Chapter 1

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Rightfully so, this game has been one of the most anticipated games of the season. It's all anyone would talk about for the past few weeks. In the restrooms, in class, at the coffee houses, parties— everywhere. Hockey was fundamental at Taft. And no matter what you do, you won't hate it because it sucks you in and keeps you entertained for the sake of finding out what happens next like an addictive series.

I don't have to be on ice to feel the determination of the players. It radiates through the entire room of about ten thousand seats.

The arena was built in 1933 and earned its name from Herman Schmidt, the graduate who used his own money to start a home for the hockey team, known as Thunderbirds. It's since been renovated with luxurious architecture. High bay lights scatter across the ceiling like stars. Marble floors and a golden pristine lobby sets a standard and a reminder of the reason why graduations and weddings were sometimes held here. The seats in the student section are cushioned which I personally think is a horrible decision for the sake of collecting dirt and spills but my ass begs to differ when underneath me feels like fluffy cumulus clouds. A form of relaxation in this pit of chaos.

The smell of popcorn and pretzels linger around the seats. People tend to stick to snacks ever since alcohol was banned. The 'oh's' and ardent cheers echoes throughout the arena whenever something exciting happens.

Tonight, we're playing our rivals. The guys on Pendleton look scary, despite the name of their university sounding like a children show. They came for blood and they're far from little. They're frighteningly buff and alert.

And honestly, Pendleton's giving Taft a difficult time this year because they're playing like complete savages.

Hockey can be vicious and exciting, still, this is the last place I wanted to be on a Friday night. If it was up to me, I'd be in the art studio. The reason why is obvious. To paint. Scribble lines and blend colors together, getting my hands dirty. In my element with cigarettes and wine. Instead, I'm here for my brother. Like he needs me to be. Always since our Mom won't.

Cole and I have been through everything together. We're twins and that was a blessing since it's the only good thing our parents have ever done. Sometimes we don't see eye to eye, I guess that's every sibling relationship anyway. We scream at each other and fight over food and repeat that kinda jazz. I love him though and would never trade him for anything. 

I feel like he just wants to know that a family member is in the crowd supporting him. We grew up with our mother and she is... interesting. Not in a good way. She's on her third husband. Third time's a charm I guess. We (her own children) were never her priority, her boyfriends and husbands were. So, she never shows up to Cole's games. Mom only calls when she needs something from us or when she wants to gush over her new boyfriend turned husband. And by that, I mean she invited us to dinner but Cole had hockey practice so I went.

Let me just say, there's a high chance the marriage won't last just like all her marriages. Fernando married Mom for her assets. Her money. It was obvious to everyone else but my mother. Fernando doesn't have a job, he stays home all day and he doesn't do anything. Mom cooks for him, brings the food as if he can't move a leg or a muscle. She probably gives him baths too at this rate. The man is basically a log. But Mom swears they're soulmates because they both have roots from Spain. When I voiced my concerns after I met him on Labor Day, Mom threw me out of the house and threatened to cut me off financially.

It's safe to say we haven't spoken since. She does call Cole's phone (claiming that he's the favorite child) to spite me I'm sure. I honestly don't feel a thing. Some days Cole picks up and other times he doesn't. Unfortunately, he pities our mother or craves her love even after all she's put us through over the years.

Maybe Mom belongs with Fernando in some twisted way. I've heard him speak to her and he was a total gaslighter, a narcissist if I've ever seen one. He'd try to change my mother's views and points and she'd accept it. Believe in things she used to laugh at before and claim ridiculous. Whatever Fernando says, goes. Like he puts her under an unbreakable spell.

"Come on Becker!"Kianna, my best friend, shouts with her hands harboring her mouth as if my brother would actually hear her.

Which I'm grateful for because the last thing I want to do is think about my mother so I hear her. She's right by my left ear anyway.

And no. Cole and Kianna aren't dating and they never will. I don't think I could process my best friend dating my brother either. I'd become a third wheel. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, but everything would change between all of us. Not to mention, Cole's a man whore and I'm the first person to say that I don't want him anywhere near my friends.

I'm the only one who's allowed to call him that. I'm not any different than him in terms of relationships which is exactly why I wouldn't want Kianna in something like that.

She nudges a bag of popcorn against my ribs. "Here."

I grip the bag before it slips and dip my hand inside, retrieving a generous amount of salted popcorn.

Kianna cheers again because she likes to make it known that she's in a building too and then she sides eye me to make sure I'm actually eating. Ginger afro looks stunning on her brown skin. Every second of helping to section her hair over our bathroom sink was worth it.

I stuff popcorn into my mouth and chew terribly slow. The sides of her mouth twitch.

Then I switch my attention to the hockey rink.

"Becker taking a risk shot."The commentator's voice rings through the arena.

Chest swelling with anticipation, I keep my eyes glued to my brother in his element. He's skating across the ice with impeccable footwork and razor focus on the puck. I notice the exact second the goalie catches sight of Cole's plan. For a moment, I think my brother is in the clear but it's a little too late and the puck doesn't make it to the net because it's stopped by Pendleton's goalie. Whoever he is, the guy is defending that net to his death.

"Saved by Golding!"

The crowd utters an 'ouuu' sound that's identical to the sound effects heard on sitcoms whenever something bad happens. That doesn't stop the players on ice though. "Getting to the puck." The commentator's voice comes out hurriedly. "Humphrey! Humphrey keeps it on the line!"

Everything happens so fast, I barely catch it and all I hear is... "He scores! What a play!"

The masculine voice continues to narrate the game. "Up the wall Becker!"Then he switches to the other player with the puck. "Wilson!"The way the words are pronounced, and the voice being steady then kicks up a couple notches with every move the puck makes causes me to be on my toes.

For someone who would rather spend their Friday night somewhere else, I'm very into the game. And by some miracle, at the end of it all, we win. I'm happy as a clam  because it means I won't have to listen to Cole bitch about losing at his own home.

As Cole heads for the locker room, I make sure to slap his hand that he sticks out for me before he disappears into the tunnel. It's sloppy since he has to walk fast with his teammates. But he knows I was here all this time.

My job is done so I grab Kianna and we head outside, munching on the remaining popcorn. The cold nips at our knuckles and cheekbones.

"Holy shit. I forgot how cold it is."I breathe out.

My phone vibrates in the back pocket of my jeans. I debate retrieving it for a split second. Should I look at it?

After like two seconds, I decide to check who is brave enough to bother me. Cole's name flashes across the screen and I slide to enter iMessages.

Don't go anywhere

I immediately found the text weird. Normally after games, I leave so that Cole could hang out with his teammates and do what hockey boys do. I'm not saying I don't go out to the bars too but I don't take place with his group of friends. We might be twins but we share different friend groups.

Not holding my thoughts in, my fingers tap across the keyboard at the speed of light.

I'm already outside, why?

My phone vibrates with another message from my brother in less than two seconds.

Kinda need your help

Before I cease the opportunity to reply, another message springs in.

A huge favor

Spit it out Coleslaw

Chill out I'll tell you when I get there

Did I say I love my brother? Well I take it back.

"Everything okay?" Kianna asks when she notices that we're not walking towards the cars anymore.

Yup. I'm going to stand here and wait for my brother like a fool. "I don't know, Cole wants me to wait for him?"

Thankfully, he doesn't have Kianna and I waiting too long. I see him among the hockey fans leaving the arena. My brother looks relieved to see me standing there. Maybe he thought I'd run off and I probably should've. He practically sprints towards us like he doesn't trust that I'll still wait.

Cole gets right into it. "Riley, you can babysit right?"

Is he serious? "You're joking,"I say, staring at his face waiting for him to burst out into laughter. "Laugh."

But Cole doesn't laugh and it's not a joke. "I'm serious Riley."

"In that case absolutely not,"I'm not lying though. I can't babysit. I don't think I've ever held a newborn or a toddler before. "I have plans tonight."Now I lie with the most genuine smile I can muster.

Cole, of course, sees through it. "Painting isn't a plan."

My fake smile flatters. "Well, it is for me. What if I was having a girls night hm?"

Cole takes the time to acknowledge Kianna. "Kie, are you having a girls night?"

Kianna's gaze shifts to me and then back at my brother. "Mhm."

I smile with teeth this time. "See? Busy."

"Kianna's a terrible liar."Cole declares and Kianna's mouth drops. "Come on Riley, you owe me."

"I'm the last person you should be asking to babysit for anyone."I want to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.

He's giving those eyes. The ones that pierces mine with the I-let-you-borrow-my-car-to-buy-art-supplies-and-I-cancelled-my-hookup-when-your-car-was-at-the-shop look. Ugh.

This is what I get for keeping the same car I've had since I was sixteen.

Making a mental note to never borrow Cole's car again when mine breaks down and he's got a scheduled hookup, I sigh and I can't believe I'm asking this. "How old is the kid we're talking about?"

"Three."A deep voice answers.

I look to catch where the voice is coming from and Cole's teammate stands in all his victory.

Pleading eyes the color of whiskey captures my curious gaze. His hockey bag slung over a broad shoulder. I watch his dark hair stick to his forehead from sweat and cheeks florid from either the intense hockey game he just participated in or it could be from the cold. There's a noticeable bruise on the right side of his cheek. However, he doesn't seem fazed.

He's the captain of the hockey team after all.

Asher Humphrey.

And he keeps looking at me like whatever I'm going to say will decide his fate.


Hey guys! Welcome, this is my very first hockey romance so please be kind. What do you think? Let me know, I'd love to hear from you.
Have you ever babysat?

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