Chapter 18; As Sherlock Holmes Always Says, "The Game Is On"

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"She read about people she could never be and adventures she could never have."

~ Unknown


Alice's P.O.V


    My punishment for yesterday's stunt is for me to be confined to Peter's quarters for the day. Felix is in charge of looking after me. I have to admit this punishment isn't so bad, seeing as there's a library in his tree house. Even though Peter's the one at fault, I'm the one who's being punished. Well, that's kinda my fault for slapping him.

    But in my defence, he was being an jerk. Any sane person wouldn't know it wasn't right to bring up a death of a loved one (or fictional character) like that. Although I'm the one who's being punished, looks like Felix is the one who's being punished instead. As he looks bored out of his mind. He's sitting on the loveseat next to the door with his mace beside him.

    I shake my head, I can live with being locked in a room full of books. But I can't live with Felix being my babysitter, or "sentinel" as Peter so kindly stated. I walk around room browsing through the different bookshelves. I look at the different titles, recalling the ending of the stories in my mind.
    The guy dies in the end.

    The girl runs away.

    The girl is in love with her brother but it turns out that he wasn't her biological brother and real brother is in love with her.

    Finally I find a book that catches my eye. I carefully take the book out of the shelf and open the leather cover to read the first page. I make my way back to the couch and plop onto it with the book in my hand.


    "I'm surprised that you haven't made any attempt to escape yet," Felix says, breaking the comfortable silence between us.
    I look up from my book. "What makes you think I'm not planning to escape when you let your guard down?"
    "Cause' you're way too smart to do something as simple as that," he says.

   "You don't know anything about me."
   "I beg to differ," Felix says.
    I roll my eyes. "Prove it."
   "Okay," he begins. "Your mother died when you were a young, your best friends are Lewis Miller and Will Robertson, your father sent you off to boarding school when—"
      "You can stop now," I interrupt. "I believe you."

    I look at the book in my hands then back at Felix.
    "How long am I supposed to stay here?" I ask.
    "Until the Lost Boys are finished with their training," he says. "Which will be in a couple hours."

    A couple hours. I have a couple hours to come up with a plan to get Peter to take me home. But what could I say to get him to do so? Wait! I've got it! I'll challenge him to a game. Knowing Peter, he'll never be able to resist it. But what should the challenge be?
    I sigh. Oh well, I have few hours to think of something.


Will's P.O.V (Back in England)


    "Found anything yet?" Lewis asks.
   "Nope," I say, not looking up from my book. "Just that Disney's got it all wrong and that Peter Pan is a psychotic demon boy who should be locked up in an asylum."
    "So in other words, nothing?" he asks. I can see him approaching me in my peripheral vision.

    I sit up on the couch, hoping to find a more comfortable position. Don't you hate it when you need to find a comfortable position to read every five minutes?
    "Yup," I say, popping the "P".
    "But don't worry," I assure him. "I'm sure I'll— we'll find something when I finish reading this book."

    "I don't understand how you manage to read such a thick book in such a short time," he says, plopping down on the couch next to me.
    "This isn't that thick," I say. "I've read thicker books before."
      "It's like four hundred pages!" he exclaims.
    "Actually, it's about six hundred pages," I correct him, looking at the page number of the last page.

    "Hello...?" I say, noticing something odd on the last page.
    "What? What is it? Did you find something?" Lewis asks, trying to look over my shoulder.
    "I think so, but it's rather peculiar," I say.
    "What is it?" he asks. He can't the drawing as the book cover is obstructing his line of sight.

    "It's a drawing of Alice," I say, showing him the drawing on the page. "And it's a perfect likeness."
    "Alice didn't draw this," he says, shaking his head.
    "What makes you think that?" I ask, looking up from the book.

    "Because Alice doesn't like her books to have a crease in its pages, much less a drawing," Lewis says. "She hates it when her book has any marks."

    "So your saying that this book must've been given to her?" I ask.

     He nods.

     "Well, that explains this," I say, pointing at the message written on the first page of the book.

Run away with me.
Let's go to Neverland
And never come back
Until forever ends.

Let's escape to
Neverland together.
Solve my puzzle and
You'll find what you seek.

- P.P

    "This isn't Alice's handwriting," I say, tapping on the page with my forefinger.
    Lewis reads the message outloud. I don't have to see his face to tell that he's heartbroken, his voice says it all.
    "Run away with me?" he repeats. "She was seeing someone?"
    "I'm sure she wasn't seeing anyone," I assure him.

     "How do you know?" he asks.
    "Do you think she'd be able to date anyone while she's constantly hanging out with us?" I say. "She wouldn't have the time. Plus, we would've noticed."
    "Yeah..." Lewis says, sounding unconvinced.
    "What does "P.P" stand for, then?"  he asks.

    "I'm assuming it's short for Peter Pan," I say. "Maybe he thinks of himself as Peter Pan and Alice as Wendy."

     "In the book "The Child Thief" Peter Pan was obsessed with a young girl named Wendy so he kidnapped her. After a few years, her friends and family finally found her. But they were too late, she became a victim to Stockholm syndrome during her time with her captor," I explain.

    "Do you think that the person who gave this to Alice could be an admirer?" Lewis asks. "Someone who's been stalking her perhaps?"
    "Possibly," I say. "This seems like a kidnapping case."
     "Whoever kidnapped Alice is a dead man. I don't care who he is," Lewis growls. "I'm gonna kill him when I get my hands on him."


Peter's P.O.V (In Neverland)


       I watch as The Bloodlust Trio take turns beating Ray up. I smirk at the sight. He just couldn't stay away from Alice. Maybe this'll teach him a lesson.
    "That's enough, boys," I order, walking up to them. "You are dismissed."
    They reluctantly stop.
    I wait until they leave, then I approach Ray.

    I wave my hand over his barely conscious body, using my magic to cast a glamor spell on him; making him appear to be like he was before. "You just had to see Alice, didn't you?"
    "Of course," Ray answers, staggering to his feet. "I wanted to see her kick your ass."
    I grab him by the collar. "That was a rhetorical question, laddie."

   "If you step out of line one more time, I'll just have to pay little Christian a vist," I threaten.
    His eyes widen.
    "I-It won't h-happen again," he stutters.
   "Good," I say. "Now get out of my sight."

    He nods then limps back to the campsite. Pathetic. He's pathetic and weak.

    I teleport myself back to the campsite, and head for my tree house. The Lost Boys bow their heads as a sign of fear and respect as I walk by.
    I feel someone tug on my trousers when I reach the tree house. I look down and meet Cassie's colourful eyes.

    "What is it, little one?" I ask, kneeling down.
    He stands on his tippy toes and leans in, whispering something in my ear.

    It's hard to understand him at first so I ask him to repeat it. And he does.
    "Very well," I say, ruffling his hair affectionately, the way Alice always does when she says goodbye to him.
    "Run along, Cassie," I say. "Go play with the other boys."
    He nods his head and runs off, probably looking for the twins. I then teleport myself to the beach.


Alice's P.O.V


    "If I win, you send me home. And if you win, I'll stay here forever; I won't try to escape," I say.
    "Okay, Alice, you can do this," I say outloud.
    I sigh. It's been ten minutes since I've left the campsite and I've been practicing what I'm going to say to Peter. I've just got to wait until he shows up.

    Peter suddenly appears in front of me. I would've cried out in surprise, but I don't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he'd scared me.
    "I see you've got my message."
    "I did. So what did you want to talk about?" he asks, walking towards me.

    "I want to make a deal," I say.
    "Go on," Peter says, gesturing for me to continue.
    "I want to get off this island, but we both know that you're not going to let me leave," I say. "So how bout we make it a game? Hand to hand combat to the best of ten. If I win, you let me go home."
   "No," Peter says, shaking his head.

    "What?" I ask.
   I wasn't expecting that. Peter never backs down from a challenge and I was hoping to use that to my advantage. "Why not?"
   "Because you won't have a chance," Peter replies. "I'd win."
    "What makes you think I won't be able to beat you? I won the first time," I state.

    "Because I let you win," he says.
    "No," I say, shaking my head. "No, you wouldn't have intentionally let me win. Not in front of your Lost Boys."
    "You had nothing to gain by doing so," I add.
    "Really?" Peter says smugly. "Because I seem to recall you falling onto me."

   "So you're saying that you only let me win so that you'd get to be close to me?"
    "That sounds about right," he says.
    I clench my fists. "You have no idea how much I want to get off this island."
   "Actually, I do," Peter says.

   "And because I'm such a nice person, I'll give you a chance. I'm gonna make you a deal," he says.
   I scoff. "Nice isn't really in your vocabulary."
   "It is, I just choose not to be nice to anyone."
   "Get to the point," I say, crossing my arms.

    "How bout' this, we'll make it a different game," he suggests.
    "What are the rules?" I ask.
    "We both have to act like we care for each other, like we love each other. And whoever falls in love first, loses," Peter challenges. "If you win, I'll let you leave the island."

   That can't be it.
   "What's the catch?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
   "Clever girl," he says, chuckling.
   "What's the catch?" I repeat again, annoyed.

  "If I win, you have to stay with me in Neverland forever," he states.

    I think about the pros and cons of his game. What do I have to lose? I'm a philophobic, that should make it easier for me to win the game. I think...

    I nod, grinning. "Game on."
    "Let's play," Peter replies, smirking devilishly.


Yay! I've finally updated! I'm sorry that I took so long to publish this chapter. I blame writer's block and school. I hate school...

The only reason why I actually want to go to school is because of my school's amazing library. Just joking, (not really) it's also because I get to see my friends.

I made this chapter extra long as an apology for not updating (and for being too lazy to edit this chapter) Well, I'm gonna read some tw fanfics now. Bye! ✌

~ Alice xx


Word count: 2030 (OML 😱)


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3


Edited: 23.11.2017

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