Chapter 33

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The fact strikes me as I gaze at Riley. Her jet black hair unable to hide among the other girls by the plexiglass. She could never be lost in the crowd, at least not to me. Other fans of the game are here too, both young and old. People from different places and backgrounds. It's sort of amazing what hockey can do for others. All of them are here to see us. My girl included. Everyone's cheering and roaring chants across the room. Nothing else mattered, it doesn't get better than this.

I remember my promise to her when we were in Toledo for one of my games, she kept hers. I'm delivering mine.

My face flushes bright red as I skate towards the plexiglass. The screams from the crowd engulfs my eardrums which amps up the way my heart beats. I don't have to look to know that almost every single person starts watching me. Riley's gorgeous green eyes pierce through me. Hers are more important than anyone else's right now. It's just when I look at her, the crowd fades and the cheers simply switch to background noise.

"What are you doing?" She mouths behind the plexi, the color of her cheeks identical to mine.

I promised her that I'd score for her. So that's exactly what I'll do. I lean in near the barrier between us. "About to score for you." I point at her meaningfully. "I don't know if you remember back in Toledo but I keep my promises."

"I remember,"She quickly says and I watch a pretty little smile appear on her face. The other girls seated beside and behind her are bouncing their attention between me and her. Riley doesn't seem bothered by it the looks at all. She doesn't tuck her hair behind her ear in a shy manner, she doesn't shift uncomfortably in her seat, she doesn't make eye contact with the girls staring her down. She's just focused on me. "Show me then and you better make it because otherwise I'm covering my face."

"Okay, yeah." I chuckle, imagining her actually covering her face with her hands. Not only would that be embarrassing but also terrifying and funny. "There will be no need for that. Come on babe, do I look like a loser?"I give her a wink and then I'm skating away from the plexi. I'm certain I heard her giggle.

A bunch of questions follows, whether someone's asking Riley or they're asking someone else.

"Asher Humphrey is your boyfriend?"

"Are they dating?"

"He called her babe. Does he call anyone babe?"

I focus on the puck and begin skating, sweat dribbling down the sides of my face. The last thing I want is to lose this game at our own home. Cole would've had some colorful words if that happens and so would Coach. Tyler glides across the ice flawlessly and passes the black round beauty to me and I do what I know best, I just run with it. I can hear the crowd roar louder than ever before. This is like muscle memory, I've practiced so many times it's imprinted in my bones.

With a deep breath, I move the puck to the right dodging a hungry player from the other school. I can smell the opportunity. I can taste it on my tongue. I can reach it with my bare hands if I just go for it. For a minute, all I can hear is the rush of my heart. It's pounding wildly in my chest. Her voice echoes in my head. I charge towards the net, locking  my wrists and elbows, rotating my hips as I follow through which sends the puck soaring at rocket speed.

The goalie's eyes widen and it's too late to stop my slap shot. The puck hits the back of the net with such force it could've ripped through. I exhale the reality, skating around in triumph as the crowd goes wild. My teammates skate over to celebrate the victory with me.

"You make it look too easy man."Cole pulls on my helmet.

After that my teammates are just drowning me. The screams are deafening.

When they let go, my eyes search the crowd. There she is. My eyes lock with the person I'm looking for, I smile and point my hockey stick in her direction. Riley's standing on her feet now clapping like everyone else, I can't hear what she's screaming but her mouth's moving pretty quickly.

My teammates ended up finishing the game, for the rest of the period I passed the puck and let them shine. Especially Tyler, he made use of his speed. It wasn't a surprise that we won, we were coordinated and relied heavily on teamwork. Something the other school didn't have. As we're getting off the ice riding the wave of our win, Cole and Riley high five each other. I noticed it's something she always stayed behind to do.

I remove my glove and lift my palm with no intention of just passing her by. Riley meets my palm with hers wearing a proud smile on her face. "Thank you for not letting me cover my face. No one's ever scored for me before, I'm seriously blushing. Way to make a girl feel special."

She is. Special, I mean. Her cheeks haven't lost color either. It's cute. I need a kiss but this will do. My fingers slip through the gaps of hers, joining our hands. "Not a girl. My girl. And anytime." I brush my thumb over skin and give her hand a gentle squeeze before I release her.

Riley's whole face lights up. I think her cheeks burn brighter. "Hmm. I kinda like the sound of it."

"My girl,"I nod my head. "It suits you."

Rhett follows my action, the high five part, not interlacing of hands part and Riley happily high fives him. Then I hear her tell Eric that he did a good job which was true. He saved our ass many times. I don't think there's a better goalie, he's underrated to others, not to me. I grin to the feel of Riley's warm skin lingering as I proceed through the tunnel. Eric pulls his helmet off, walking up beside me with one hand through his hair.

"So, you and Riley are together together?" Eric questions.

"Yeah, it's all new but yeah." I tell him, unable to stop myself from cheesing like a lunatic.

He soaks in the info. "I mean, I knew this would happen since probably the uh, lounge. I did catch you looking at her. Did Cole freak out?"

So everyone knew? Cole saying he knew and now Eric. Who's next?

"I'm still alive so."

"I'm happy for you,"Eric pats my shoulder, chuckling quietly as he says, "You're the first one of us to get a girlfriend this year."

I'm laughing too. "I didn't think about that. Maybe you'll get a girlfriend next."

Eric might just be the smartest one out of all of us. I mean, the guy's an engineer major. He barely speaks sometimes, he has his moments where he's quiet and then moments where he talks non stop. I like that about him. He observes more than he talks, he'd notice something before anyone else does. Girls find speaking to him intimidating.

Eric shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know."

A step ahead, Coach's face brims with joy. "Good job guys, I'm proud of you. All of you."

"I like this better than you yelling at us Coach." Tyler says. "I could live like this."

"Continue winning like this and you'll never hear me yell again, deal?"

"Deal." Rhett replies, laughing before anyone else can. I think we all know it's not true.

When we get to the locker room, I take a quick shower and waste no time grabbing my things. I'm walking out with the boys chit chatting, when I see Riley and she grins when she sees me. I hold her hand in my free one. "Are you coming over tonight? Or should I walk you to your car?" I don't think we've discussed that and with finals looming over, I think she'd want to study. I have books to hit as well but I wouldn't mind her company.

"I'd come over if you're making hot chocolate in one of the mugs," She chuckles, the sound rattles my heart.

"Okay, I can do that. You have to help me study though. Quiz me, could you do that?"I nudge her in the side.

"Okay, yeah,"She stares up at me with those big green eyes. "I'll do that."

I lean in and give her a peck on the lips. "How are you really doing after what happened at the mall?"

"I'm doing good."

Riley messaged me about what happened. All I wanted to do was drive to her but she was a bit hesitant and I understand why. She didn't want to be the friend that had her boyfriend running over when she's suppose to be having quality time with her friends and I respect that. I called her because I didn't want to text, I wanted to hear her and be there for her. We ended up talking all night after she helped put all the groceries away. Even though what was said about her wasn't true, I could tell it still bothered her a little.

"I really wish I was there." I love that she can speak up for herself. It doesn't stop me from wishing I was there. I wouldn't be nice to Julian.

Rhett slaps my shoulder harder than the frigid air. "Is that your ex?"

I blink. "Huh?"

"Over there,"Tyler points in a direction. "Yeah, it's definitely Layla."

Turning my head in the direction Tyler pointed in, I see Layla already walking towards us which immediately makes my teammates scatter. Before Layla and I reached a civil place, we use to argue... a lot. My biggest reason being I couldn't trust her.

"See you at home."Cole salutes before he takes off.

Everyone leaves except Riley, she doesn't let go of my hand.

"Hey."Surprise remains clear in my tone.

The minute Layla gets closer is the moment I really saw how bad she looked.

She was frantic and unsteady. "Hey, I didn't know what else to do. I tried calling but you didn't pick up,"Wet mascara darkened her pale eye lids. She's been crying. Her eyes are red and swollen. "I just drove here and waited and then I saw you walking out with your friends—"

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that I was probably on the ice and I didn't check my phone after. Is everything okay?" My heart sinks to my stomach asking that. I don't like the way she's looking at me.

Concern fills my eyes. Layla doesn't show up to my games like this.


The first thought flowing through my mind. Where's Tommy? I don't like the feeling that I'm getting.

Riley releases my hand from hers. "I can give you two some priv—"

Layla shakes her head, and just bursts into tears. "It's Tommy."

I feel my stomach twist. "What about him? What's wrong with Tommy? Where is he?"I try my hardest not to shake Layla in desperation.

"T-the hos—"Layla hiccups, wiping away tears but it's too late they just keep falling. "He's at the... hos-pital. Your parents are already... there. I tried to hold myself together I'm sorry."

For Layla to cry in front of a someone she doesn't know was something I've never seen before. It scares me. Tommy was fine the last time I saw him.

Fear instantly latches onto my entire body. "What... what happened to him? What do you mean he's in the hospital?"I say incredulously, my voice cropping. "What do you mean? It's okay, you don't have to apologize just tell me what's going on."

Riley doesn't wait to hear when, how or why. She simply urges. "Go. I got your stuff."

I turn to her, this isn't how I imagined her and Layla meeting for the first time. "You don't have to." Though it was sweet of her to want to keep my things.

Riley insists and she takes the hockey bag from my shoulder, quickly opening it. "I want to. I'll... I'll meet you at the hospital, okay?" She slips my phone and keys into my hand after she grabbing them from my bag before zipping it up then she takes my hockey stick.

"Okay." I tell her and it doesn't register how scared I sound until she squeezes my shoulder and starts walking away. I don't know what hospital my son's at.

"What's the name of the hospital, why is he there and and where'd you park?" I need to know everything and I'm willing to listen. I walk briskly as the light from my phone illuminates my face. I stare at all the missed calls and something breaks inside my body. From Mom. Dad. Layla. Even Aunt Shirley called twice.

"St John's, I'll start from the beginning,"Layla says weakly, sniffling beside me. "I parked this way, um,"She takes a deep breath, struggling to meet my long strides. "I didn't call you at first because I thought I had it under control, I realized something was wrong with Tommy when..."

Author's note:

I know, I've been busy and I barely update nowadays I'm really sorry you guys. It's September 9 which means it's Asher's birthday so I'm updating right now. Happy birthday to everyone who commented on that chapter saying that they share the same birthday as him! I'm sorry the chapter is kinda sad towards the end. See you guys soon! Xo

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