Chapter 9; Home Is Where The Wi-Fi Connects Best

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"We don't call it homesick. We call it missing home. There's not a sickness involved, it's a state of mind."

~ John Litten


Third Person's P.O.V


    "Tell me, is there anyway off this wretched island?" asked Alice with her eyes on the ground.
    "Nope." replied Ray. "You can't leave the island, not without Pan's permission."
    Alice sat on a fallen log, using a stick to draw shapes in the rich, brown soil.
    "Have anyone ever left the Neverland without Peter's consent?" asked Alice.

    "No." said Ray. "Not that I know of."
    Well, that crosses out that idea, thought Alice, sighing as she dropped the stick.
    "Where do you guys sleep at night?" asked Alice, attempting to change the subject.
    "In tents." replied Ray. "We're all required to share a tent with another lost boy."

    "I hope I don't have to abide by that rule." said Alice.
    "You don't." answered Peter. Alice almost jumped at his arrival.
    "I had a tent made for you prior to your arrival." he explained.

    Then why didn't you let me sleep alone last night? Alice wanted to ask, but she held her tongue.

    "Not enjoying the celebration, Alice?" asked Peter, kneeling down next to the her.

    "I'm not overly fond of parties." said Alice, looking at the ground. "What's there to celebrate anyway?"

    "Why, your arrival of course." replied Peter, as-a-matter-of-factly.
    "Why?" asked Alice, looking up at him. "I'm nothing special."
    "Trust me, Alice." said Peter, placing his hand on her shoulder. "You're more special than you think you are."

    Alice furrowed her eyebrows and turned to face Ray, giving him a look that said, "what's that supposed to mean?"
    He just shrugged and shook his head as if he were saying, "beats me, why don't you ask him yourself?"
    "Leave us," ordered Peter, looking at Ray.
    And Ray walked off without another word.

    "Do you know any good songs?" Peter asked abruptly.
    "What?" asked Alice, slightly taken aback.
    "I said, 'Do you know any good songs?'." he repeated.
    "Are you joking?" asked Alice. "You ordered Ray to leave just so you could ask me if I knew any good songs?"
    "Just answer the question, Alice." demanded Peter.

    Alice rolled her eyes. "Yes, I do know some good songs. Why?"
    "Good." answered Peter, grabbing Alice by her upper arm. "Because you're gonna be singing at the bonfire."
    "Wait— what?" exclaimed Alice.
    "Gather round, boys!" shouted Peter, walking towards the huge bonfire with Alice in tow. "You're all in for a treat."

    "What makes you think I can sing?" asked Alice, jerking her arm out of Peter's grip.
    "I have my ways." said Peter as if that simple sentence explained everything.
    "Even if I could sing, which I can't by the way, I don't even have a guitar." protested Alice, hoping that he'd change his mind.

    Peter then held his right hand up and waved it over Alice. "Now you do."
    Alice looked down and saw that she was holding an acoustic guitar in her hand. The body of the guitar had a light, caramel brown hue and its strings were transparent.

    Alice stared at the guitar in her hand in awe. "How...?"
    "Magic," replied Peter, smirking.
    "Don't be smug," said Felix as he approached them.
    "What?" asked Peter, feigning innocence.
    Felix rolled his eyes and sat down on the nearest log, setting his mace down beside him.

    A crowd of lost boys had already gathered by the bonfire, waiting in anticipation.
    Peter gestured to an unoccupied tree stump, "Well, go on, then." It sounded more like an order than anything else.
    "Fine," Alice huffed in defeat, walking over to the log.

    "What song should I sing?" asked Alice as she tuned the strings of the guitar.
    "Any song is fine," answered Peter plainly.
    "Okay," replied Alice; she already had a certain song in mind.
    She straightened her posture then began strumming the first few chords of the song...

"I'm a Phoenix in the water
A fish that's learned to fly
And I've always been a daughter
But feathers are meant for the sky
So I'm wishing, wishing further,
For the excitement to arrive
It's just I'd rather be causing the chaos
Than laying at the sharp end of this knife...

With every small disaster
I'll let the waters still
Take me away to someplace real

'Cause they say home is where
Your heart is set in stone is where
You go when you're alone
It's where you go to rest your bones
It's not just where you lay your head
It's not just where you make your bed
As long as we're together, does it matter where we go?
Home... Home...

So when I'm ready to be bolder,
And my cuts have healed with time
Comfort will rest on my shoulders
And I'll bury my future behind
I'll always keep you with me
You'll be always on my mind
But there's a shining in the shadows
I'll never know unless I try

With every small disaster
I'll let the waters still
Take me away to someplace real

'Cause they say home is where
Your heart is set in stone is where
You go when you're alone
It's where you go to rest your bones
It's not just where you lay your head
It's not just where you make your bed
As long as we're together, does it matter where we go?
Home... Home... Home... Home...

'Cause they say home is where
Your heart is set in stone is where
You go when you're alone
It's where you go to rest your bones
It's not just where you lay your head
It's not just where you make your bed
As long as we're together, does it matter where we go?
Home... Home... Home... Home..."

    Alice immediately heard clapping after she had sung that last verse. She was surprised when she noticed that some of the younger lost boys were crying.
    Looks like I'm not the only one who's homesick, thought Alice, smiling.
    "I knew that you could sing," said Peter over the sound of the boys' clapping and cheering.


    "So... Where will I be sleeping?" asked Alice.
    It was getting late and most of the lost boys had already turned in for the night.
    "Come on, I'll show you," said Peter, gesturing for her to follow him as he walked towards the nearest row of tents; which were about ten meters away from the bonfire. Alice stood up from the tree stump and followed him with her guitar in her hand.

    He brought her to the middle of the campsite, where a few dozen tents were scattered around the clearing. She wasn't even the least bit surprised when they came to a stop next to the tent that Felix had just entered. "Here's where you'll be staying."

    To call the tent small would like be calling hell a sauna. The top of the tent was barely up to her waist and it was covered in a bunch of patches of fabric, like the tent she had woken up in previously.

     Alice gave him a look that said, "are you kidding me?"

    "Trust me, it's a lot bigger on the inside," said Peter as he opened the tent flap.
    Alice ducked under the eave of the tent then stepped inside, followed by Peter.

    "What do you think?" asked Peter.
    Alice stared, speechless, with her mouth agape.
    The interior part of the tent was huge! It was like something out of a Harry Potter book.

    The only furniture in the room was a bed with white sheets, a Japanese room divider, a wooden chest and a dresser; on top of which rested an old fashioned oil lamp and mirror which hung above the dresser.

    Alice finally snapped out of her gaze at the sound of his voice. "It's amazing."
    "I'm glad you like it," he then pointed to the dresser and said, "There are clean clothes inside those drawers if you want to change out of that outfit."
    "Are all the tents like this one?"

    "Nope. Yours is slightly different."
    "How so?"
    Peter gestured to the wooden chest which was in front of the bed. "The other tents don't have that."

    "Well, I'll leave you to do whatever you want. There's no curfew, just be sure to wake up on time."

    'Wait—" called Alice. "Ray said that Neverland was timeless. How will I be able to wake up, let alone tell time?"

    "You needn't trouble yourself with something as unimportant as time," Peter told her. "It doesn't matter here. As for how you'll wake up tomorrow, well, trust me when I say that there's no way you'll be able to miss the wake up call."


    Alice folded her dirty clothes and placed them on top of the dresser. She had changed out of her previous outfit and into a faded white jumper and grey leggings. She blew out the candle in the oil lamp then walked to the bed. Yawning, Alice crawled under the covers and closed her eyes.

    She tossed and turned in bed. The only thing that kept her awake was the thought that she'd be stuck here forever, never to see Lewis or Will ever again.


Let me just say, Melanie Martinez, Birdy and Gabrielle Aplin are my QUEENS! I love their voices <3
Okayyy, I'm done now... *hides behind a bookshelf*


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3 xx


Edited: 21.11.2017

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