Chapter 20; I Challenge Thee To A Game Of Hide & Seek

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"Change is a challenge, which both excites the soul, and frightens the body."

~ A.M.L


Alice's P.O.V


    "So you pull your arm back and-"
    "You don't have to tell me that," I interrupt. "I know how to throw a knife."
    "I know," he says. "But I'd prefer—"
    "Just let me throw the bloody knife," I snap.
    "Alright, alright," he says.
    Finally. I was beginning to think that he wouldn't shut up.

    "If you would just—"
    "I swear on the river styx, I'll knee you down south if you don't stop talking," I threaten.
    Now that definitely made him shut up.
    "Stop breathing down my neck," I say, tightening my grip on the hilt.
    "It's not my fault you're so short," he says.

    I glare at him. "Mind taking a few steps back?"
    "You know, most girls would swoon if I was this close to them," he says.
    "It may have escaped your notice but I'm not like most girls." I state.
    He laughs, and I can feel his chest vibrate due to our close proximity. "You can say that again."

    I see him take a few steps back in my peripheral vision. When I'm sure that he's out of my range, I get into a throwing stance. I bring my hand back, focusing on the target which is situated a few meters in front of me. Then, I thrust my hand forward, releasing the knife as I do so.

    The knife slices through the air and impales itself into the target board with a thunk. In one swift movement, I bring my hand back again and reach for a second knife. I grab the knife by the hilt and unshealth it from its leather holster. I repeat my previous action and throw the knife towards the target board. It lands a centimeter away from the first knife.

    Repeating the action again, I bring my hand back and reach for another knife. Then, with the knife in my hand, I thrust it foward, getting the same results.

    "Oh! Who just hit three bullseye on their first try?" I exclaim, smirking at Peter.
    He rolls his eyes. "You're being immature."
    "You're just sayin' that cause' you, were wrong," I say.
    "Let me guess," Peter says, walking towards me. "Will taught you how to throw knives too?"

    "Yup," I say popping the "P".

    Peter whistles. "Now that's Lost Boy material."
    "He will not be coming to Neverland," I say.
    "But he's the perfect Lost Boy," Peter protests. "He knows how to throw knives, use a bow, and he knows the art of fencing."

    "He will not be coming to this island and that's final," I say with authority in my voice.

    "Are you gonna whine all day, or are we gonna train?" I ask, crossing my arms.
    "We're going to train, of course."
    "Then train we shall," I say, speaking like Yoda.

    Then, after a second he adds, "I don't whine."
    "Whatever you say," I mutter.


    "I think it's time for a break," Peter announces.
    I slump against him the second he says the word "break".
    "Well someone's exhausted," Peter says, catching me in his arms.
    I scoff. "No shit, Sherlock."
    Peter scrunches his face, confused. "What?"
    "Never mind..."

    "How many hours of sleep did you get last night?" Peter asks.
    "Five," I reply, staggering to my feet.
    "No wonder you look like you're about to fall asleep," he says. "What were you doing last night?"
    "Reading a book," I answer.
    "Reading a..." he trails off, shaking his head in disbelief. "You should've used that time to sleep."

    I make a dismissive gesture with my hand. "Sleep is for the weak. I'll sleep when I'm dead."
    "You really are something," he mutters.
    "Books first, then health," I say, yawning.
    "I'll lock the library doors if you do this again," Peter warns.
    I gasp. "Punish me, not my babies."

    Peter smiles, but immediately wipes off his face, causing me to wonder if I had imagined it.
    "I can't train you if I don't have your full attention," he says sternly.

    "Trust me, I'm paying attention," I say.
    "Really? So can we resume our training?" he asks.

    "Yes," I reply. "I'm ready when you are."
    "Okay then," Peter says. "Since you've mastered weapons, we'll move on to the next part of our training."
    "Which is?"
    "Your ability to hide," he says.
    "Care to elaborate?" I ask.

    "You'll be given ten minutes to hide," he begins. "I'll come and look for you when the time's up. Your job is to hide for five minutes. If I find you before your five minutes are up, you lose."
    "In other words, this'll be a huge game of "Hide & Seek"?" I ask.
    "More or less," he says, nodding his head.

    I smirk. Good, I've always been good at that game.
    "This won't be like the game you played when you were little," Peter says, as if he had read my mind. "Till this day, none of my Lost Boys have successfully won this game. I always find them before the time is up."
    "In that case, I guess I'll be the first Lost girl to win your game," I say.

    "I doubt it," he says. "It's never been done. I know every inch of my island."
    "Well then," I say. "Let's make history."
    "You're too ambitious," he says.
    "So I've been told," I remark.

    "Your time starts now," Peter says. "Good luck."


    I run through the rainforest as fast as my legs can carry me. I notice an area where the trees are closely packed together not too far away from where I am.
    The trees will make a good hiding spot. He won't be able to find me in the dense greenery.

    Having chosen my hiding place, I sprint towards the trees. I chose an area where I'd be able to see and hear if Peter was about to approach me. Satisfied with my spot, I lean against the tree and take a deep breath. I count the seconds as they pass. Has it been fifteen minutes yet?

    At that very moment I hear the leaves rustle from behind the trees. I sneak a peak at the direction where the noise had came from. But there's nothing there. I find neither hide nor hair of him. I tell myself that it must've been the wind, or a wild animal, and that Peter couldn't have possibly found me in such a short time.

    But I don't want to take any chances. I slowly back away from the direction where noise came from. I had only taken three steps when I bump into something hard.
    Please be a tree, I beg silently.
    Arms wrap around my waist and I'm pulled against Peter's hard chest for the third time in my stay in Neverland.

    "Found you," Peter whispers.
    Even though I can't see him, I know he's smirking.
    I roll my eyes. "Fine, you win. Are ya' happy now?"


Peter's P.O.V


    "Very," I reply
    I'm close enough to her to smell her shampoo. She smells of sweat. Sweat and flowers. I will never understand how she always manages to smell pleasant after many hours of training.
    "Um, are you just going to hold me like this for the rest of the day?" she asks.

    I drop my arms to my sides. I hadn't realised that I was still holding her.
    "Back to camp?" I ask.
    She nods her head and loops her arm around mine. "Sure, let's go."
    I teleport us in the middle if the campsite. "You can have the rest if the day off," I tell her.
    "Okay," she says. "See you later."

    I make my way through the rainforest, headed towards the training grounds. The sound of metal on metal informs me that I'm getting close to my destination. I walk past the thicket and see the Lost Boys working on their swordplay. I spot Andrew dueling Hunter and Jerome at the same time.

    Andrew has one arm behind his back and a sword in his other hand. He parries Hunter and Gerome's blows effortlessly. I raise my eyebrows. He's definitely been practicing. I scan the area until my eyes land on Felix. He's teaching the twins how to nock an arrow. I make eye contact with him and jerk my head to the side, a silent request for him to talk to me in private.

    Over the pass few hundred years, Felix and I have perfected communicating with our facial expressions and body language. He nods, then turns to say something to the twins. The twins then place their bows down and run off. Felix swings his mace over his shoulder and makes his way towards me.

    I pull him to the side so that the Lost Boys won't be able to hear us.
    "Any news from Greg and Tamara?" I ask.
    He nods his head. "They contacted me this morning."
    "It's all going according to plan, they say that they've gained the citizens' trust," Felix says.

    "Good," I say. "It's only a matter of time until they bring The Truest Believer here."
    "And you'll be immortal and more powerful then ever before," Felix adds. "By the way, how is your your little game with Alice going?"

    "It's a little harder than I thought it would be," I admit. "But rest assured, I will win this game. Soon, I'll have her wrapped around my finger."
    "Why did you allow Ray to continue seeing Alice? Isn't he a threat to you— Your game?" Felix corrects himself.
    "He won't even think about making a move on Alice," I say with confidence.

    "How can you be sure?"
    "Because he knows that I'll kill his brother if he even thinks about trying anything," I say.
    "What if Alice finds out?" he asks. "The truth cannot remain hidden forever."
    "She won't find out, and if worst comes to worst, I'll erase her memory and start all over again," I say.

    "Aren't your powers weakened because of your... Situation?"
    I shake my head. "I wouldn't worry too much about that. Powers or not, I'll figure out a way to get that I want."
    "Alice was quite foolish and gullible to agree to your game," Felix says.
    "Well, I wouldn't say foolish exactly, but yes, she was extremely gullible to agree to my terms," I say.

    Felix murmurs in agreement. "Even if you lose —which you won't— you'd never let her leave Neverland."
    "Exactly, she'll be mine either way," I say. "And no one is ever going change that..."


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Edited: 23.11.2017

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