Q&A + 10 Facts About Me

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1) Malec or Clace?

Malec. I love Clace and all but Malec is just 😍

2) Would you rather kill Sebastian or Alec?

Um, Alec. Sorry. I love Sebastian too much to kill him (don't judge me for being in love with sadistic characters 😅)

3) What do you think and/or feel about Sizzy, Malec, Clace and Magnille (Magnus and Camille) and Cebastian?

I love Sizzy, I think the two of them are so cute together. I ship Malec like FedEx and I love Clace, but not as much as Malec. I love Sebastian and all but I'm not really comfortable with incest so...

4) Why are you such a good writer?

HAHAHA, I'm not. Just check out my other book, The Boy With The Limp or re-read the first ten chapters of Pan's Game and you'll see. Although, I'd like to think that I've improved a bit on my writing seeing that it's (hopefully) better and more detailed nowadays.

5) Who are your favorite singers other than Halsey, Melanie and Troye?

Definitely Bea Miller or Zendaya.

6) If you could live in any movie/book for the rest of your life what would it be?

That's a tough one. I'd probably choose Harry Potter because I love the idea of being a Witch or The Ranger's Apprentice because I'd love to be one of the first female rangers.

7) Which faction would you join if you were living in the Divergent universe?

I wanna be cool and say Dauntless but let's be honest, I wouldn't last a day there, I'm wayyyyy too clumsy. I'd probably die trying to board the train tbh, so I think I'd choose Abnegation because I love that faction's morals and I've been told that I suit that faction.

8) Where do you get your inspiration from?


9) How long does it take for you to write a chapter?

If you include editing and making/finding a gif then a day or so, but if you don't then roughly two or three hours.

10) Would you rather watch Peter Pan die or Newt die irl?

I think Newt, because his death seems like it would be more painful to watch because of how he gets killed. (Please don't kill me fellow Pangirls)

11) Who/What inspired you to write Cassie?

My baby sister, Emily. OneTrueDivergent Cassie was inspired by what she used to be like when she was 3-6 years old. (Ah, the good ol' days when she didn't know how to talk back)

12) Who/What inspired you to write your original characters?

My close guy friends inspired me to write Lewis, Ray and Will. Hunter and Jerome were inspired by the bullies from The Ranger's Apprentice. Andrew and the twins were just two characters that I thought of on my own.

13) When are you planning to publish Checkmate? (the sequel to Pan's Game)

Either in late June or early July, but I might not update as often as my exams start in July. (Comment below if you think I shld start later so I'll be able update more often)

14) Where/When is Checkmate going to take place?

Early into season 5

15) What inspired you to come up with the title of the trilogy?

My little sister did. I was just listing a couple possible names when she suggested Pan's Game.

16) Do you plan out the ending of your story before or after you start writing them?

Before. Yes, I did plan to kill Peter and Felix from the very beginning.

17) Are we going to see any new characters in Checkmate?

Um, I'd say, yes. I have a handful of new characters that I can't wait to introduce you guys to.

18) Is Alice ever going to get her memories back?

You guys'll just have to wait and see.

19) Is Palice ever going to be canon?

Like I said in question 18, you guys'll have to wait until I publish Checkmate.

(And last but no least, the most important question of all)

20) Are you going to kill anyone in the sequel?



10 Facts About Me


1) I'm 14. I don't know why, but people keep thinking that I'm much older.

2) I can play the piano.

3) I'm 5"1 (I know, I know, I'm short -_- )

4) This might come as a surprise to some of you guys, but believe it or not, I'm Asian. (That's my excuse for my height) I'm not gonna say which country I'm from though.

5) I can speak two languages; English and Chinese, but I'm not fluent in the language (I'm not bilingual.)

6) My first book fandom was Divergent and my first movie fandom was either Narnia or Harry Potter.

7) My favorite genre of books/movies are dystopian, mystery, action-adventure, a bit of romance (but not too much), and somewhat historic fiction.

8) The only sports I'm good at are: rollerblading/ice skating, rock climbing and cycling (I'm not a very sporty person)

9) TheLonelyDoggo is my parabatai and my bff 😘💕

10) My personality change from hyper and exited to bored and tired in a matter of seconds. (There is no in between)


That's about it. If you guys were wondering, I just decided to do this bc I thought that it'd be a fun thing to do and that some of you guys would want to ask me some questions. I added a few of my own in case you guys wanted to know more about Checkmate.

Well, that's all for this A/N. I'll keep you guys updated on Checkmate. Feel free to dm me if you have any more questions.


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