Friend or Foe? - staying hidden but within. Alternative storyline.

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{this alternative ending takes place after Jesse killed Petra and Axel but instead of her running away like in "Facing your friends and fears - alternative storyline" she instead stays in town but tries to avoid her remaining friends.}

Jesse: *eyes widen and her eyes are back to her normal green* wh-what... what's goin- *looks at her left hand* gah!!! What the heck is this?! What...what has PAMA done to me?....*tears fall and shivers in fear*

Lukas: Jesse! Petra! Axel! *Is looking for them* where are you guys?!

Jesse: *eyes widen and hides behind a building*

Jesse: *sneaks into a shop, grabs some clothes and changes* {she looks like the picture above}

Jesse: *grabs an ender dragon mask and puts it on* people won't recognize me...*grabs her sword off the table and sees a note* hm? *Reads the note*

"Hero of Beacon town, Meet me at the Steampunk shop at the corner of town. It's important. We need to talk about what just happened today. Don't worry. You aren't in trouble. I want to help. Please meet me. - Signed, Fionna"

Jesse: I wonder what this... Fionna person wants...what the?

*A necklace is linked to the note*

Jesse: *pulls off the necklace and holds it*

*Red words appear on the note*

Jesse: what the heck? *Reads it*

"Please put this necklace on. It'll conceal the evil within you. Your left arm needs to be examined. Don't worry, I promise the necklace won't hurt you."

Jesse: *puts the necklace on*

*The necklace glows a bright red and bandages come out of the necklace and wrap around Jesse's left arm*

Jesse: what is this?...

*The necklace glows green and stays that way*

*Green words appear on the note*

Jesse: more reading? Ugh...

"Okay this is the last thing I'm writing. The necklace should've wrapped enchanted bandages around your arm and glow green. That means that the evil you have is dormant and won't come out until the necklace blinks. That's when I'll have to replace your bandages. Please meet me as soon as possible"

Jesse: what kind of person is she? I've never heard of enchanted bandages...let alone a necklace...well...only one way to find out...*leaves the store*

Jesse: *walks to the shop* is this it? *Looks at the sign*

"Fionna's Steampunk Emporium"

Jesse: yup. That seems about right. *walks inside and looks around* what are these things?

Fionna: perfect. It's almost complete. *is in the back building something* {that's her above}

Jesse: um...hello? Anyone here?

Fionna: *stops and goes to the desk* hello. How may I help you today?

Jesse: *takes off the ender dragon mask and shows her the note* I got your note. Why'd you ask me to come here?

Fionna: I saw what you did to your friends and...I want to help you control this beast inside of you before it gets out of hand.

Jesse: yeah. Harper told me that the redstone heart needs to be removed and in order to do that I need heart surgery.

Fionna: it's very risky and could kill you. My mother died when having heart surgery so my father and I have been running this place together. I don't think heart surgery would be good for you...we don't need more hero's lives lost...

Jesse: have a point...but what am I going to do about PAMA and my arm?

Fionna: I'm going to fix you. Don't worry. That necklace will last for a whole day after that when the evil comes back, I'll do my best to fix you. I promise.

Jesse: better keep your promise.

Fionna: don't worry Jesse. I will. If anything happens to you or your necklace blinks prematurely, come to me immediately. Now I gotta take care of this for a customer. Come back at 4 p.m. so I can check out your arm. I gotta finish building.

Jesse: what are you building?

Fionna: a mechanical horse. Now leave my shop. I'm busy.

Jesse: that's cool and alright then. *Puts on her dragon mask and leaves*


Lukas: *sees a puddle of blood* no...crap...PAMA must've gotten to them...

Olivia: no... Axel...*tears fall*

Lukas: we gotta find Jesse soon. Who knows what PAMA is doing.

Jesse: *walks around town* I hope this necklace really does keep PAMA inside me. I don't want to attack my friends anymore.

Lukas: *sees her* hey! Who are you?

Jesse: *eyes widen and runs*

Lukas: wait! Stop! *Runs after her*

Jesse: *turns her head and looks at Lukas* stop following me!

Lukas: *eyes widen* that voice...Jesse! Is that you? *Grabs her hand*

Jesse: ah! Let me go!

Lukas: where are you going?

Jesse: let me go!

Lukas: Jesse...were you trying to run away?

Jesse: *stays silent*

Lukas: Jesse we're here for you. Don't try running away... whatever it is we'll fix it...

Jesse: I'm just afraid that PAMA may take me over again and hurt you...

Lukas: I know Jesse but that doesn't mean you should figure this out on your own.

Jesse: b-but...I killed them...why would you want to help me?...*tears fall from her eyes*

Lukas: *takes her ender dragon mask off* because I care about you and want you to be happy.

Jesse: but...but what if I hurt you all or kill you?..

Lukas: even if that does happen...*pulls her close* at least you know that I still love you.

Jesse: h-huh?!

Lukas: *kisses her*

Jesse: *eyes widen and blushes deeply*

Harper: *eyes widen*

Jesse: *eyes slowly close and puts her hands on his shoulders*

Lukas: *wraps his arms around her*

Olivia: *gasps and smiles*

Lukas: *breaks the kiss*

Jesse: y-you love me?

Lukas: yes...for a long time now...

Jesse: I've felt the same way... but ever since this happened...I couldn't say anything...

Lukas: I get it. I felt the same way.

Ivor: you two love birds done?

Lukas: huh? Oh crap...heh I forgot they were there.

Jesse: eheheheh.

Lukas: *looks at Jesse's necklace* hey what's that?

Jesse: huh? Oh it was given to me by a girl named Fionna. She said that it'll help me keep PAMA dormant within me.

Lukas: that's really something.

Jesse: yeah. When I put it on, it wrapped enchanted bandages around my arm. She said that the enchantment will last for 24 hours.

Ivor: she sounds that a very fascinating person.

Jesse: she seems that way. She told me to meet back at her store at 4 p.m. She said she would help me fix my PAMA problem permanently.

Lukas: good. I'll come with you.

Jesse: thanks Lukas.

Harper: we'll come also. I made PAMA, the least I could do is add additional support.

Jesse: thanks. I appreciate it.

Lukas: we should gather up supplies for now. It's only 12 p.m.

Jesse: alright then.

{And with that, this alternate story line ends here. There will be another story called "Finding a cure" This will be the last chapter from this specific story. So please read the separate alternative ending stories if you want to know the ending. I hope you enjoyed this. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day}

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