Chapter - 2

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My thoughts about my prince was disturbed by Maa's voice.

"Putri, now its time for you to do pooja. Come with me now." Maa said.

I went with her to do the pooja and then had my dinner with her and didi.

"Tomorrow you will be doing the Annapoorna pooja with your brother, Panchali." Maa said with a tone filled with happiness.

"And this is the first pooja done when a new soul is born." Didi said with great enthusiasm.

Suddenly I had a doubt.

How could a new born do pooja??

For my case its different but how can new born babies do it???

So I asked them.

"How can a new born baby do this pooja??"

There was smile on there faces.... Even Malini giggled.

"What?" I asked again being puzzled by their reactions.

"Panchali, the new born sits in their mother's lap and do the pooja." Didi said.

"Then shall I sit in your lap and do the  pooja didi?? Because bhaiya will sit in maa's lap..." I asked.

"Everyone who will be watching us will laugh at us Draupadi." Didi said.

"Then okay I will hold your hand and Maa hand and do the pooja, as sister is also like a maa." I said with great pride.

But both didi and maa smiled sadly.

"What happened?"

"Draupadi its not possible...." Maa said.


"Draupadi I am the senapathy (army head) of our army. I need to organize the army for tomorrow's war." Didi said, while I was awe struck.

"Really? Pitashri has made you as the senapathy?" I asked with full excitement.

"Yes. Both our grandfather and father had always treated me as a son." Didi said with great pride.

"Wow.... Pitashri doesn't differentiate between a girl and boy. I am really proud to have such father." I said with pride.

"Didi its okay if your unable to accompany me. You will make us proud by winning the war." I said.

"Yes Putri.... this time you will succeed for sure." Maa said.

I smiled as I saw the pride and courage in didi's eyes.

Surely she isn't an ordinary woman but a born WARRIOR.

That night I spent my night with my new friends and servant maids.

From them I got to know the reason behind my didi's birth.

The enemy of Panchal was a land called Hastinapura. The land known for dharma and knowledge yet is filled with adharma.

It was said that the great grand sire of Hastinapura, Bhishma had once made enmity with my grandfather, Prishata, and was cursed by my nanashri  to be destroyed by the soul born in my family.

Later Gangaputra Bhishma, was destined to be killed by the Kasi Princess Amba, who vowed destroy him in her next birth for creating hurdle in getting her love.

And thus after few years, a soul, a female child was born to my father, who was trained to be a warrior and avenge for the insult given to my nanashri and that was didi Shikhandini.

Though it all seemed there was a reason behind my nanashri, father and didi's hatred, I still admired the great warrior Bhishma for the sacrifice he made all through his life.

He had vowed to safeguard Hastinapura's throne and remain as a brahmacharya (being a bachelor) all through his life, just for the sake of his father's second love, his step-mother to become his father's rightful wife.

After a long chat, all of them left the room as I should sleep. But that night being my first time in my human life couldn't give me much of sleep and so I decided to have a walk around the palace.

I enjoyed walking around the palace. It was really marvelous. As I passed by my parent's chamber, I saw them both sleeping but there was difference in the way how my parents slept.

There was peace and calmness in maa's face but there was some kind of stress and anger in pitashri's face.

I understood one thing from it. My father had lost his peace. His heart is filled with anger and hatred towards his friend, The Great Archer Dronacharya.

My friends did tell me the reason behind my birth and my twin. Pitashri wanted a son to kill Dronacharya, a son who will behave according to his father's mood.

And until that motto of him gets full filled he won't sleep peacefully.

I wondered what kind of friendship did they have that made each other to hate and insult each other.

Is this known as Mitradharma???

I kept thinking about the dharma and adharma until I started to yawn.

I returned back to my chamber as I had to get up early tomorrow.

That time I didn't know that the next night of mine will be completely different!!!


Next day Morning:

I got ready for the Annapoorna pooja. This day being the second day of my life, I was too excited.

As I came down, I saw didi in a complete different attire.

She looked like a complete warrior. That moment I understood one thing, that what ever my father was, one thing was clear.

He never gender discriminates. Which made me feel that I am blessed to get such parents.

I wished didi for her victory and went with Malini to complete the pooja. Maa was already checking over the arrangements.

I sat there and completed the pooja.

As I started to leave the temple, I saw my twin brother, Dhrishtadyumna walking towards the temple.

I was pleased to see him but he was as though an alien who feels displeased to see his twin sister.

Yet with a delightful heart I greeted him and gave him the Prasad.

But he refused to get from me. Another irritating look he gave at me.

This time I questioned him what his problem was. For which he replied,

"I am a man. And I don't need to get the Prasad given to a woman already." He said as though we both aren't even related, even a bit.

"What kind of talk is this?" I asked him, controlling my anger.

"Do you behave like this to your own sister like this?? If I tell this Pitashri he will definitely will not be happy with your behavior." I said as words spilled out of my mouth.

He stood their as though he doesn't care about what I was saying him.

"Ugh.... There is my Pitashri who honors my sister as the senapathy and treats both male and female equal, while here my brother is having ego to accept the Prasad given my his own sister." I taunted him.

I did know that this taunt of mine would anger him but didn't know the consequence of it.

"Who told you that Rajkumari Shikhandini is the senapathy??? I am the new senapathy of Panchal. And pitashri announced it just now only infront of the whole army."

"What???" I asked astonished. I couldn't believe what he said.

Was he playing prank with me?

"No, it can't be. You are lying."I said as tears welled in my eyes.

"I don't have time to prove you, I need to complete the pooja asap, and get ready for the war." He said as though he doesn't care about us, and left for the pooja.

How can Pitashri do this? Just now I was being proud of him for not being biased but how come he can do this to didi?

Didi... What must she going through? She would have really got hurt. I need to go to her immediately.

I ran to my sister's chamber. What I saw, I couldn't believe it.

"Didi...." I shouted and ran towards her, and got the sword with which she was going to cut her neck and threw it other side.

"What are you doing?" I asked hugging her.

"What else can I do Draupadi?" She said with sorrow filled in her tone.

"My life's motive is to kill that Bhishma and the father who had hope from me, I had failed him. I broke his trust and hope, by losing in that war to the Pandavas. No more I deserve to live..." she cried vigorously.

I did know that didi and Pitashri lost a war before our birth, to the Rajkumars of Hastinapura, and as a result of it only we both were born.

But how come Pitashri can blame only didi for the defeat? No, its injustice. I need to talk to Pitashri.

"Come with me didi..." I took her hand and went to Pitashri.

He was in the Rajsabh (A place where the royal meetings takes place) with bhaiya Dhrishtadyumna.

Didi kept saying, "Lets go from here." But I didn't allow her. I know father will understand us.

I entered the sabh and greeted everyone there, with a smile.

But Pitashri wasn't pleased with our arrival.

"Royal women are not allowed into the sabh in this way." he said sternly.

I was a bit shocked by his words.

"But my Pitashri doesn't discriminate women and men. The King who has always given priority to women, how come today he chose a male over a woman warrior?" I asked him, not wanting to hurt his ego.

"No one questions the King's decision, in my country." He said in a boasting manner.

"But when the father's decision is wrong, its the right of the daughter to tell him the right and wrong." I said, trying to be humble.

"How dare you? No men questioned by decision of taking the post from your didi  and replacing it by my son. Who are you to question me?" He said with utter most hatred.

Thats it. I had earned his wrath, which I didn't want to. And he has gone to extreme of breaking his relation with me. Yet not realizing, even now he said "Your didi, my son" instead of "My daughter and my son."

Anger and hatred has hidden his brain to think the right and wrong.

"Maharaj, please don't get angry with me. I wanted to tell you that what you did wasn't ri-" he cut me mid-off my sentence and glared at me.

"Its enough. Not a single word you will utter now. A daughter abides to her father's words but you seem to be so stubborn. I don't wish to anymore call you as my daughter. From now on I free you from the duty of being the Princess and Daughter of me. You are banished from Panchal and thats final. Get lost from my sight. I don't wish to you see anymore." He said with no fatherly love.

Tears where welling up in my eyes.

Didi tried to speak in my defend but I stopped her saying "At least you should be with maa and Pitashri as their daughter. I want you to be happy. Its okay I shall take care of myself didi...." Words blocked me.

I hugged at her and looked at my father one last time and started walking out, with tears flowing like a river.

As I walked, I heard didi arguing with Pitashri and asking him to stop me. She begged at him, saying, "It hadn't even been a day since she has come to this world. How shall she live away alone? Pitashri please forgive us.... Call her back please.... please..." She begged but Pitashri was stubborn to his decision.

I walked, walked and walked until I reached a river bank. Malini also accompanied me saying she will assist me. I refused but she was strong in her decision.

She asked me to apologize to my father but I refused.

I would have done it, if I had really made my father's head bow down because of my words. But no, my father was wrong.

He had disgraced womanhood. And somewhere in my heart it rebelled it. I would fight all through my life to make womanhood strong and be respected.

I sat near the river bank, looking at my own reflection and was thinking of Pitashri's words.

A daughter abides to her father's words but you seem to be so stubborn.

I don't wish to anymore call you as my daughter.

You are banished from Panchal.

Get lost from my sight. I don't wish to you see anymore.

Is what kept echoing in my ears.

For what was I born here?

To be abandoned my father?

To be hated by him?

What is my life motive?

Hey Madhava only you can answer my question. Please guide me.

I prayed as tears fell from my eyes into the river.

A small whirl was seen in the clear water and as the water became still again, something came, and flew into the water.

It was bluish and green.

It was a peacock feather.

I picked it up.

As I picked it up, I felt calm, my heart which was pondering with pain, fear and betrayal calmed all at once.

I heard the sound of a chariot. I turned to look who it was.

He was a man with dark complexion. Dressed like a royal but also like a common man.

His face had some kind of tejash (Divine look), which can calm any angered or pained heart. Above all he had a peacock feather in his mukut (crown).

There was no saarathee (charioteer) but he was his own saarathee. He turned and looked at me with a smile. That smile.... He was holy.

He didn't greet me but started with a taunt on me.

"Are you standing here to jump into the river or is the river going to swallow you?" And he started laughing at my state.

Though his words were hurting, it didn't affect me a bit. Instead I felt happy.

He looked at my attire and questioned whether I am a Rajkumari of Panchal or I had stole this dress from there....

What for he was asking it?

As though he understood my thoughts, he replied, "Because soon I am going to be the ruler of Panchal...."


But its my father who is ruling over there.... then how come he?

Once again he understood my thoughts and replied with the same mischievous tone.....

"Soon I am going to battle with Panchal's King Drupada and his army and then I shall become the ruler, so if you had stole it, give it back, otherwise you will be punished."

Punish me???

Who was he???

This time before he could read my thoughts, I questioned him.

"Who are you? Whats your enmity with Panchal? " I asked him

 "Me????" He laughed.....

"I am Vasudev Krishna"

At that name my heart became still more calmer and happy.... I even felt safe and confident....

What kind of miracle is this?

"I had come as a representative of Dronacharya to win Drupada's army....."

I just looked around to see his army but there were known.

His he going to fight all alone?

I asked him the same but he laughed at me saying, "Known battles alone.... my opponent his Drupada...."

"And let me see whether they are capable of winning my gadha's strength.(gadha is a weapon, sorry don't know the exact word for it English.  See the picture to know what that weapon is.)

Saying so he trailed away with his chariot.

I was all left in thoughts. 

He is going to fight with my father and he is so confident of his success.

His words give me peace but his actions wants to disturb my family's peace.

Is he any magician or demon in disguise of a prince?

No, he can't be a demon but must for sure be a magician.

What am I supposed to do?

I should go and alert my father.

Are you mad? Your father had disowned you and you want to save him?

My inner self questioned me.

So what? He might have disowned but I hadn't it.

If I do so, its a insult for my mother's virginity and I shall not do so. 

Whatever might it me, I shall stand for my PITASHRI even it means to go against the death.



So how is it guys???

And how are you guys???

Hope you are all doing good.

Sorry for any mistakes. Please do feel free to point it out.

I know its a long chaptz but since I am posting after a long time, I am posting it as a long one. So bear with me.

And yes don't forget to:-







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