28. Shall

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"You are in here again?" Ask Jungkook a little flustered when he ring the bell of Lisa's unit and found Bobby (again) who is opening the door for him. The said boy grinning and shrugging his shoulder.

"Come in, Lisa is still on her way home." Bobby said and walking inside the apartment.

"She is late." Commented Jungkook taking step inside the kitchen and put some plastic bags on the table.

"Ehem.. new project. She won't stop." Said Bobby in front of the big flat screen television holding the game stick on his hand. "And if you don't mind, join me to play overwatch."

It was a tiring day, work so hectic. People were busy talking and speaking here and there for the upcoming project. Everyone looks like zombie when they left office. I should take them eating sometime.

I sigh deeply after I land my feet in front of my unit. Opening the door and was welcomed with a noisy sound from Bobby, like usual which is slowly bringing a little chuckle on me.

I stop in front of the cabinet and put my heels in them. And was welcomed with another surprise, Bobby's shirt was on the floor at the living room, I took it with me. I took another shirt on the counter of the kitchen. He always changes clothes like every hour and left them anywhere.

I was walking toward the family room ready to fight him.

"Bob, you are messing my unit." I beam try to sound angry but then I should face the two boys, with an innocent look, wide eyes watching me while their hand holding the game stick. "Jungkook oppa?" Fortunately, I still can function my mouth so the two boys now reacting on me.

Jungkook was smiling genuinely, while Bobby grinning playfully. That brat.

"Ey, let me hear you calling me oppa too." Bobby saying teasing us make me fume in anger. "You are a cutie while saying those word, Lis."

"You can dream on." I said frustratedly. "Clean all the mess. What I told you about cleaning the house while you do nothing in this apartment, Bob."

"I am busy." He whined and I laugh sarcastically at him while rolling my eyes, both hands folded in front of my chest.

"Playing game?"

"Thats, you know." I mentally face palming myself because for once I wish that he will feel uneasy and start to help but no. He is Bobby. He won't ever got hurt by me. No matter what I do, or I say.

"Stop fighting with Yoon unnie, and go back to New York."

"You kick me after you get boyfriend?"

"You prick." I hissed as I look at Jungkook worriedly. We still don't know what kind of relationship we had after that night when Bobby left us. Nothing happens. It just us who talk about each other. I was expecting the confuse Jungkook, but he looks entertained with our bickering. "I'll let you sleep in here tonight." I say and he only laughing.

"It's the same baby Lisa. I sleep in your room, on the cold floor while whining at you to let me sleep beside you. This is no different to stay here. I can watch tv as much as I want though."

"I'll surely leave you here."

"Humm..." he answered and took the stick from Jungkook's hand. "Go and calm her. She won't stop attacking me." He said to Jungkook make the man stand up and walk to my direction. I can feel that I am blushing hard now while Bobby looking at me teasingly.

"Let's go." The man said while taking my hand. I look at Bobby once again. Not really sure but I feel guilty to let him sleep alone while he always been there for me when I am alone.

"Bob." I call him halted my step but Jungkook's hand still grasping mine.

"No worry." The brat answering even without looking at me. "I will watch tv with a very loud volume so you can moan loudly."

"Urgh you are annoying." She groans make me really chuckled from her behind. Watching how her anger controlling her figure. The grace Lalice I've been know just stomping her foot like a 5 right now. I should try that too, annoy her, it's so fun to see.

We were entering her room and her strong scent hit my nose trill like truck. The scent that I always miss when I am home. With Jennie near me, but my soul no more there. Its wondering how if I marry Lisa instead. I am a sinner.

"I am sorry. He can be a jerk sometime." She tiredly said while she enters her closet, I bet changing her attire. "Won't you mind if I take shower first?" She asks half shouting for afar.

"Sure, take your time." I answer back and instantly I hear the sounds of water splashing. It makes my mind playing dirty scene where she'll got naked and.... fuck. I should stop.

I was wondering around the room, watching how she decorates them simply. There was a canvas with all yellow color hang on the cream wall, or the dozens of books on the shelf, she must like to read a lot.

But I can still hear those water splashing sound.

Desperately I drag my foot to the corner of her room, she fucking has refrigerator inside. Just like me. How coincident. And I was looking at her nightstand, where the tons of makeup stuffs sat. I learn the perfume that she uses. She has 6 of them. I took them one by one but it's nothing like her scent.

I guess its mixed with her pheromones. The thing she share to cure me, to save me. And the last, a family pictures, her holding cats on both of her hand, they look healthy and fat, she was full of that big smile, with the older woman who is I guess as her mother because their features copying each other, and the man holding her shoulder. He looks like a foreigner anyway.

"Find something interesting?" I snap my head toward the door to see her already on her pink pajamas, hair combed neatly, and no make up on. She looks like a baby rather than the sexy and alluring Lisa that I know. But the friendly vibe was still there, lovely.

"I just see your family pictures." I said and she smile sitting on the bed folding her legs. "And you have cats."

"Aren't they cute?" She whined and I feel like my heart itching.

"They are healthy and bit fat."

"They aren't fat." She snaps at me suddenly make me stand there awkwardly. "They are just healthy." She then conscious of what she just did. "I am sorry snapping on you. I just feel insecure every time someone insulting the one I love." I smile as I sit with her and look around.

"It's fine. I am sorry too." I beam and she walks to the nightstand to turning on something, and then she turns off the lamp before she walks back to me. It's a sky projector lamp. "Thats amazing." I said and she chuckled while laying her body beside me. I do the same thought.

"What are you doing in here, oppa?"

"Why are you always asking the same question when I come to see you?" I protest on her and she laugh.

"It's not like you think, Jen didn't go abroad so..."

"Can't I go home late too?" Then the silent enveloping the room. Only the sounds from the television out there could be heard. Bobby wasn't joking when he said he will turn the volume very loud. How can he survive like that anyway.

"My parents live in Bangkok." She suddenly said as I watch the stars that the projector shows on the ceiling above us. I almost sleeping anyway. She moves her body to see me from the side make me move my head to see her too. "Want to see them with me?"

I was in deep shock as I can't process anything. Her words slowly make their way to my brain, my frozen brain, as I see her smirk make the appearance. What she just says?

"Can I?" I ask after long process, and she chuckled.

"Of course, you can." She then leaning to me make me move to the back to stay away from her. Realize of what I do, she pouts, and it makes me want to pinch those cheeks. "Why you avoid me?"

"Huh?" I ask and begin to curse myself to become this slow. "What will you do?"

"Didn't you say it's okay to practice with you?"


"Oppa, shall we kiss?"

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