Chapter ten

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After Remus had injured himself during the full moon he wasn't well enough to take his classes, his substitute was professor Snape. Marley had only been in the room five minutes and she could already tell that she was going to be leaving the class in a bad mood. Instead of sticking to the class' lesson plan Snape decided to make everyone write an essay on werewolves.

Marley's blood was practically boiling the more Snape droned on obviously trying to put ideas in everyone's heads, yes her dad and brother were both werewolves but no one else needed to know that. The more the girl thought about what Snape was doing the angrier she got. She wasn't bothered about the reputation of Remus but for the safety of Jamie, kids are mean at the best of times and if anyone found out about Jamie's condition he'd either get gossiped about constantly or used as a weapon. She was terrified.

Her hands were clenched into fists and if you took a minute to look at her posture you'd know that she was just about ready too snap. The Ravenclaws were sharing defence against the dark arts with the Slytherins and Blaise was sitting in the desk behind her with Theo. He knew there was something wrong.

"Marls" she heard him whisper from behind her.

"Mhm" she turned her body to face him.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly.

Marley nodded and faced the front again knowing her anger would probably give away the secret before Snape did.

When the lesson was over Marley was the first out the door, luckily it was the last class of the day. She'd managed to get halfway down the corridor before Blaise caught up to her.

"Personally I don't believe you, but I'm not going to force you into telling me why your upset" he smiled down at her.

"Thanks" she adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder.

"So there's a quidditch game tomorrow, I was wondering if you'd come and watch it with me" he asked nervously.

"Wow, THE Blaise Zabini is asking me to watch the game with him" she fake swooned and smiled at him, "of course I'll come"

"Good, I'll see you tomorrow" he leaned down and kissed her cheek before heading towards the dungeons.

When she woke up the next morning she had less space than when she went to bed with, that being because of the vile storm outside. In the three years Marley had spent at hogwarts she had never spent a stormy night alone, Isobel was absolutely petrified of thunder and every time she'd squeeze into Marley's bed in the night. Issy probably would have tried to get in Sue's too if the girl didn't sleep the way she did, constantly moving and burning up like a radiator.

After the girls had gotten breakfast Marley was ambushed by her brother and Theodore who both looked far to cheery for the time of morning it was.

"So sister, a little birdy told me you've been asked to the quidditch game" Jamie threw his arm over her shoulder.

"I was probably gonna go anyway, no big deal" she tightened her lips.

"Yeah, yeah. I definitely believe you" he smirked.

"Do you know if Issy's coming?" Theo asked from her other side.

"Not a chance with that weather, I think she'd rather eat screws" Marley shook her head.

"Scared she'll get her hair wet" Jamie half laughed earning a smack to the chest from his sister.

"She's scared of storms" she told Theo.

They all walked to the quidditch pitch and made their way up to the slytherin section, luckily for her Mattheo was sitting a few benches down with Draco, Crabbe and goyle. She greeted Harper who was sitting with Blaise and then took over his seat while he moved to sit with Jamie and Theo.

Marley and Blaise paid absolutely no attention to the match whatsoever because they were too busy chatting. That was until in all his dramatics, Harry Potter fell from the sky after being attacked by a dementor. Dumbledore stopped him before he hit the floor, so he was basically fine. One good thing to come out of it was that now Dumbledore had sent the dementors off and they weren't allowed back on the grounds.

The days after the match were slow and the weather just got colder and colder making it uncomfortable to be outside, even just walking round the castle required multiple layers. Marley was at the top of the owlery having just sent a letter home and she was waiting for Blaise who said he'd meet her there. The sun was still shining through the clouds so Marley had to squint when she looked out of the window, she was so distracted by the scenery that when the old door creaked open she jumped and almost slipped.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you" Blaise chuckled.

"I was in a world of my own" she shook her head.

"I'm just gonna send this letter off and then we can go for a walk" he strode over to his owl.

"It's freezing so please tell me this walk can take place inside" she shivered.

He turned to look at her grinning, "I don't care where we walk as long as your with me"

Marley blushed and hid her face in her scarf.

They walked around for a while before getting comfortable in the astronomy tower, the two of them sat on cushions on the floor and Marley cast a heating charm so they could stay warm.

"So are you going home for the holidays?"Marley asked.

"Yeah, my mum would kill me if I didn't" he laughed a little, "are you?"

Marley nodded, "I can't wait to see my little brother, I absolutely hate being away from him" she frowned.

"Is that Finan?" Blaise's head was tilted to the side genuinely curious.

"You remembered" she smiled.

"Of course I did, when is he going to be starting hogwarts? He's not much younger than us is he?"

"He starts in September, I'm going to love him being here but I'm pretty sure he's gonna be sick of me after the first week"

"I doubt anyone could be sick of you" he shook his head.

"Well when it comes to my brothers I can be erm... a little overbearing" she scrunched up her nose, "last year Jamie threw his wand at my head because I kept on waiting outside of his classrooms to see how he was doing" she told him.

Blaise laughed, "you care, that's a good thing" he shrugged.

"I suppose, sometimes I think when it comes to them I care far more than I should"

"Why's that then" he had at some point took hold of her hands with his own.

"I raised them. They're everything to me, I'd rather care too much than not enough. You know?"

He nodded, "they're lucky to have you"

The two of them sat in the silence for a while before deciding to head back because it was staring to get dark. They were just about to leave when Blaise spoke again, "Marley wait" he grabbed hold of her hand gently

"Did I forget something" she turned and looked at the floor.

"Yeah" Blaise said grabbing her attention. "This"

Without waiting for the girl to react he stepped forward and closed the space between them moving his hands up so they were on either side of her face, then he kissed her. She stumbled a little before kissing him back and resting her hands on his chest. It was a short kiss and when he pulled away Marley was sure her face was bright red.

"Was that okay?" He looked at her with concern and maybe a little fear.

Marley almost forgot to answer, nodding her head she finally met his eyes again, "it was"

She realised her hands were still on his chest and she quickly pulled them back to her sides, he smiled at her and then they both started laughing lightly.

"Sorry I didn't think I'd work up the nerve" he shook his head.

"Don't apologise, i liked it" she looked down at her feet to try and ignore what she was admitting.

Blaise walked her back to Ravenclaw tower and when she got into her dorm only Sue was in there. Marley was grinning like an idiot so Sue gave her a sceptical look.

"Where's Issy?" She asked the dark haired girl.

"She's off somewhere with Theo I think" she shrugged, "now are you going to tell me why your face looks like that?" She raised a brow.

"Like what" she tried to hide her smile.

"Marley-mae Lupin you don't grin all giddy like that for anything, spill" she sat on Marley's bed cross legged.

"We kissed" she said quietly putting a pillow over her face.

"Finally!" Sue shouted.

"Oh shut up" Marley groaned.

"What was it like?" The excited girl asked.

"It was good, nice... I mean I didn't expect it, I'm pretty sure I nearly fell over"

"So are you two official now?" She wiggled her brows.

"No, he hasn't like asked me to be his girlfriend or anything so" she sank back into her pillows.

"Do you even want him too?" She asked in a more serious tone.

"I don't know, I think I do which is what's scaring me" she pouted.

The door swung open and Issy was standing on the other side with her hands on her hips, "is there something you'd like too tell me young lady" she put her most authoritative voice on.

"We kissed" Marley grinned again.

Isobel gasped and jumped on the bed with them, "I knew it! I was in Theo's dorm and Blaise come in all smiley and made me leave so he could talk to Theo in private" she clapped her hands together.

"Oh god really"

"Now alls we need to do is set sue up with someone and we can go on triple dates" Issy squealed.

"Don't even try it" sue pointed a finger, "I'll find someone for myself thanks"

"This is so exciting!" Isobel's eyes were practically shooting sparks.

"What have I got myself into" Marley shoved her face back into her pillow.


As December engulfed the castle everyone's spirits started to lift as Christmas slowly approached them, even Marley had a smile on her face. Although that might have had something to do with the 6ft slytherin boy that was following her around like a love sick puppy. The girl didn't complain and took every opportunity to have five minutes alone with him when she could.

Remus had been avoiding his daughter purely because she could see right through him, Jamie was oblivious and far too trust worthy when it came to their dad where as Marley had spent her whole life cleaning up his messes. So he chose to ignore her, he was back teaching although he looked terrible but most students assumed it was down to his mystery illness.

He had told Jamie he looked that way because of his injury during the last full moon, Marley knew it was a lie even just watching him from across the room she could see that dead look in his eyes. The same one he had when the castle was broken into. He was visibly distraught and it was all down to Sirius Black.

His first lesson back the Lupin girl sighed as she walked into the class room to see her father standing at the front looking half dead.

The whole class was ecstatic to have him back all of them practically cheering, when the class started to cheer for his return Marley flinched away from the sound of clapping. She picked at the hem of her cardigan, slotting in to the back row of desks and rested her forehead on the table, waiting for the lesson to start.

Marley's desire to run out of the classroom only seemed to make time pass by slower, Remus had brought in a glass box containing a Hinkypunk. The rest of the glass seemed to be fascinated by the creature but Marley didn't care. She just wanted to get away from her idiotic peers who all worshiped the ground Remus walked on.

Blaise had asked her out for the last hogsmeade weekend of the year and obviously she agreed, Isobel practically dressed her and then the three Ravenclaw girls made there way into the village.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do" Issy smiled as she hugged Marley outside of madam puddifoots tea shop.

Marley cocked her eyebrow at her friend knowingly, "okay don't do anything sue wouldn't do" Issy spoke again rolling her eyes.

"See you guys later" Marley waved them off as she walked into the cute little shop.

Marley swivelled her head until her eyes landed on Blaise who was looking at the menu in concentration, brows furrowed and tongue touching his top lip. She walked towards him and he smiled when he looked up to see her.

"Good your here! I'm struggling to make a decision" he stood and pulled her chair out for her.

"Why what are the choices" she picked the menu up and looked over it.

"I've already asked for a pot of tea but I didn't know weather you'd prefer a scone or a pastry" he pointed them out on the menu as he moved his chair closer to hers.

"Well if there plain scones then I'll get one of them, if they have raisins in then I'd rather eat gravel" she shivered at the thought.

"So your not a fan of raisins" Blaise nodded, "noted" he smiled and walked over to the counter to order there food and collect the tea.

Marley looked around the shop noticing how everything seemed to be romantically themed, red white and pink were the staple colours and everything from the napkins to the tablecloth were made with lace or frills. She thought it was rather nauseating.

"Here you go" Blaise set down a scone with jam and clotted cream down in-front of her and he had the same for himself.

"Thank you, I didn't realise how hungry I was" she tucked in as Blaise poured them both tea.

Once the two of them were done they ordered another pot of tea and talked for a while, just as Marley suggested that they start heading back to the castle Blaise all of a sudden got nervous.

"Are you okay?" She asked him.

"I have something to ask you" he fiddled with the tablecloth as he spoke.

"Go ahead" she smiled.

"Well, we've been hanging out a lot, I obviously like you and I think you might like me, well I'm assuming you do seems we've been making out a lot. So I was just wondering if you'd maybe like to be my girlfriend?" He fumbled over his words finally looking over to her when he'd finished.

Marley's jaw fell open as she looked at him, his emotions blatantly showing in his eyes as he watched her react.

"Oh... I, are you sure?" She finally spat out squeezing her eyes shut.

"Marley I've never been more sure of anything... anyone, in my life" he let out a deep chuckle

"I'll be a terrible girlfriend" she opened her eyes to see him crouched infront of her.

"I don't mind" he smiled and held her hands in his.

"In that case, yes I'll be your girlfriend" she smiled and leant in to kiss him quickly as to not make people in the shop stare.

"Well then, can I walk my girlfriend back to her dorm" he stood and held out his hand.

"Only if you promise to give me a piggy back up the stairs" she smirked and intertwined there hands as they walked out of the tea shop.


A few days after Marley was settling into the idea of having a boyfriend, having being teased by her brother and Theodore who thought the whole situation was rather amusing. She had just left the dungeons having been helping Pansy with her last bits of homework before the holidays, along with seeing Blaise which was a bonus.

The girl was making her way to her fathers office, wanting to make sure he had everything packed up and ready to take home. As she opened the classroom door not bothering to knock she rolled her eyes. Harry Potter stood at the front of the room with her father, both of the turning to look at her when she entered. Remus nodded to the boy who smiled up at him.

"Than you professor, see you after Christmas." Harry said walking towards the door, "Hi Marley." He smiled as he walked passed the girl.

She gave him a dramatic fake smile then shot her father a look, the man frowned at his daughter before running a hand over his face and starting to climb the stairs.

"What d'you want Marls?" He grunted as she followed after him.

"Making sure your ready to go home..." as they entered the office she eyed him knowingly at the mess, "which you're not apparently."

"I've had other things to worry about." He leaned back on his desk.

"For merlin's sake. Just go and find Jamie or get some dinner or something, leave me to pack up your shit. We both know you won't." She waved her hand towards the door.

"I can do it myself."

"No, dad. Once again, you leave everything until last minute. Just go away" she opened the door and he walked out huffing and puffing.

Marley took a deep breath as she took in the state of the room, piles of clothing that had been washed by the castles house elves in every corner of the room. Parchment spread around the floor like a gust of wind had blew them everywhere, then she moved over to his bed. A photo album lay on his pillow, it was dark leather and clearly old given it's beaten up state.

When she opened it she realised right away that it was from Remus's time at hogwarts, when she stumbled on a picture of her mum and her auntie Marlene her eyes pricked and she closed the album quickly. She stared at the closed book of memories for a few seconds before wiping her eyes and shoving it underneath Remus' pillow.

After opening the window she picked up a pack of cigarettes that Remus had left on the windowsill, putting one in her mouth and used the tip of her wand to light it. Smoking was not something she did regularly, but every now and again she realised why people get addicted to it. It gave her a moment of relaxation, so she stood looking out at the snowy grounds exhaling the smoke.

It took her two and a half hours to pack away all of her father's things, leaving out a few days worth of clothes for the remaining days at hogwarts. She neatened up the room and made his bed before leaving and going to her dorm for the night.

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