Felling Battle-Part 1

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         Today was just as dark and gloomy, as the past few days. The mood never changed in this castle, even when yours did. A blue candle flickered in the kitchen as you ate your breakfast. Nightmare said he needed to talk to you today, and he told you to bring your knife. 'I always bring my knife.' You'd almost scoffed but decided against it.

Once your breakfast was gone you headed out of the kitchen toward the training room. What did Nightmare need to talk to you about? Your question wasn't answered at all when you walked into the room and saw Cross standing by Nightmare. Cross was taller than you by a few inches and his outfit consisted of a hoodie and shorts with black and white 'X's on them. He wore a white jagged scarf that was outlined in black. A red zigzag scar ran underneath one of his eyesockets and he wore a golden heart pendant. He had his giant knife propped on his shoulder as he watched you walk in.

"There you are." Cross grumbled, letting his weapon fall to the floor so he could lean against it. You fought the urge to blow a raspberry at him in front of Nightmare. Instead you stood in front of Nightmare, completing the small circle of three, and crossed your arms.

"You wanted to talk with me?" You looked to the black skeleton.

"Yes. You and Cross are going to come with me to Underfell." He said. Cross nodded and you shrugged. Finally he brought you on a mission with him!

"Kay. What are we going to do there?" You asked, not shifting your position. DETERMINATION in your gaze. You were ready for anything Nightmare wanted to throw at you. He smirked,

"We're going to try and recruit Red and Edge."

"So what's the plan?" Cross asked, completely focused on the task Nightmare had put out on the table.

"Easy. Cross, you and I are going to go get Edge and Y/n will go get Red." As Nightmare explained the plan Cross snickered at your role, causing you to narrow your eyes.

"What's so funny?!" You demanded, letting your arms fall to your hips.

"Just good luck with Red." Cross warned with a small smile on his face. You huffed,

"Don't need luck when y'all have been training me for the past few weeks." You mumbled under your breath. Thankfully the others didn't hear you.

"Ready?" Nightmare asked. Before you could respond the room spun and your stomach dropped. After that sensation passed you were in a snowy forest outside of a small town. Nostalgia hit you,

"Snowdin." You breathed. But everything seemed flipped around.

"Remember the plan. Red should be somewhere in town." And then Nightmare and Cross were gone. Sure, simple. Try and lure this unknown skeleton to this spot and Nightmare will explain the situation to them. Okay. Snow crunched under your feet as you entered Snowdin Town. Not only was everything swapped around but it had a kinda edge to it. You could get used to this place. Searching around you caught a glimpse of a short skeleton walking into Grillby's. Following him you hoped it was the right skeleton.

Walking into the building a wave of warmth hit you and your shivered. Sweeping the place you found him again and sat down next to him at the booth. He ignored you at first but soon noticed a human sitting next to him. Monsters had started to stare at you. Had they seen a human before. Might've been a key question to ask before Nightmare left.

"Heh heya sweetheart. Whatcha doing around here?" He asked. You internally groaned at the nickname. It told you he was the flirty type though, you could work with that. Plastering a fake smile on your face you turned to meet his red eyelights. He wore a red turtleneck like Error and a black sweater with yellow accents. His black shorts had a yellow stripe running down the leg. You noticed and were confused by a red spiky collar wrapped around his neck.

"Oh I'm just hanging around. I was looking for someone." Your sweet tone seemed to perk him up.

"You ya looking for?" He asked and you caught a glimpse of his shark-like teeth. One of which were gold. You put a finger to her chin in thought.

"A skeleton named Red." You looked at him, as if studying his appearance. "Are you Red?" You asked. A confused expression appeared on his face for a second before it shifted to a mischievous grin.

"I'm Sans. But my friends call me Red. So yeah tha's me." He said. Red leaned closer,

"Why do ya ask? Whatcha need?" Well spirits, now you knew why Cross had wished you luck.

"I needed to show you something." You told him and jumped off the bar stool. Red slid off his bar stool and followed you out of Grillby's and toward the forest Nightmare had shortcutted you to. Red's eyelights never left you and you dared not imagine what he was thinking. Suddenly you tripped and fell over, but something wrapped around your waist to prevent you from hitting the ground. Opening your eyes you saw Red standing over you, grinning like a madman.

"Watch where you're walking sweetheart." He drawled. No doubt about it, Red tripped you and blamed it on your non-existent clumsiness. The irritation made it to your face and you snapped at him,

"Watch who your tripping." Red's eyelights flashed and his arm let go of your waist, and you caught yourself before you fell. Red looked very confused at your sudden mood change.

"Come on." You grumbled. But Red didn't budge.

"Where're ya taking me?" He asked, suspicious. You huffed. Did you have to explain it before the clearing came into view? No. No you didn't. You grabbed his red collar and dragged him the last few meters to the clearing. Red didn't even struggle, his red eyelights looked at you confused.

"Here we are now just wait." You told him, glaring at the trees. Red was still suspicious but shrugged and sat against a tree. Soon you heard the loud boisterous voice of his brother Edge.

"WHERE EXACTLY DID YOU SAY WE WERE GOING?!" He demanded. Cross emerged into the clearing followed by Nightmare and Edge. Edge's fashion matched his name. He wore a black armored shirt with broad spiked shoulders, black leather pants that were fastened in place by a red leather belt with a yellow skull on the front. Red boots reached his knees and they had black straps and more yellow skulls on them. Finally a rough and torn red scarf was wrapped around his neck, a deep scar ran over his eyesocket. Edge saw you and glared.

"WHAT IS THIS PATHETIC HUMAN DONG HERE?!" Edge yelled. An insult was about to escape your lips but a short pain in your SOUL stopped you.

"Y/n is one of my followers." He turned to you,

"Good job in getting Red here." You nodded folding your arms in front of your chest.

"You two have fun?" Cross teased. Narrowing your eyes you growled,

"Shut up!"

"Awe come on."

"SHUT UP! Nothing happened. He just so happened to be quiet difficult to get out here." You snapped.

"Are y-" Nightmare's tentacle shot between the two of you.

"Break it up!" He ordered. You and Cross glared at each other before crossing your arms and turning your backs to the other, childishly. Nightmare grumbled to himself before turned to the fell brothers who had moved to each other's sides during your little fight.

"Anyway, we brought you here to offer you a part in our little plan." Nightmare explained the details but you were to focused on flipping Cross off behind Nightmare's back.

"Eh, I don't know boss. Doesn't seem like a good idea." Red said. Edge scowled at him,

"WHY NOT?" Red sweated and fiddled with his phalanges.

"We uh just got...I-it's finally peaceful here. A-and I don't want anymore trouble." He explained. How boring peace was. There was no fighting and conflict. You kept these thoughts to yourself as Edge thought this over.

"I GUESS YOU'RE RIGHT. FOR ONCE." He agreed, albeit hesitant. Edge looked at Nightmare.

"WE'RE GOING TO HAVE TO SAY NO." He said simply. Nightmare's tentacles shook slightly in anger, but his voice stayed calm and cool.

"Fine. But if you ever change your mind..." His sentence trailed off and he turned around. Following his gaze you only saw snow covered trees.

"He's here." Nightmare muttered. Swiftly turning around he faced the brothers.

"If you're not joining, leave. This isn't your battle." His voice was dripping with hostility now. The brothers left quickly and Nightmare faced you and Cross.

"My brothers here with his two little friends." You knew what this meant.

"I call dibs on the painter." Nightmare shrugged.

"Whatever. Just split them up, Cross you take the small blue one." Cross nodded and you took off into the forest.

(Yay!! Battle in the next chapter I'm working on it at the moment so be patient, it will be out today.)

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