Chapter six

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The next day was a Saturday which meant that Marley had an opportunity to sleep in so she didn't go down to the great hall until half ten. She was still yawning when she sat down next to issy and sue, pouring a bowl of cereal. Half way through her breakfast the hall went into a type of shock when two slytherins made there way over to the ravenclaw table and made themselves comfortable.

"Theo, Blaise... can we help you" Marley said looking at her friends.

"Just thought we'd join you" Blaise smiled.

Marley looked over to the slytherin table to see Mattheo sitting facing Draco with a scowl on his face looking over at them.

"And why did you think to do that" she raised a brow.

"Well for one you put your robes in my bag so I thought i should let you know" Theo shrugged, "and Mattheo's in one of his moods, Draco's just an arse" he said.

"Lovely" Marley said going back to her food.

"Marls" sue nudged her side.

"Mhm" she mumbled with a spoon in her mouth, "oh right. These are my dorm mates sue and Isobel"

Issy fluttered her eyelashes as she started a conversation with Theo and Marley and Blaise both rolled there eyes. Eating breakfast with them was actually quite pleasant and felt almost normal although they were getting apprehensive stares from all the other students.

Marley took herself to her hiding spot to write a letter home to Finan and then studied a little before emerging and running into Blaise in the dungeons.

"Have you just been hiding in the wall" he asked.

"Fucking hell why does everyone ask me that. I was studying"

"In a wall?"

"Yes in a wall, there's too much noise everywhere else and everyone's going on about Sirius Black it's exhausting" she rambled.

"Well If you need a quiet place to study my dorms free Theo and mattheo don't usually come back until curfew on the weekends" he gave her a friendly smile.

"Really" she was slightly confused.

"Yeah, I also know that you and Hermione are the top of the class and I could really use some help with astronomy"

"So you just want me to help you study" she placed a hand on her hip.

Blaise stalled for words and looked down to the floor.

"Don't worry I'm joking, I'd love to help and that offer sounds better than studying in a wall" she smiled.

"Let's go then" he nodded.

When she had gotten herself settled in blaises dorm it was suddenly obvious that he was the reason the room was so clean. She thought that it would be a terrible idea but she actually had fun and Blaise was a quick learner. After a few hours of studying Blaise told her that he was going to grab them some food from the kitchens. When he had gotten back he found Marley fast asleep ontop of various pieces of homework and he let out a laugh and sat himself down on Theo's bed leaving her to rest. At some point he must have fallen asleep himself.

The pair of them were woken up sometime later by shouting out in the hall and loud bangs. Marley and Blaise both jumped up and looked around the room before realising it was outside, Blaise opened the door and lead the way out in case it was something bad. When Marley reached the hall her heart dropped.

There was Jamie on top of Theo relentlessly pounding into his face and Mattheo was just behind him with blood all over his face. Marley panicked and ran at her brother with all her strength pushing him off Theo. When she looked into his eyes it was like something feral had taken over.

"JAMES" she pushed her fist into his chest but he still tried to go after Theo. "Blaise my bag quick!" She said frantically.

Blaise got her bag and threw it too her, she quickly got out a needle and stuck it into his arm, he instantly started to calm down and jumped backwards into the wall when he recognised his sisters face.

She cupped his face in her hands and brought him down so he was sitting, "it's okay jamie it's me" she cradled his head.

"Marls" his eyes were wide as he looked at the blood on his hands and the two boys on the floor. "Did I hurt you"

"Like you could come on let's get you into your room"

Harper suddenly ran over and helped her get him into his room, she gave him some dreamless sleep potion she had made and asked Harper to come and get her if anything else happened. With that she waved her wand and the hallway was clean of blood and she followed the three boys into their dorm.

She got out all of her supplies and put them on Blaises bed.

"I don't need your help" mattheo spat as he tried to stop his nose from bleeding.

"I do need your help" Blaise said as he was wiping away blood from Theo's face.

"What did you two do to provoke him" she asked Mattheo who just carried on wiping his nose ignoring her, "fine don't tell me"

She rolled her eyes and started using antiseptic to clean the few cuts on Theo's face and used some tape to hold together a rather deep cut. She gave him some pain potion and he started to come around.

"Sorry about that" he rasped.

"What did you do idiot" Blaise asked him.

"It wasn't me to was him" he pointed to mattheo. "I only asked where Marley was and then he had to go and insinuate something else and told Jamie to tell Marley to meet us both in our dorm" he half paused, "he made that face he makes, you know the one" he nodded to Blaise.

"Mattheo you fucking idiot" Blaise shouted at him.

"Wait what" Marley said looking between the three of them.

"Mattheo basically made it seem like you were hooking up with both of them" Blaise explained making her mouth drop open.

"Bad move" she shook her head and sent daggers to Mattheo.

"Not my fault he overreacted to the joke." Mattheo shrugged still struggling with his nose.

"The kids a walking fucking hand Grenade! There's a reason hooch won't let him try out for quidditch" Blaise shouted sending an apologetic look to Marley.

"Whatever" he grunted

When Marley knew Theo was fine she made her way over too Mattheo who was still insisting he didn't need help so she practically had to fight him in order to fix his nose that was broken and then attempted to give him some pain potion which he refused. He shut himself in his bed and put a sticking charm on his curtains.

"Sorry about that" Blaise sighed as he helped pack away Marley things and walked her to the door.

"It's okay, I actually had a good time until all of that" she tucked her hair behind her ear and gave him a smile.

"Well hopefully you'll come back sometime" he put a hand on her shoulder and returned the smile.

"Goodnight Blaise"

"Night Marley"

She thought about going back to her own dorm but decided against it and knocked on Jamie's door which Harper opened and told her that he had been asleep since she left. She nodded and entered the room quickly looking around seeing a pair of her brothers pyjamas.

"I'm staying here tonight if you don't mind" she said as she picked up the pyjamas.

"I doubt it would matter if I did mind, see you in the morning" Harper climbed back into his own bed.

Marley quickly threw on Jamie's pyjamas and climbed in the bed next to her brother letting out a yawn, she checked over his hands and his face making sure they were fine and then she got comfortable and closed her eyes. She felt Jamie grab hold of her hand and she finally felt herself relax and she fell asleep.

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