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Groaning filled the air, a male with long pale ash blond hair sighed opening green blue eyes. Three monsters gasped above him, two taking off while one fell over but it got up and sprinted away. "Amethyst? Where are you?"Cale asks looking startled. His eyes darted around for his younger sister, then noticed a tablet on the ground. He walked over, staring at the words that popped up on the screen. "The towers are the key...the tree holds the truth..." It suddenly glitched off, Cale picking it up. He stared at it, then his head shot up remembering again. He looked around for his twelve year old sister, his eyes wide when he saw no sign of her or any retreating footsteps. "AMETHYST!!?"Cale yells worriedly. Did the monsters grab her and drag her away before he woke up. What even were those and why had they been hovering over him. "Sis! Can you hear me!?"Cale calls cupping his hands over his mouth. Silence followed, causing his hands to shake. He rushed away from the beach, his hair flying behind him. "AMETHYST!!!"


Bushes rustled, a white haired girl with blue eyes popped out of a clump of bushes, her eyes widening. A bunch of monkey like creatures hit the ground making beats, her eyes sparkling at the sight. One turned noticing her and slowly came closer, stopping directly in front of her. Both stared at one another. She raised her hand, the strange creature doing the same. Both grabbed the other hand, continuing to stare. "That was easy." She whipped around the monkey creature now on the defensive. A fourteen year old boy with near ankle length blue hair stared at her, cobalt blue eyes meeting her regular blue ones. "Usually you have to capture them with these spheres"The male says pulling a blue one out. He handed it to her, her eyes on it as she looked it over. "Use it on your Gorirat." Gorirat came close and sniffed the sphere, immediately causing it to split open. The monkey creature vanished, the sphere closing around him. She caught it, looking alarmed.

"Here." He opened the sphere for her, Gorirat coming out and shaking himself off. "Who are you?"Amethyst asks tilting her head to the side, Gorirat copying her. "Percy, my name is Percy." Percy looked around then started walking away, grabbing an axe. "I suggest you get to stepping, places like this area aren't safe"Percy suggests looking back at her. Amethyst stood up, dusting herself off and started walking a different way. "Where are you going?" A hand grabbed her wrist, Percy's face cm's from hers. "You're gonna come with me..."Percy says narrowing his eyes. She stared at him, perked up and looked away hearing a voice on the wind. "Cale.."Amethyst mutters spotting a sprinting figure. "Amethyst!" She snatched her wrist away from Percy, running away for Gorirat following her. "CALE!" She threw her arms up and leaped forward, hugging her elder brother. Cale hugged her, smiling in relief. He yelled in alarm as Gorirat bounded over to them, his eyes wide. "Relax, he's tamed"Percy snorts looking amused.

"A shame she tamed a monster faster than you"Percy chuckles making his way over with his axe. He released his own creature, smiling at the mole like being. Cale flinched back, looking startled. "This is my Fuddler, he's nice"Percy introduces Fuddler waving to them. "You both can stay with me and my family tonight, we have some left over outfits"Percy offers looking at the two. Amethyst looked at him, wondering why he was even offering when he just met them and didn't even know who either of them were. "My parents wouldn't mind"Percy adds offering them a small smile. "Fine"Cale sighed Amethyst looking up at him. He pointed to the monkey and mole creatures. "What are those?"Cale demanded glaring at the monkey creature his sister tamed. "They're called Pals, you can do lots of things with them"Percy responds turning away. Fuddler followed him as he walked away, beckoning to Cale, Amethyst and Gorirat. "Come on, night will be upon us soon"Percy says.

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