Chapter Seventeen

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"Ha!" The syllable was drawn out and followed the sound of a body slapping against a thin crash mat.

"Yuko! Tsuzukete Hajime!"

These words were echoed elsewhere, where two youths wrapped in white, tied by black belts began to circle each other once more. Kicks, punches, the occasional sound of someone falling, along with the shouts of referees filled the hall in which the tournament was held, beneath the eyes of numerous spectators. Most of these people had eyes trained on one area, on one of the five matches occurring at anyone time, likely they were friends or family members. However there were others observing.

This was the youth division of the contest, the quick paced heats, prior to the semi finals and finals. And later, there would be an opportunity to see skilled adults fight.

Amongst the spectators that were two men; one who was particularly large, wearing a slightly confused expression beneath the brim of his cap and the other, who fidgeted beside him with twinkling black eyes. This young man was mumbling beneath his breath, fists clenched and eyes wide. Zee smiled, thinking this was how he and his brothers were during a rugby match. While it was true that he didn't really understand the terms or how the moves of the youth's fighting were scored, seeing Ichiro alight in his own element felt worth the trouble. He had been right to bring him here on this date.

"Stop thinking that this is a date," Ichiro suddenly warned him, though his eyes had not moved from the bout occurring nearest them.

"Two individuals going out," Zee drawled as Ichiro attempted to ignore the tremors trickling over his skin due to the deep sensual nature of the man's tone, "exploring each other's interests in the pursuit of a romantic partnership... that's called a date."

"Two individuals hanging out," Ichiro attempted to rectify while giving him a look of incredulity, marvelling at the man's shamelessness. How many times did he need to clarify their relationship anyway before the man got the message!? "What pursuit of romantic partnership? We're friends, end of."

Zee prodded his stubborn omega's forehead, marvelling that even such a small area of skin contact could send pulsing sensations of delight along his nerve endings.  "I'm pursuing you. Stop denying this at least. I'm not your friend."

Ichiro turned away, crossing his arms as he pouted; "What's wrong with just being friends with me? Why so serious? Does this really have to be more than that?"

"Yes," Zee replied. He heard the Omega sigh, but noted his attention was captured once more by the youths participating in the tournament. Now just one match was occurring and the two boy's participating bowed to each other, before taking stances opposite each other.

The match began, the first boy attempting to punch the second at chest level, but this was intercepted, the child aimed at side stepping as he directed the thrusting arm away, before attempting to kick the thigh of the other. This was dodged and the first boy took a step back before being pursued by the second child once more. Watching these two boys, in their safety headgear, attempting to land blows upon the other made Zandre draw comparisons between the battle between himself and Ichiro, neither willing to give in, with Ichiro trying to dodge the issue while he was on the attack, without his blows landing.

He glanced back at the Omega, his eyes tracing the features of the man who hadn't realised just how much of himself was already etched upon Zandre's soul. There was a trace of melancholy that he hadn't noticed previously.

"Everything alright?"

Ichiro was startled from whatever thoughts were drifting through his mind at that moment and his lips curved, even as his eyes didn't. "I'm fine," Ichiro murmured into reply as the referee awarded the second boy two points for the kick that managed to land upon his opponents exposed waist. "Just thinking of some things."


"Like the last time I participated in a tournament," the sparkle in Ichiro's eyes faded slightly, causing Zee to frown, but he remained silent waiting for Ichiro to explain. "I was fourteen. I came second in my category." His smile widened as he reminisced then twisted slightly as more painful memories followed. "It was a week before my birthday and before my mother gave me this." He tapped the collar upon his neck.

The second boy won the eight points needed to finish the match, beating the other youth by six points.  The child's smile was bright and his family clapped and cheered for him, while the other by looked upset and disappointed.  Still as he stepped down, he was greeted by companionable hugs and words of encouragement.

"It's difficult to lose," Ichiro murmured, as he watch the boy who could only hope to win his next match for third place or not reach the podium in this tournament this time.  "Trying to accept that you're not quite there, that there's someone better than you still, despite all the hard work that you put into training.  Imagine then, if that person that you lost to was not actually an Alpha, like you assumed, but was actually an Omega all along."

There had been excuses; that's why you lost to him, after all, hitting a weak Omega was like hitting a girl!  You had to go easy on him!  Oh and I bet his pheromones caused a distraction, so you didn't fight at your best!  Never mind that a few of the girls in their club were better than those complaining boys, or that he hadn't had his first heat yet, so how exactly was he supposed to distract them with his smell?

Parents got involved, should an Omega even be allowed to compete with their precious sons?  As if he was walking seduction ready to drag them all down.  That and omegas were weak, likely should be competing against the girls, but that wasn't fair to the girls as he was still a Male!  Then came the question of validity for his medals, his trophies, even his grade as if he had cheated somehow to get them all!  The karate federation that over saw the competitions and grading didn't take away his placements or belts, but the whole situation tainted his view on the sport, especially as his sensei encouraged him to retire rather than deal with any more fuss others were producing.

"Ichiro..." Zee wanted to reach out and comfort Ichiro.  He didn't know what had happened back then, but he could already understand from the bitter expressions flittering across Ichiro's face that it had not been pleasant for the Omega.  Had bringing him here been a mistake all along?

"I want some ice cream," Ichiro said suddenly, rising to his feet.  He wasn't one for sweets, but a need for the cold treat suddenly came to him.  "Do you want to go get some?"

"Sure," Zee replied and took out his phone to check out a map of the local area, not being completely familiar with this part of the city.  "There's a dessert shop a quick walk away.  Want to try there?"

"Hmm, I hope they have cookie dough!" Ichiro grinned as he made his way out of the hall, Zandre following him like a towering shadow.

"I prefer vanilla, if I'm honest," Zee told him.

"Boring!" Ichiro chuckled as he began walking in the direction Zandre indicated. 

"Not boring," Zee grumbled, though he had been accused of being so before by his sisters when it came to favouring this flavour.  "Vanilla goes with everything!"  Ichiro simply chuckled more, the tension in his body beginning to seep away.  After a moment, Zee thought he should offer an apology, he hadn't intended to bring up bad memories. "Sorry."

Ichiro didn't need to ask why he was apologising. Despite his denials regarding the connection between them, he already could easily read the Alpha's mood. "Don't be," Ichiro reassured him. "I did hate karate for a while back then... actually I hated a lot of things, especially the collar, but martial arts also helped me get back on my feet during the worst of times, so... and if I could, I'd attend a lot more tournaments! I really want to see the kids of my dojo compete some day!"

"They don't compete now?" Zandre questioned and Ichiro just shook his head, but didn't elaborate.  He didn't want to dwell any longer on the unfairness his gender had brought to him and the children he taught.

They entered the dessert shop at which point Ichiro decided that cookie dough ice cream was not going to be enough, he wanted waffles as well.  Zandre stuck to a small vanilla sundae with mixed berries.  Ichiro pointed at it with his spoon after cleaning the contents off of it with his tongue, causing Zee to be more interested in what was occurring behind his pink lips rather than the dessert before him.  "Adding fruit to vanilla ice cream doesn't make it any less boring!" Ichiro teased.

"I'm not commenting on your dessert," Zee looked at the ice cream topped waffle which in turn was topped with chocolate sauce and marshmallows.  To Zee it was a nightmare of sweet richness and sugary indulgence; he'd thought Ichiro wasn't fond of so much sweetness.  "No need to pick on mine."

"Of course you can't comment on mine!" Ichiro prodded the waffle with his spoon until he broke a piece away to consume.  "Mine is fabulous!  Yours can't compare in the slightest."

"Oh I believe it can," Zandre smirked, before beginning a silent count until Ichiro caught onto his point.  It took less than three seconds for Ichiro's face to begin to glow as he caught on. 

His eyes refused to meet the other man's in his embarrassment as he mumbled in retaliation; "into vanilla ice cream, probably into vanilla sex as well..."

Zandre's brows raised and he leant forward across the table.  "When it comes to sex," a deeply provocative smile curved the Alpha's lips, "there's nothing 'vanilla' about me.  But I'll teach you all about that side of me when it's time."

The colour of Ichiro's skin deepened and no amount of cookie dough ice cream seemed enough to cool the heat in his cheeks nor the ardour in his disloyal body.  "I don't need you to teach me anything!" He cried out before practically burying himself in his dessert to hide his embarrassment. 

Zandre chuckled and finished the last mouthful of his own dessert before he declared; "I think there is something I need to teach you."  He rose to his feet, pushing his chair backwards, before leaning over Ichiro.

Ichiro glanced upward and swallowed the melting ice cream upon his tongue.  "What?" He asked, cautiously.

Two plush lips covered his own without warning, a prickle of hair teased the skin about them and a cold tongue tasting of vanilla invaded his mouth.  Ichiro's body shivered, but not due to the icy sensation that trickled along his nerves with bolts of pleasure as Zandre drew him deeper into the kiss.  Their scents began to combine, a heady mix of freshly cut wood and spice, enveloping them in its haze.  A sharp, lewd whistling sound pierced Ichiro's ear, bringing him back to reality and he pushed away the Alpha angrily.  "What are you doing?!" He demanded, ignoring the staring eyes about them.

Zandre looked down at his Omega, a pang of hurt in his chest, but he did not regret his actions.  "I told you, I'm teaching you a lesson.  Don't mistake me as being your friend."  He headed towards the toilets before Ichiro could say anything in retort.

"Bastard," Ichiro grumbled, poking at the pool of melted ice cream on top the remaining soggy waffle.  Ah, he was going to have a stomach ache later after eating all of that sugar, just that sometimes one needed to indulge a bit... Appetite lost, he tossed down his spoon, crossing his arms about his chest and pouting once more.  Stupid Zee with his stupid kiss... his fingers involuntarily reached for his lips, an echo of sensation still haunting them.  Maybe... maybe vanilla wasn't so bad after all?

Zandre grinned as he looked back and witnessed this.  His Omega could deny him all he liked, his body was honest enough for both of them.

Author; And she makes it, with half hour to spare!

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