Chapter 36; Being The Only Girl In An Island Full Of Boys Is Stressful

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"I wish I could find you. I wish I could touch you. Wrap my arms around you. And whisper "It's allowed going to be ok."

~ Unknown


Ray's P O.V


    "She did what?!"
    "She cut herself," Lewis replies, his voice muffled by his hands.
    "No." I shake my head "No, there's no way that she would've done that."
    "Well she did do that, and she nearly killed herself while doing so," my brother states.
    I collapse on my bed. "I can't believe it. This is all my fault."
    "Our fault," Lewis corrects.

    "What?" I ask, looking at him.
    Lewis crans his neck up, taking his head out of his hands. "It's our fault. The three of us decided stop talking to Alice just because of that incident."
    "And now she's in a coma because of us," Chris adds.
    I look up at the ceiling of the tent, sighing. "How did our lives get so messed up?"

    "I've been asking myself that question even since Alice disappeared," Lewis replies, slumping onto the bed next to me.
    Someone please change the topic, I silently pray.
    "What job were you guys assigned to?"
    "What are you talking about, Will?" Lewis asks.

    "Yeah," I say, thankful for the change in topic. "What are you talking about?"
    "You guys didn't hear the announcement that Felix gave after training last night?" Chris asks.
    I shake my head. "I wasn't paying attention."
    "Neither did I," Lewis says.

    "Pan's cancelled today's training session," Chris begins. "Felix said that each of us would be given a job to do just for today. I'm on hunting duty with Andrew and some other Lost Boys."
    If Chris told me that he was paired with Andrew, or any other member of the Bloodlust Trio a few weeks ago, I would've begged Pan or Felix to transfer him to another group.

    But it's different now, Chris can protect himself; he proved that when he beat Andrew and his boys in a duel. Andrew was convinced that he cheated and demanded a rematch, but we all knew that Chris won fair and square. He even managed to beat Felix in a duel a few days prior to our incident with Alice, officially making Chris the best swordsman in Neverland.

    "Oh, that announcement," Lewis says. "I'm assigned with Scott's group, we're on kitchen duty."
    "What about you, Ray?"
    "I'm on guard duty with Theo and his friends," I say. "Seems like Pan's determined to split the four of us up."
    Chris nods. "Yeah, first he turns Alice against us and now he's splitting the three of us up. He's definitely planning something."

    "Well, whatever it is, I bet it's not good," Lewis says.
    I shake my head. "Keep your voice down, the boys are still asleep, plus Pan has ears everywhere, and I'd rather not get into trouble like the last time."
    "Why? What happend?" Chris asks.
    I resist the urge to bring my fingers to my lips. I can still remember how shocked I was when Alice kissed me back. "I'd rather not talk about it."

    "Okay, you don't have to tell us," Chris says. That's what I like about my brother, he never presses you for an answer —or explanation— if it isn't necessary.
    "What time is it?" Lewis asks.
    "A little after five a.m," I say. "We still have an hour till we have to report to Felix."
    "How's Andrew?" Lewis asks. "Is the prick still trying to kill you guys?"

    "Nah, we're fine now," Chris replies, waving his hand dismissively. "I mean, we aren't best mates but at least he isn't trying to kill me anymore."
    Lewis lowers his voice. "If only Pan wasn't such a git, this place might actually be tolerable."
    "And if only Alice wasn't so into him," I add, my voice no louder than a whisper. "I hope she realises that he's a tool."

    Lewis raises his hand in a mock toast. "Amen to that."
    We all laugh.
    "But seriously, though," I say. "I want Alice to realise what a git he is without her getting hurt."
    "But unfortunately, we can't have one without the other. The only way she'll see that he's an asshat is if he breaks her heart," Chirs states.
    "For once, I hope you're not right."


Alice's P.O.V


    "Tag, you're it!" Isaac shouts. "You're it!"

    Cassie giggles, chasing after him. Asa and Isaac purposely slow down pace, making sure that Cassie would still be able to catch them. Cassie runs after them, almost tripping over a rock in the process.
    I stand up. "Be careful, Cas!"
    The twins slow down just long enough for Cassie to tap on Isaac's back. "Ywou're it! Ywou're it!"

    Cassie squeals as the boys start running after him. I shake my head, sitting back down. I pick up my needle, grabbing the shirt lying on the top of the laundry basket. I told Peter that I wasn't going to sit around doing nothing all day so he asked me if I'd be alright with alright with patching up the tears in the Lost Boys's clothes. I agreed, knowing that none of the lost boys would know how to do it.

    It also gives me a chance spend time with Cassie and the twins. When I first got here, I couldn't tell the difference between the twins, but now I can. Although the twins look identical, their personalities couldn't be more different. Asa is the more mature twin, if anything bad ever happened, he'd think first before he acted out on it.

    Isaac on the other hand, would do the exact opposite. Unlike his brother, Isaac would act before he thought anything through. Isaac's also the loudest of the two, if he were ever to get angry, he'd be very vocal about it, whist Asa would try to keep his temper in check. If I were to guess which twin was older, I'd assume it was Asa because of his personality.

    I'm almost finished stitching up a pair of trousers when I hear one of the twins shout my name. I drap the shorts on the rim of the bamboo basket, looking towards the source of the voice. It's Asa. I wave at him but stop when I see the serious look on his face.
    "Asa, what is it?" I ask. "What's wrong?"
    "It's Cassie, he's hurt."

    The next thing I know, I'm running towards the direction that Asa pointed me to. I spot Cassie and Isaac near a thicket of thorns. Cassie's arms are scratched. Upon closer inspection, I notice that some of his wounds are deep. My eyes cloud with tears. I kneel down, taking Cassie in my arms. "What happend?"
    "We were running past the bush when we heard Cassie cry out," Isaac says.

    "He fell in the brambles," Asa continues, gesturing to the thorns next to us. "We had to pull him out."
    "Hurts." Cassie looks at me with tears in his eyes. "It hurts."
    "I know, Cas, I know," I say, tucking a few strands of hair behind his ear. "You're going to be alright,  we're going to find Peter."

    I turn to face Asa. "Asa, take your brother and go back to your tent, I'll go look for Peter."
    Asa nods. He takes his brother's hand in his and they run back to their tents. I stand up slowly, careful not to hurt Cassie. I'm scared that I'll hurt him if I move too quickly. I place Cassie on my hip and use my hands to support his back.

    I force myself to take deep breaths as I brisk walk back down the path. After a few minutes, I start to freak out. I should've reached the camp borders by now. I frantically scan my surroundings. It's gotten dark and nothing looks familiar to me. My breath gets caught in my throat. I clutch my chest with my free hand. My chest rises and falls rapidly as I breathe in.

    My head pounds and my hands start shaking. What's happening to me? I'm breathing in but I can't get any oxygen in my lungs. It's almost like— almost like I'm drowning. I gasp, collapsing against a tree. I can't breathe. I feel faint, and my head feels like it's exploding. Stop, I beg silently. Please stop. I can't take it anymore. I scream.


    He appears in front of me the second I utter his name. He takes one look and me and rushes forward. "Alice! What— What happened? What happened to Cassie?"
    "Get him... Back to the... tree... house," I gasp. "He... needs help."
Peter places his hand on my shoulder and teleports us to the tree house.

    He takes Cassie from my arms and places him on our bed. Peter then grabs me by the shoulders and shakes me. "Alice, I need you to clam down. I can't help Cassie without you."
    Tears spill from my eyes. "I... Can't... B-B-Breathe."
    He engulfs me in a bear hug. "Focus on my breathing. See how slow it is?"
I nod, forcing my breathing to match his.

    After a minute or so, I can finally breathe normally. "What was that? Why couldn't I breathe?"
    "You had a panic attack," Peter says. "You must've scared yourself so much you triggered a panic attack."
    I take a deep breath. "Cassie. Help Cassie."
    Peter rushes to the toddler's side, using his magic to heal him. He waves his hand over Cassie's body, healing most of the cuts.

    "It's not working." Peter groans in frustration. He passes me a rusty key and points at the locked door in the hallway. "Look for the first cupboard to the right, there should be a green jar on top shelf."
    I nod, running out the room. I slip the key into the lock and turn the key. The door opens with a creak. I quickly make my way to the cupboard at the far corner of the room and open the door.

    I push the other glass bottles aside, only stopping when I spot a lime green jar. I grab it and sprit back to the room that I share with Peter.
I pass the jar of Peter. "Here."
He opens the jar and takes out a pinch of yellow powder. He then sprinkles it over Cassie. "This should help with the healing."
    I hug him, sighing in relief. "Thank you."

    Peter nods, acknowledging my thanks. "It's late, we should get some sleep."
    "Could Cas stay with us?" I beg, pulling away. "Please, Peter, just for tonight."
    "Sure, but only because it's too late to bring him back to the tent," Peter says.
    "Thank you," I repeat.

    Peter waves his hand over Cassie, using his magic to change him out of his bloodied clothes and into a green onesie. I change out of my dirty clothes and into my nightwear, one of Peter's shirts. Peter changes into a fresh pair of clothes too, crawling into bed with me. Cassie lies in between the two of us, sound asleep. Peter uses his magic to put out the candle.

    "Goodnight, Peter," I whisper.
    "G'night, love," he whispers back.
    "Good nwight, mama awand dada," Cassie mutters in his sleep.


How many of you thought that I'd kill Cassie? Don't worry, if I was going to kill someone, I'd give a warning and it'd be a lot worse 😈

Anyway, thank you all so much for sending me dms and commenting nice things on my last chapter. You guys have no idea how much it means to me. Your comments gave me motivation to write another chapter. What did you guys think of this chapter? Was there enough or too much drama?

I was just wondering, how many of you guys are following me on instagram? (My username is @/Diy_vergent) Because I've been seeing a lot of comments from you guys in my instagram feed. Btw, your comments always make my day :)

~ Alice xx


Here's a gif I made for you guys

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Edited: 26.12.2017

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