Chapter 14; Sometimes Quiet Is Violent

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"You can love someone so much... But you can never love people as much as you can miss them."

~ John Green


A/N: I'm sorry in advance for how boring/confusing this chapter will be.


Alice's P.O.V


    The waterfall starts shimmering the second that sentence leaves his lips. The water ripples and a blurry image slowly appears in the water. It only takes me half a second recognize the place, it's the only place in the world —besides the library, of course— where I go to seek solitude; a wooden bridge in the forest. I stumbled across it a five winters ago, during one of my morning walks.

    I am jarred from my thoughts when I hear a familiar voice coming from the waterfall. Leaning against the rope bridge is Lewis, all dressed in black. He looks down at a small container in his hands and opens the lid, pouring out a few white beads. I squint at the "white beads" in his palm as gasp as realisation washes over me.

    It's sleeping pills.


Lewis's P.O.V (Back In England)


    I stare at the empty pill bottle my hand, contemplating whether I should call Will or not. I don't know why I chose to come to Alice's favorite place, it reminds me of her too much. But I suppose that's why I chose to come here. I want Alice to be my last thought before I die.

    As stupid and pathetic as it sounds, Alice was the only one who truly understood me, the only one who made me feel like I belonged somewhere. Yes, I have Will, and he's been an amazing friend, but it's not the same without Alice. She was always the one that kept us, that kept me, sane. And I don't know how I'm going to survive without her in my life.

    I've made up my mind, I'm going to do it. I'm going to join Alice, in death.

    "Lewis!" shouts a voice.

    I lower my hand, jerking up head up at the sound of my name being called.

    It's Will.

    "Lewis, don't you dare put those pills in your mouth!" he shouts, running towards me.

      "I didn't want it to come to this," I say, taking a razor out of my pocket as I turn to face him.
    "What are you talking about?" asks Will, stopping in his tracks; he's less than two metres away from me now. "You didn't want it to come to what?"
    "I wanted to have a clean death, but I guess this way is alright," I say, bringing the blade to my wrist

      "Lewis, please, let go of the razor," Will begs, his voice breaking. "I already lost Alice, I can't lose you too."

     I feel tears run down my face when he says her name. "I miss her."

    "I know, I miss her too. But suicide does not end the chances of life getting worse, suicide eliminates the chances of it ever getting better," says Will, inching towards me.

      "The pain, the thoughts, the demons in my head... It's just too much for me. I don't think I can do this anymore," I whimper, my vision turning blurry. "I c-can't..."
      Will slowly takes the blade from my trembling hand "Don't give up, Lewis. It may take time, but things will get better. I promise."

    I pull back and give him a sad smile."I'm sorry."

    "Whatever for?" he asks, a wistful smile on his face.

    "I couldn't talk myself out of it."

    "Couldn't talk yourself out of what?" Will asks, placing both hands on my shoulders. "Lewis, mate, you're scaring me."

    I lift my hand up to show him the empty bottle. "I-I tried."

    His eyes widen in horror. "Lewis, what did you do?!"

    My knees suddenly give way, and I find myself on the ground, Will standing over me.

    Will drops next to me. "Stay with me, mate. Y-You're going to be a-alright. I'm going to call an ambulance, j-just stay with me, okay?"

    I try to answer him, but I feel myself slowly losing consciousness, and the last thing I hear is Will's voice, shouting my name.

    Then, darkness...


Alice's P.O.V


   I scream bloody murder as Lewis falls to the ground with a loud thud. My heart was in my mouth as I watched Will quickly bend down, picking up Lewis's arm with a shaky hand, desperately searching for pulse. Will then puts his hand in his pocket, taking out his phone. Once his phone is in his hand, he immediately calls for the ambulance. Then the image fades.

    My legs give way, but Peter manages to catch me in time. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to his body. Peter is the last person in the world I would go to for comfort, but he's is the only one here with me at the moment. I cry and scream in his embrace, struggling in his grip. I continue doing that until my arms ache and I pass out in exhaustion.

    Lewis is dead, and it's all my fault.


Lewis's P.O.V (A Few Hours Later)


   I used to think that I'd see a bright light when I die. But there's no light here, only darkness. Am I dead? Is this heaven, or hell? I have so many questions but there's no one here to answer them. After awhile, I start hearing an indistinguishable noise. I have to strain my ears to hear it clearly, it's a faint noise, like the steady beeping of a heart monitor.

    Wait— A heart monitor? I open my eyes, wincing at the harsh light shining down on me. I blink a couple of times as my eyes adjust to the brightness. I look around and realize that I'm in a hospital room with pearly white walls. Besides the bed I'm lying on, the table at the far corner of the wall and the chair next to me, the room is bare.

    "Where am I?" I ask out loud, looking around the room.

    "Maybe I'm astro projecting from beyond the grave," I say as I look down at my body.
     Then I hear laughter.
     "No, you're not. And it's astral projecting, not astro projecting," says a familiar voice.

      I jerk my head towards the voice and see Will, leaning against the wall directly opposite me. How did I not see him earlier?
    "Will! I don't understand, are you dead, too?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.
    "For goodness sake, Lewis," exclaims Will, exasperated. "You're not dead, and neither am I."

    "We're not dead?" I ask.
    Will nods his head.
    "Where are we?" I ask.
    "In the hospital, you tried to kill yourself last night," he explains, pulling a chair up to the bed, sitting beside me.
    "Oh," I say, disappointment obvious in my voice. "I suppose the pills didn't work."

    "They almost did! If you'd taken a heavier dose of those pills I'd be standing in a morgue instead of a hospital room!" shouts Will.
      I recoil at his harsh tone.
      Will's face softens. "Lewis, what were you thinking? If you died, I would have nothing left to live for."

    "I'm sorry, Will, I just don't want to live in a world without Alice. I didn't even get to tell her..." I trail off, too embarrassed to finish my sentence.
    "That you love her," finishes Will.
    I look up in shock, my mouth agape. "How did you know?"
      "Everyone knows, Lewis. It's very obvious in the way you look at her."

    "Does Alice know? Did anyone ever tell her?" I ask.
    "No, no one told her. She was totally oblivious to your feelings."
    "Have the police found any leads?" I ask, sitting up on the bed. "D-Did she run away? I-Is she..."
      Is she dead? I wanted to ask, but knew that I would dread his answer.

     "They're not exactly sure what happened to her," says Will.
    "What do you think about the whole situation?"
    "Well, I know that she couldn't have ran away, she left all her belongings back in her house," says Will.
    "Yeah, and she would've told us if she was going to run away," I add.

    "That too," says Will, nodding at my statement.

    "So what are you saying?" I ask.
    "I'm saying that she might've been kidnapped."
     I shake my head. "It can't be, if she was kidnapped, why haven't the kidnappers demanded a ransom yet?"
    "I don't know. But that's my only theory," says Will.

    "It's highly unlikely that they'd kidnap her and not demand a ransom. Her father's one of the richest people in the country."
    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth," says Will.
      "So you really think that she's been kidnapped?" I ask.

   I gesture for him to continue.
   "Honestly, yes, I do think that she's been kidnapped."
   "When am I going to be discharged?"
   "In a few hours." says Will. "Why'd you ask?"
   "Because I want to go back to Alice's house to look for clues." I explain.

    "I'll join you. We'll go first thing tomorrow morning, after you've rested."

    "No," I say, shaking my head.

      Will looks at me, puzzled.

      "We'll go tonight..."


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Edited: 22.11.2017

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