Chapter 32; Have You Been Running Through The Forest Or Did You Have Sex?

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"It's alright to love someone who does not love you back as long as they're worth you loving them as long as they deserve it."

~ Cassandra Clare, The Infernal Devices


Peter's P.O.V


    "You're getting soft," Felix proclaims.
    "What makes you say that?"
    "Come on," Felix scoffs. "Losing to Alice at Two Truths & A Lie?"
    "You heard that?"
    "My tent is the nearest to the bonfire, so of course I heard it," he says, matter-of-factly. He then punches me on the shoulder.

    "Ouch," I say. It doesn't actually hurt, I'm accustomed to reacting that way. "What was that for?"
    "For keeping me awake with your laughing," he replies. "I need to sleep, too."
    "Well, forgive me for trying to win the game," I say.
    He rolls his eyes. "Are we going to talk about your nonexistent love life or are we going to talk about the hourglass problem?"

    "What were you were saying about the hourglass?"
    "It's stopped."
    "The sand has stopped flowing," I repeat.
    "When did it stop?" he asks.
    "When Alice first arrived in Neverland."

    "Do you still need The Truest Believer now that you're not dying?"
    "Yes," I say. "Alice being here will only keep me alive if she remains in Neverland. The heart of The Truest Believer will make me immortal and stonger than ever before."
    "So we still need the boy."
    "Yes, how are Greg and Tamara doing?" I ask. "Is everything alright?"

    "No." Felix says, shaking his head. "The savior is on to them."
    "That's potentially problematic. Think I'll have a little chat with the two of them when they get back here," I say.
    "Maybe you should introduce your shadow to them," Felix suggests.
    "Good idea, Felix," I say.
    "So what are you going to do about Alice?"

    "She's never leaving the island," I say. "Even if she wins, which she probably won't, I'll never let her go."
    "Because you'll have the heart of The Truest Believer?" Felix asks.
    "No," I say, shaking my head.

    "Because she's mine."


Lewis's P.O.V (A few hours later)


    "Three, two, one!" Alice exclaims. "Ready or not, here I come!"
    "Has Alice always been this good with kids?" Ray asks, looking at her.
    Alice sneaks up behind Asa and Isaac. She places her hands on their shoulders and shouts. "Boo!" The twins squeal and laugh, turning to face her.

    "Yeah," I reply, smiling towards Alice fondly. "Always."
    "Our step-siblings love her," Will adds.
    "Step-siblings?" Ray repeats. "Mum and dad remarried?"
    I tune them out, watching Alice as she plays with the younger boys.

    Alice walks towards Cassie who's a few meters away from her. "What are you doing Cas?"
    Cassie stands next to a tree with his hands over his eyes. "If I cawant see you, that mewens you cawant see me."
    Alice laughs, and I smile at the beautiful sound. "Cassie, dear, it doesn't work that way."
    "It does for mwe," he replies.

    "She's really something, isn't she?" Ray asks, bringing me back to reality.
    "Yeah, she is," I reply. I notice that Will has left. Probably to train with the other Lost Boys.
    "How long have you guys been friends?" Ray asks.
    "Since we were kids," I say. "She's always been there for me."
    "Is that why the two of you were so determined to get her back?"

    "Yes," I reply. "Your brother and I both loved her too much to accept that she was gone."
    "She loves you, too, you know?" he says abruptly.
    "Come again?"

    "Alice. She loves the both of you, too," he repeats.
    "Did she tell you about us?"
    "Yes, She'd always talk about you guys to any one who'd listen," he says, chuckling. "She'd always brag to Pan about how lucky she is to know you guys."
    I laugh. "We're lucky ones."

    I smile, recalling all the times Alice's been there for me. She was in the hospital with me when my mother passed away. She held my hand while my mother was on her last breath. She comforted me while I was grieving. She's always been there for me for as long as I can remember. And vice versa. I was there for her when her mother died, too. And I helped her the same way she helped me.

    My mother was very fond of Alice. She loved her like she was her own daughter. We have our mothers to thank for our friendship as they, too, were best friends. I was always protective over Alice, even when we were kids. And when other people asked me why I was like that, I'd always smile and say, "She might not be my girlfriend, but she's still mine."

    People would always ask us if we were lovers or fraternal twins. Alice usually laughed and told them that we were like fraternal twins, separated at birth. And if they asked us if we were lovers, she'd always joke and say that I was courting her. I'd always blush whenever she said that, and Alice would joke and say that I was just being shy.

    I think I first realized that I loved her when I saw another boy flirting with her. It was a couple years ago, Alice, Will and I were in Primary school at that time. I can still remember how jealous I was when I found out that he liked her. Even though her feelings weren't mutual, I still disliked that boy, he was like Pan. He was arrogant and girls threw themselves at him.

    The only difference between that boy and Pan is that I hate Pan. I hate him with a burning passion. He kidnapped Alice and made her go though all those awful things. Don't get me started on the little "Game" he has with her.

    "Lewis?" Ray says, breaking my train of thought.
    I shake my head. "Sorry, I spaced out for a second."
    "What did you say?" I ask.
    "I said, do you think Alice fancies me?"
    If we were in a movie, this would be the perfect time for the dramatic gramophone scratch. "What?"
    "I said, do you think—"

    "I heard you the first time," I snap. "I just wasn't sure if I heard you correctly."
    Deep breaths, Lewis. Deep breaths. Don't go all yandere on him. Alice isn't mine.
    "What makes you ask that?" I ask, dreading the answer.
    "Um, you can't tell anyone, especially Pan," he says.
    "I promise, I won't tell a soul."

    I regret asking him already.
    "Well, you see..." he says, lowering his voice.
    "We kissed," he whispers.
    Woah, woah, woah, woah, you what?! I wanted to shouted, but instead I said. "Do you fancy her?"
    "Yes. Yes, I do."
    Silence falls between us.

    "So... What do you think?" Ray asks.
    I grit my teeth. I really want to hate him for having feelings for her, but how can I? It'd be easier to hate him if he were a prick, but he's the total opposite of one. He's perfect. He's nice, caring, charismatic. And he's has a chance with Alice, unlike I do. What if Alice does have feelings for him? What am I supposed to do?

    Should I be salty and unhelpful, or tell him the truth, that he has a chance with Alice?

    I internally sigh. I'll just tell him the truth, he deserves that much for watching out for Alice while she's been on this godforsaken island. I guess this is why Alice always tells me that I'm Ravenclaw. I always wondered why the Pottermore quiz placed me in that particular house, but now I finally know.

    I scratch the back of neck. "I think that she might fancy you, too."
    Well, there's no going back now.


Alice's P.O.V


    "Would you rather meet you favorite author or meet your favorite actor?" Lewis asks.
    "I can't believe you just asked that," I say. "That's one of the toughest questions I've ever been asked."
    "You were the who suggested for us to play Would You Rather," Will says.
    I shake my head, raising my hands in surrender. "I give up. Let's just go back to playing Truth Or Dare."

    "Okay, Truth or Dare, Ray?" Will asks, turning to face his brother.
    "Would you rather swim with sharks or take a bathe in mermaid lagoon?" I ask.
    "Definitely swim with sharks," Ray replies, facing me. "Truth or Dare?"
    "Dare," I say confidentially. "What? I ain't no pansycake."

    "What are you, twelve?" Lewis asks.
    "And a half," Will and I respond, laughing.
    Lewis rolls his eyes.
    Ray eyes my guitar on the ground. "I dare you to play the guitar and sing a love song."
    "The full song or...?"
    "Just up to the chorus."

    I pick up my guitar with my right hand. "Alright, it's not my fault if you guys become deaf."
    The boys laugh.
    I position my guitar in my arms, humming as I strum the first few chords.

"I don't know why
But my hands are shaking
I can see you coming
And I stand here waiting
Yeah I get tongue tried in
The conversation
It's an F'ed up, bad, sick situation

I tried to tie my heart down,
Board up all the windows
Oh but it's too late now
I let you get too close
I know I should take cover
Hide inside these four walls
But baby I surrender, it all

'Cause you're a force of nature
Look at what you've done
I can taste the danger
But I don't wanna run
So hold me to the ground
And I won't put up a fight
I'm a caution taker, but
Baby you're a force of nature
But baby you're a force of nature..."

    They all clap as I sing the last line.
    "This reminds me of the time our music teacher asked you to play the piano in front of the class," Will says, smiling.
    Lewis laughs. "You were so awkward."
    I groan, burying my head in my hands. "I've repressed those memories, don't remind me of them."
    "Why. What happened?" Ray asks.

    "It was a couple years ago," Will begins.
    I sigh. Here goes my dignity.
    "We were still in primary school at that time..."


    "Hey, Alice, do you want to— Where are you going?" Rays asks.
    I turn around to face him. "I'm going to the training grounds, Peter told me to meet him there after dinner."
    "Oh," he replies, crestfallen.
    He scratches he back of his neck nervously. "I just—never mind."
    "What is it?" I ask.

    "It's stupid," he says, shaking his head.
    "Tell me," I say. "I'm sure it's worth hearing."
    "Um, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my tent later. Lewis and Will agreed to let the boys bunk with them tonight," he says. "We could teach each other how to play our favorite songs on my keyboard."
    I smile at his awkwardness.

    "I-It's just a thought, you don't have to come over if you don't want to," Ray adds.
    "No, I'd love to come over," I say. "We could have a sleepover."
    "What will Pan say?"
    "I'll tell him that I'll be staying with Lewis and Will," I say.
    Ray smiles shyly. "Alright, then. I'll see you tonight."
   "See you tonight."


    "Why did you want me to meet you here?" I ask Peter as I approach him.
    "I wanted see if you could beat me at Cat And Mouse," he replies.
    "How can I be sure that you won't use magic this time?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips.
    "You can't," he says. "You'll just have to trust me."
    "What if I don't trust you?"
    "If you didn't trust me, you wouldn't have agreed to meet me."

    "Okay, you've made your point."
    "So does that mean you'll play?" he asks.
    "Yes," I say, tying my hair up in a pony tail.
    "You know the rules right?" he asks.
    "Yeah, it's self explanatory. I have a ten second head start to outrun you."
    Peter nods. "Your time starts now."


    I run past him, heading for the caves. I duck under low hanging branches, narrowly missing them. I can feel the shrubs and branches tearing at my clothes as I run. I stop at a fork in the path.

    Left, or right?

    I hear Peter's footsteps a few meters away. My ten seconds must be over.

    Oh, screw it.
    I bolt down the path on my right.

    The second I pass a tall tree, I know I've chosen the wrong path. But I can't stop now. I continue running down the path until I come to a stop. It's a dead end.
    I squeal as someone snakes their arms around me.
    "Peter!" I scream. "Put. Me. Down. Now."
    He laughs, but does as I say.

    "How long did I last?"
    "Thirty seconds, not including your ten second head start."
    "Thirty seconds?"
    "That's not bad," Peter tells me. "You might've been able to outrun me if you'd take the other route."
    I yawn. "Yeah."
    "It's getting late, we'd better go back to camp."

    I look up at the sky. Holy cheese— Is that the time?! I was supposed to go to Ray tent after curfew!
    "Do you want me to teleport us to the tree house or do you want to walk back?" Peter asks.
    "Um, could you just teleport me near Lewis's and Will's tents?" I ask. "I'm staying with Lewis and Will tonight."

    Peter nods. "Alright, see you tomorrow."
    He then places his hand on my shoulder and teleports me right outside Lewis and Will's tent. I brisk walk towards Ray's tent. I wonder if he's still awake. I push the tent flap aside and walk inside the tent.
    I can hear Ray's voice from his room. "Alice? Is that you?"
    "Yeah, it's me."

    "I thought you weren't-" he pauses, looking at my current state. His face flushes in embarrassment. "Are you okay?"
    I look down at my reflection in the mirror next to Ray. My dress is caked with dirt and torn at some places. My hair's in a mess and there's a leaf stuck in my hair.
    "What?" I ask, confused at his reaction.

    "Did you guys—" Ray blushes.
    I furrow my eyebrows.
    "Did you guys, um, you know..." he trials off awkwardly, gesturing at my ripped dress.
    My eyes widen when I finally realize what he's implying. "No! God, no."

    "Then why do you look like you were running through the forest?" he asks.
    "That's because I was, Peter and I were playing Cat And Mouse," I explain.
    "Oh." Ray scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Sorry, I just thought— never mind."

    "Why don't I clean up first?" I suggest. "I'll sing you some of my favorite songs later."
    "Y-Yeah. I'll be in my room," Ray informs me.


Well this chapter took forever to write. I'm sorry I took so long, I was busy studying for my exams and I had to train for my drill com. I'm also sick 😷 I've been sick for a week and it's really frustrating.

In other news, TYASM FOR 10K READS! 🎉🎉🎉 (Ik this chapter is a few days overdue, but let's just pretend that it isn't xD) I never thought I'd get more than 1K reads when I first wrote this book. But here I am, six months after updating my first chapter with 10K reads and over 150+ followers 😱😱😱

I can't thank you guys enough for the amount of support you gave me ❤ I love you guys so much, thank you for always putting a smile on my face whenever I see my notifications blow up with votes and comments

We also have another thing to celebrate, Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) is coming back to OUAT in two days 😱😱 I repeat, our son/dad/husband is coming back to OUAT 😂😱😆

Well, imma go make some aesthetic edits for my instagram account. Bye, guys 👋

~ Alice xx


Incase you were wondering, this chapter has 2.5K words


I got the idea to write the last part of this chapter from the brilliant and creative EmilyTheHorcrux you should totally check out her books if you haven't already done so. Her works are GOALS AF 😱😍😍😍


Lewis, Ray or Peter?


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3


Edited: 13.12.2017

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