Chapter eight

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Marley-mae had just bumped right into a display of everlasting ink pots and was apologising profusely as Isobel tried her hardest to drag he out of the Scrivenshaft's door. As she was pulled out into the snow being hit with a blanket of cold she shouted one last "I'm so sorry" and Isobel continued pulling her by the loops in her jeans. Sue was just infront of them laughing so hard Marley could swear the girl was going to start crying. A little further up the road Issy let go of Marley and sighed at her friend.

"at least you waited until after I'd bought my things to go swan diving into the ink pots" Issy shook her head and wiggled her bag around.

"I didn't swan dive into them! They came out of nowhere" Marley pouted.

Sue was still laughing doubling over every time Marley looked at her. "you should have" she paused to inhale and laugh again, "should have seen your face" she placed her hand on her stomach.

"Thank god no one else needed to buy stationary after like a month of being at school" Marley sighed and gave Isobel a pointed look.

"oh just go in the pair of you really" issy narrowed her eyes at her friends ushering them into the cosy little pub.

Marley-mae was still pouting and sue was just about to calm down laughing, Isobel of course had her head held up high smiling as they entered the three broomsticks. Marley spotted Blaise over in the corner with Theo and Pansy. Blaise waved his hand and gestured her over.

"I thought you were meeting me at three" Blaise looked at his watch to see that it was only 2:15.

Sue went to speak first grabbing everyones attention but as she opened her mouth she just burst out laughing again having to grab onto the back of a nearby chair to steady herself.

"is she on something?" Theo raised both his brows.

"shit!" sue said suddenly very straight faced, "oh god I think I'm gonna wet myself" She ran off in the direction of the toilets.

"okay what the bloody hell was that about?" Blaise looked from Marley and Isobel who were both now in a fit chuckles.

Marley sat down next to him and shook her head, "I don't want to talk about it" she pouted again running a hand through her mousey brown hair.

"Marls has just knocked over a display in Scrivenshaft's, it was comical I had to drag her out by her belt loops" issy spoke as she sat down inbetween Theo and pansy.

"it wasn't even funny, they're probably going to hate me forever now... All those ink pots gone to waste" she laid her head flat on the table.

"it really was funny" Sue spoke as she rejoined them, "I also made it to the toilet so that's an accomplishment on my behalf"

The six of them enjoyed a butter beer together before four of them all headed back to the castle leaving Marley and Blaise by themselves. They were chatting when all of a sudden the door swung open and in walked Cornielus Fudge, The minister of magic.

"What the bloody hell is he doing here" Marley's eyes widened as her and Blaise both eyed him, followed closely by Professor Mcgonagall.

"Probably for the same reason the schools full of dementors, Sirius Black" Blaise said as he held up a copy of the daily prophet to shield them from Mcgonagalls view.

Marley watched the two of them walk up some stairs led by Madam Rosmerta, then she noticed something behind them. It was small at first almost like a shimmer shooting through the air quickly, she looked around for it again but couldn't see it. She then watched as the backs of chairs were moved aside without anyone near them, she frowned and watched the stairs that Fudge and Mcgonagall had just went up. Each step bent ever so slightly and she continued to look puzzled, turning to Blaise who was watching her contently she let a small smile come across her face.

"did you see that?" she questioned him.

"Fudge and Mcgonagall, yeah I am sitting right next to you" he raised a brow at her and lowered the paper in his hands to the table.

"Not them. After they went up, it was like someone was invisible and following them" She explained.

"I didn't see anything" Blaise shook his head and looked around trying to catch a glimpse of this invisible person. "I'm sure Fudge probably has security follow him, they could have invisibility cloaks." He tried to find an answer for her.

"lets get out of here before they come back down, I need to go to honeydukes for Jamie want to come with?" she gave the boy a smile.

"I'd love too" he stood and held out his hand for her to grab ahold of as he helped her up.

Blaise led the way out with Marley close behind still looking about for any sign that she wasn't all of a sudden hallucinating things. When she was hit with the icy air from outside. She thought it was far to cold and snowy for the middle of October, she shivered a little and looked up and down the street, only one thing seemed strange to her...

Just across from the pub Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger sat on a stone wall, Ron had his hand stuck in a bag of sweets and his tongue was poking out in concentration where as Hermione's knee was bouncing up and down rapidly and her eyes were glued to the door of the three broomsticks. Marley made eye contact with the girl for a second and smiled awkwardly at her which Hermione returned. Making a mental note for later she followed after Blaise having too jog a little to keep up with his long legs.

Jamie had asked his sister to get him anything chocolate so every time she found an item of chocolate she put it in her basket. By the time they were walking back to the castle Marley's arms were aching from the weight of the bag of chocolate. Blaise being ever so gentlemanly took the bag off her so that she could put her hands in her pockets away from the sharp winds. Having to go and see her brother anyway she walked with Blaise back to his common room.

"you guys have fun" Theo wiggled his eyebrows at the pair as they walked through the common room.

Blaise smacked the back of his head and Marley rolled her eyes walking straight to the boys hallway, she stood outside of her brothers door knocking impatiently. No answer. She frowned and kicked the bottom of the door sighing rather loudly.

"could you be any louder it sounds like a herd of elephants are out here" The grumpy voice of Mattheo filled Marley's ears. She groaned and turned to face him crossing her arms around her body Instinctively.

"you haven't seen my brother have you?" she tried to be as civil as possible, he dragged his eyes from her feet all the way to her face slowly.

"interesting question" He huffed leaning against the wall his eyes were pinned to her intensely making her feel intimidated.

"how is that interesting, do you know where Jamie is. Its a yes or no question" she stood her ground, trying her best not to give in to her gut instinct and look away.

"I know where he is" he nodded and shoved his hands in the pockets of his trousers.

"Good. Can you tell me please, I have things to give him" she held up the honeydukes bag.

Mattheo thought for a second then shook his head, "No I don't think I will" he gave her a demeaning smirk and turned to head back into his room.

Marley's mouth parted slightly and she hurried after him. "Just what do you mean no" she put her hands on her hips.

"Do you always follow boys into their bedrooms or is it just mine you seem to think you can just come and go as you please" he sat down on his bed and leaned back on his palms.

"I wouldn't have to follow you at all if you'd tell me where my brother is" she argued.

"I don't particularly want to tell you though" he shrugged his smirk deepening.

"Why are you so fucking annoying Mattheo, honestly I don't know whether you think its funny or something but it really isn't. Your just infuriating!" she fumed and stormed back out the door.

"that's what I was aiming for Lupin!" she heard him shout back to her as she walked away.

Still full of rage she nearly took the door off its hinges giving everyone in the Slytherin common room a shock. Not paying attention she walked straight into her brothers chest, groaning she shoved the bag in his hand. "Here's your fucking chocolate" she half yelled as she pushed past her brother and the rest of the Slytherins. When she was out of earshot Jamie who just sort of stood in his place shocked at the scene his sister had caused, he looked over to the door she'd came out off to see Mattheo standing against the Frame trying to stop himself from laughing. Before Jamie could open his mouth Blaise beat him too it.

"What the fuck did you do now" He send daggers to his friend who held up both of his hands.

"It's not my fault she's a hot head" he sniggered.

"She's not a hot head your just an arsehole!" Blaise rolled his eyes at Mattheo and turned to Jamie, "want me to go after her?" he asked the younger lupin.

"oh erm, no. I'll go, will you take these back please" he handed the bag of chocolates too Harper who was stood off to the side with Astoria.

It took Jamie less that ten minutes to find his sister, mainly for the reason that when he stepped of the stairs that belonged to the corridor that housed the DADA classroom he could hear her screaming profanities. He squeezed his eyes closed and ran his hand over his face as he rounded the corner. Of course, Marley was screaming at Remus who was rather shocked. Jamie sped up to reach his sister who was rambling on about how he needed to let her go home immediately as she couldn't take it anymore.

"Marls" Jamie said taking hold of each shoulder. "Look at me not him" her eyes met his and she took a breath. "What happened"

"Why does he irritate me so much" her posture deflated and her brother just pulled her into him.

"come in before I get shouted at for letting students riot in the corridors" Remus pushed his classroom door open.

Jamie still had his arms around Marley but walked her inside followed by their dad who told them to go up to his office. Marley wasn't crying or even upset but she was heaving and you could still make out the remnants of anger behind her eyes, Jamie sat her down on the small corner couch and kept tight hold of her hand whilst remus poured some tea. That made Marley look up at him and tighten her eyes as if to threaten her dad. Remus smiled and let out a throaty huff turning back to the table and pouring coffee into her mug.

"better" Jamie said she sipped on her coffee.

"much" she nodded.

"still want me to get you sent home?" remus questioned her.

"shut up" she frowned and turned into her brother more.

"now are you going to tell us why you've just nearly took my head off?" Remus moved over to the window in his office opening it so he could light his cigarette.

"Mattheo Riddle is going to be the death of me" she sighed.

"Why are you around him anyway, that boy is nothing but trouble" Remus said nonchalantly blowing his smoke out the window.

"really dad" Marley narrowed her eyes at him, "I was trying to give Jamie his chocolate, but I couldn't find him" she turned back to her brother.

"That when he started being a wanker?" Jamie went to drink his tea but was bonked on the head by his sister.

"Language" she shook her head, "but more or less, yeah. I don't know why he gets under my skin so much"

"Well I wouldn't expect anything else from him, you know he's literally the child of the devil" Remus put out his finished cigarette and closed the window.

Marley scoffed, "if everyone judged people because of their shitty fathers then we'd be fucked" she gestured to herself and Jamie giving their dad a sarcastic smile.

"I didn't try and take over the world leaving countless people dead, did I?" he argued back.

"No. No you just neglected your kids and let me do everything for us" she spat.

"Merlins beard" Jamie sighed again, "the two of you need your heads banging together, your as bad as each other you know" he pointed between the two of them. Marley just let out an annoyed squeal.

"well then" Marley downed the last of her coffee and clapped her hands together, "lovely family chat but I'm going to bed before I try to murder you" she pushed her finger against her dad's chest as she stood and headed for the door.

"I'll walk you back" Jamie said as he followed after her giving Remus a small smile.

The two walked in silence until Marley finally broke it, "where were you anyway" she looked up at him.

"oh Tori was helping me and Harper with our potions homework" he admitted.

"Tori? "


"Oh god you've given her a nickname" she made a fake sick face and her shoulder was smacked by him. "sorry, didn't know you and your little girlfriend were getting serious" she tried to hide her laugh.

"says you! didn't you go on a date with Blaise today?" he gave her an accusing look.

"Okay yes, sort of. It was hardly a date we just met up in the three broomsticks" she hung her head back to looked at the ceiling.

Jamie didn't answer so Marley looked over to her side not seeing him, in a panicked matter she looked around frantically before seeing him a few paces behind staring down a smaller corridor.

"James what are you doing?" she walked back over to him.

"can you smell that?" he spoke not wavering his gaze.

Marley sniffed the air dramatically and shook her head no, "what is it"

"Hogwarts doesn't allow dogs does it?" he asked as Marley started looking down the hallway too.

"Nope it doesn't, what exactly are we looking at" she looked up at her little brother who looked extremely serious.

"I thought I saw something down there" he nodded down the corridor, "and I was certain that I could smell a dog" he finally broke out of his trance and looked down at his sister who was very confused.

"I can't see anything" she shrugged.

"your right come on" He carried on walking towards Ravenclaw tower witch was just around the corner.

Marley finally pushed open the door to her dorm and immediately regretted it. She smacked her hands over her eyes and let out a strange sounding grumble. She wasn't greeted by two happy to see her roommates, but instead Isobel who had her tongue down Theodore Notts throat.

"Really issy!" she peaked through her fingers to see if they had stopped.

"Sorry Marley, my fault" Theo gave her a childish smile.

She made her way over to him and used a book from issy's bedside table to hit him on the head. "that's for kissing my friend" then she hit him again, "that's for doing it in my room" she hit him a third time, "and that's just because I have a lot of anger to get out." she nodded pleased with herself and returned the book to its spot.

"thanks for not hitting his face" Isobel spoke giving Marley a look that Theo wouldn't catch, a look that made Marley shake her head in response too.

"well I best be off," theo stood from the bed. "thanks for having me girls" he leant down and gave Isobel a quick kiss making Marley throw a pillow at him.

When Theodore was gone Marley got off her bed and started searching the room leaving Issy confused, "what are you looking for?" she furrowed her brows.

"well I'm assuming you've killed sue and hid her body, considering she would never let that happen in our room" Marley stood trying not to laugh.

"she's gone to the green houses with Neville" Issy sat at her dressing table and started to remove her makeup.

"thank god it was me and not her, she one hundred percent would have hexed Theodore back to the dungeons" Marley chuckled.

"He's nice isn't he? Theo." Isobel looked at Marley through the mirror.

"I suppose so, but then again I'm not planing on playing tonsil tennis with the boy" she crossed her arms and gave her a responsible look.

Sue returned shortly afterwards followed by Timmy who had been roaming about the castle, he curled up at the end of issy's bed and fell asleep in the exact same matter that Sue curled up in her own bed and fell asleep. Marley agreed not to tell Sue about the kissing she'd witnessed even though Isobel would probably slip up about it and Sue would scold them both for keeping it from her.

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