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"I'm heading out," Jiro called out from the hallway, followed by Saburo confirming he was as well.  Ichiro chased after them with a flurry of questions;

"Do you have money for lunch?"

"I still have sufficient change from the money that Zandre gave me yesterday," Jiro replied.

"And he topped up my online account!" Saburo confirmed, tying his laces as he sat on the stairs.

"What about umbrellas, I heard it might rain today," Ichiro mentioned, glancing out at an azure and cloudless sky.

"The chance of rain are less than 10% all morning," Jiro pointed out as if he was quoting the forecast of a website, "only reaching a height of 25% between one and two, when both of us are still in school.  Afterwards, the chances of rain are very much insignificant."

"Translation, we don't need one!" Saburo added before following his older brother out of the door.  Outside, a car was waiting for them with a young man of around Jiro's age in the driver's seat.  This was not an uncommon scene over the last few weeks, the youth was the friend that Jiro had made at his school and the young Beta often came to pick them up in the morning.  Ichiro waved them all away with a light smile, before closing the door.

As he turned around, he was greeted by two open arms that wrapped about him and drew him close enough that a more intimate act might be stolen.  Ichiro was kissed to nearly breathlessness, before those plush lips worked their way to his neck and began the pleasurable task of leaving a new mark upon the tender, white skin.  However, Ichiro's braincells were not so starved of oxygen as to completely deprive him of his senses.  He slapped his fiancé's arms. 

"Don't leave another mark," Ichiro half groaned, half gasped.  "The ladies at the gym do not need more fuel for their gossip fires."

Zandre moved reluctantly away, but still reached up to stroke the reassuring ring shaped scar upon his Omega's neck.  Unlike the red blossoms dotted about the rest of Ichiro's body, this mark would never fade. 

He had thought it would take a lot of convincing for Ichiro to move in with him, a lot more to allow him the honour of bite marking him during Ichiro's next heat, but actually, the Omega had not resisted at all.  In fact, after they had come back home from abroad, it had been Ichiro who had phoned him and asked him when Zee would come and collect them.  "I need to figure out how far your place is from my brothers schools and it would be best if we could move in over a weekend so to not disrupt their education too much."

He'd driven around to the place Ichiro was staying just ten minutes later.  His siblings all declared him whipped.

As for the marking...

Zandre had thought that he could not resist the lure of Ichiro's body or scent on an ordinary day, however the moment those strong pheromones he was lost to a euphoria unlike anything he could describe.  It was as if every part of his DNA screamed to unite with Ichiro and fill his body with his seed.  Even a moment a part in the minutes where the lustful haze receded and in which they tended to their other needs, was too painful and only heightened the requirement to find pleasure in the other once more.  Ichiro was pressed beneath him so often that their skin began to chafe, even as their throats became sore and hoarse, yet still it didn't seem to be enough.

Biting Ichiro as he came, breaking the skin and tasting blood upon his tongue gave them both needed relief and the time to sleep before the next wave of lust came over them.  This went on for over a week, even longer than Ichiro had predicted it might be based on the heat that occurred when Zee had been away.  Fortunately, the next heat had not been so long or as exhausting.

"What are you thinking about?" Ichiro asked him as he noticed that Zandre's eyes had become distant, while they held each other, still in the hallway of Zee's... their home.

Zandre gave him a wicked grin.  "That time I marked you!  Ow!"  Ichiro had slapped him again.  Actually, it didn't hurt at all at least, not Zandre.  Ichiro's palm was a bit red, though.  The Omega pulled himself out of his fiancé's arms and sashayed into the kitchen.  Zee followed him, while appreciating the view.

"Mum wanted to know if you've any ideas for the venue yet," he mentioned, thinking of the phone call he'd received this morning.

Ichiro glanced down at the platinum ring upon his finger and blushed, before brushing the question away.  "You only proposed a month ago," he said, opening a cupboard to take out his water bottle for the gym.  At first, he was helping out the karate instructor who was based there, the man just happened to be an old friend of Zandre's first brother, and later he set up a couple of classes of his own, though these were martial arts exercise classes like before.  His new boss also allowed Ichiro's former students to join them at his old prices for a while, provided they could get to the slightly more distant gym, that is.   So none of his cute, young students had to suffer not being able to get the relevant belts they deserved any more just because his instructor status failed to be recognised by certain bias organisations.

Now he was also training to be a lifeguard so he could potentially score a few more hours work.  Not that he needed to, Zandre would quite happily allow him to laze around and allow him to pay for everything, but Ichiro was too active a person.

"Mum just likes to be organised," Zandre told him as he sat at the breakfast table just to watch his lover for a while longer.  "And we have set the date."  It would happen in just a year, but even that felt like a lifetime to Zee.  If it were up to him, Ichiro and him would have tied the knot at the registry office the week after he'd proposed.  Just that Saburo thought it would be awesome to have him and Jiro give Ichiro away and his little sister, Braelin wanted to be a bridesmaid.  Not to mention that his brothers were planning a poker game in which the winner would become his best man. 

The doorbell rang disrupting Zandre's pastime of Ichiro watching and he made a grunt of complaint as he lifted himself up to go and answer the front door.  It was his agent.

"You haven't forgotten that we're due to meet with the director for the advert have you?" The man immediately began questioning Zandre, who made some excuse as he let him in.  The endorsement from before had fallen through; those neophytes had not gotten passed the fact that he confirmed his relationship with an Omega man.  However, it had not been long after that that a new offer came through for a watch brand, specifically wanting him on a poster with a couple of other sportsmen to advertise a group of new designs.  The three posters had been well received, the sales were excellent, so the company asked all three of them to star in adverts for these watches and some of their related accessories.  This was new territory for them, but not one they were willing to decline, after all there was a limit to the career of a sportsman, who knows if one day they will no longer be able to continue in their line of work.

Of course, acting and modelling was also not a guaranteed career for anyone either.  Take his ex-girlfriend, Elani for example.  The character in the soap-opera she played was recently written out, she could no longer rely on it for a steady income, but apart from a few risqué modelling contracts, she had nothing else in line and his agent had mentioned that there were few resources being allocated to her at the moment.   This was only a little related to the messy ending that they had for it was the company itself that was struggling now; it seemed someone quite influential in this country's wealthy elite was not happy that it hired people to whitewash its small star by smearing dirt upon Omegas.  They'd only found this out when not even their most up and coming celebrities had not been able to get even a tiny role in the film adaption of Ryu Kanuga's popular and highly celebrated third novel.  His agent was planning to have them both move to a different agency as soon as Zandre's contract was at an end, which suited the Alpha just fine.

Zandre shook hands with the director and the end of the meeting and expressed that he hoped the man would be generous and guide him well.  The other replied that he looked forward to working with the Alpha.  The advert would be shot as soon as a few other things were finalised.

Afterwards, the manager took Zee to the gym, not because he had training today, for he still had to maintain his body and attend practice ready for the new season, which started soon, but because he wished to pick up his fiancé, who was likely flirting with a group of women.  Sure enough, Zandre found him in amongst a few flowers, but standing out as if he was an orchid amongst daisies as usual.  He glanced around and caught his man's eye with a cheeky and slightly lopsided smile.  The girls all tilted their heads after seeing this and sighed happily.

"You set the date, right?" One girl nudged Ichiro with her manicured finger.

"En," Ichiro agreed and threw it out there as confirmation.

"What are your plans afterwards," one of the others asked curiously, "I mean, do you want children?"



The two men who had differing views shared a look of discontent.  The girls realised their mistake and made excuses before running off.

"Why not?" Zandre asked, his eyes roaming down Ichiro's lithe figure and settling upon his flat stomach.  He's always liked the idea of it swelling with his child.

"If you want children, we can have them," Ichiro purred as he neared his man with a glint in his eye.  "As long as you carry and give birth to them."

Zandre frowned.  "I can't do that, I'm a man!"

"So am I," Ichiro reminded him, gleefully pushing aside the fact of his secondary gender for argument sake and running off to change.  Zandre shook his head and rushed to follow him.  His Omega was so stubborn, but he reckoned he could change his mind one day.  Probably.

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