first before herself, the way she cares to every little detail. This is why Jane will never want any other mom but her. Noone can replace her. In Jane's heart, in his.

"Junghyun hyung, likes to read every kind of books."

"And I found out he likes to draw too." He nods as his heart swells when the memories replaying in his head.

"He loves it. His desire was to be a caricaturist, the best in the field." Slowly the adrenalin rushing inside his vein as he finally opens up about his family to other people.

He always holding it in. Grieving and hide them deep down in his head, afraid that he will forget them. And afraid that it will harm him.

"What's yours, oppa?"

"Mom, there they are." Jane jumps excitedly when she captures a bunch of seagulls hanging out together near the beach.

We just arrive after having early breakfast, Jungkook insisted to do so. Let alone watching sun rise.

"I will take picture of them." I said happily as I grab camera that's been hanging on my neck, I snap a picture of the seagulls and the beach as the background. "Nice. Little baby, look here. One-two... " Jane smiles widely as she gives a peace sign as Lisa snap the camera again. "Okay. My beautiful princess is doing great job." Jane shyly smiles and running toward Jungkook, asking him to carry her in his embrace.

"Daddy, can we play till sunset in here?" She asks and was quick to get respond from Jungkook. He nods make the girl squeaking in joy before placing a sweet kiss on his cheek. "Mommy come to kiss daddy! daddy give us permission to see sunset."

Jungkook was bit taken aback when Jane said that words innocently, different with Lisa who smile widely before stepping up to kiss Jungkook's another cheek make Jungkook freeze in an instant.

"Thank you, dad."


"Capture that for me." Lisa said excitedly like toddler pointing her finger on jelly fish behind the glass wall. Jungkook smiles at her and then snap the camera toward the jelly fish figure and was secretly capturing her too.

"You guys don't want to grab lunch yet?" ask Jungkook walking to approach Jane who was looking at the whale on the other side of aquarium. They are at Sealife Busan Aquarium. 2 days spent day and night like an ordinary family, only happiness that Jungkook and Lisa want to feel even though pain secretly creeping inside their mind once the night fall, once the light turned off, that wall fall.

"I want Humberger."

"Eat it slowly, little baby." said Lisa try to prey the burger on Jane's hand as she cleans the dirt all around the little lip. Jungkook chuckled watching the worried Lisa, and the playful Jane who was playing with Jungkook. Make funny face. "Oppa!" Lisa warns the older one make Jungkook behave and pretend to scold his daughter.

The finished their burger and was having ice cream as desert when Jungkook remembers something. He looks at Jane and call her.




Both Lisa and Jane turn their head to Jungkook, make the man nervous. Lisa was quick to understand the atmosphere as her cheeks has tint pink spreading from her neck.

What a shame.

she thought.

"Sorry." she beams as Jungkook can't say anything more but clearing his throat and nodding awkwardly.

She just too used to be called baby. Or did she just miss it?

"Dont drink too much." Lisa left startled halfway aiming a glass of whisky to her lips. Her head jerked and her eyes focused on Jungkook who had his own glass on his hand, approaching the coach and sat comfortably beside her. "It won't feel good tomorrow strolling around with hang over. Believe me."

He pours half glass of whisky on his own glass. And take a sip before the strong taste hit him. His eyes half closed makes Lisa chuckled.

"You are cute." She beams. He is amused for a while but then that go after realizing that she is drunk already.

"That's enough to drink, Lis." He takes the glass from her hand makes the woman pouting sadly at him as protest. "I want you to spend your quality time very well while I rock Jane to sleep, not to be drunk like this." He said sweetly at her makes the woman blankly watching his every move.

"I think that's true." She beams again as Jungkook leans his body on the couch, staring at each other like that make him comfortable. Even though his pain was long gone long time ago, but every time he was with her still give him this effect. He feels safe and happy. And he likes that.

"What is so true?" He asks calmly as her hand reaching his sleeve and playing with it.

"The song." He frowns.

"What song?" He ends up playing with her hand.

"Passenger. Let her go." She said lightly as her sadness coming to the surface. "It keeps hitting the deepest part of my heart."

Jungkook try to remember the song again. Humming in respond, humming the melody makes her smile.

"Cause love comes slow, and it goes so fast." He sings the lyric smiling at her. Sadly.

"Well, you see her when you fall asleep. But never to touch and never to keep. Cause you loved her too much and you dived too deep. " They stare at each other as she sings along with him, as he remembers the way he keeps on watching her sleep last night on her bed. Sneakily and eagerly try to portrait all the memories as he took pictures of her with his camera. Because that's the farthest he can do to keep her, at least in his memory.

And she knew.

"Not loved." Rather than returning the next lyric he talks other thing randomly. She snorted and was about to stood up when he grabs her hand to stay still. "It's Love."


"Can you at least respect me?"

PS : it's just my feeling that I wrote. I am way confused too on how I should end this story. But the most important thing is, I've been patiently reading my fav Wattpad story. It was made even before my story 'attention' was made. And my fav story is still not ended yet. I am impatient but I try my best to respect the author because they also have life outside this app. To kill the time while I wait for her update, I made my own story.

If you feel impatient and rather than appreciate the time, I took to make an update but instead complaining about the plot, why don't you make your own?

So, you'll know how hard it could be to pour your feeling into words.

And for whoever still wait and respect me, I am so sorry for leaving this story abandoned. I will do my best to make the THE END deserve your time.

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