Panchali tests Pandavas - t w o

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There is no such of rule of one year between Pandavas and Panchali.
Rule is - When any brother is having a moment with Panchali, and other brother sees/comes there, then he must take self-exile of 12 years.


"It is not about being a brother, but standing up to what you feel right.
Lakshman always looked at Goddess Sita as his mother. And when Bhagwan Rama asked her to the Agnipariksha, he couldn't believe.
But when Bhagwan Rama explained him his perspective, he understood." Sahdev explained.

Panchali just smiled in return, and why wouldn't she? Her husband had given the answer she wanted him to.

"I hope this answer satisfies you," Sahdev said, and Panchali nodded in a yes.

"My Lord, the lunch is ready, I shall meet you in the dining hall in few minutes," she muttered and walked out of the room. In response, Sahdev shakes his head in a yes.

She looked at the thread and smiled, she tied another knot, but this time she opened the knot. The slightest curve in the curve in the thread gave away that it was once tied, but is now free.

She first entered Yudhishthir's room, and found her husband engrossed in thoughts,

"Panchali," His lines of worry disappeared, and a smile replaced it beautifully.

"I believe you have answers that I search for," She stated making it clear that he must have them. Yudhisthir looked at wife, her dark face shone brightly in sun, yet he couldn't the beauty as her eyes had doubt and insecurity in them. He understood that the Princess of Panchal was trying to him by asking the question, she trusted them yet she needed a verification.

He understood her dilemma, she didn't want them to be separated as brothers nor she wished to have them keep her behind. It wasn't wrong of her to test her husbands. She had the right, and the need to do so.

"Yes my Queen," He walked towards her and placed his lips on her forehead. His small gesture had her relax a little, she felt safe and the sense of familiarity consoled her unsettled mind.

"So Bheem has uprooted a tree in your presence? I assure you Panchali, that he only meant to protect you, he didn't know that he was being intimidating." Yudhisthir spoke, "You must inform this to him, and worry not my beloved, he does not understand how to not scare people," He laughed lightly and continued, "Besides, he will feel guilty if you delay. And perhaps you might get to taste food prepared by him? He tends to make it to apologize,"

Yudhisthir's answer made Panchali happy, he didn't deny that Bheem would never do it, instead took it the positive way. Panchali only mentioned him uprooting a tree, not that it was ever intended for her. By saying that Bheem would make her food as apologising, indicated that he supported her. He did trusted Panchali by agreeing to her words.

"My Lord, the lunch is ready, I shall meet you in the dining hall in few minutes," she smiled at her husband who nodded in response and walked out.

She untangled the first knot with a pleasant smile on her face, she walked towards Bheem's room.

"My Lord," She called out to her husband who sat on a couch with an impatient look on his face.

"Panchali," Bheem softly spoke, standing up he walked towards her. "I have found out what to do in this situation," He looked so excited, Panchali could feel vibrations from far.

"What is it, my lord," she asked her husband.

"You must take away Gandiva. Arjun is too obsessed with it. He does this to everyone, goes around with his new toy and showcases his talent.
He shouldn't disturb you.
Taking away his Gandiva will make him not distirb anyone from now," Bheem spoke, explaining everything clearly like one would explain a kid.

"Is it my lord?" She questioned playfully this time. Bheem's answer had satisfied her.

"Yes, but worry not, he will not die without it," Bheem joked making Panchali laugh.

"My Lord, the lunch is ready, I shall meet you in the dining hall in few minutes," she smiled at her husband who nodded in response and walked out.

"Panchali," Arjun recognised Draupadi without even looking back. He was standing in the balcony and sensed her presence.

She walked in the balcony and saw a plate of food infront of her, "so you will make me eat hiding from him?" She asked humorously.

"No, see this is what a normal person eats. Bhrata Bheem eats five times of it, and Nakul, he is too conscious about his beauty and eats 1/3 of it.
With passing time he forgot what a normal person should eat.
Please forgive your husband for it Panchali and teach him the truth?" Arjun requested.

Draupadi looked at the plate and then at Arjun, "as you say my lord, also the lunch is ready, I shall meet you in the dining hall in few minutes," she smiled at her husband who nodded in response and walked out.

Panchali stood outside Nakul's chamber and saw the thread, it just had one knot. She took a deep breath and walked in.

"My Lord," Panchali spoke seeing Nakul talking with his pet rat.

"Panchali, I was waiting for you. Meet 'Sundri' she is really sweet," Nakul spoke forwarding the rat towards Draupadi.

Draupadi carefully secured the animal in her arms.

"Panchali look what Sundri did," Nakul showed a few scratches on his arms.

Draupadi looked worried, "did you apply the medicine my lord?" She inquired.

"I did," hearing his words Panchali took a breath of relief, "You must scold your Sundri and make sure she never does that,"

"I will," Nakul spoke, "and that is your answer too. Scold Sahdev and make sure he never does that.
Panchali, Sahdev is the youngest, he might be the most knowledgeable but he is young and immature.
Please forgive him," Nakul made a really cute face asking for forgiveness.

Draupadi said nothing and smiled. Nakul did his job as brother, took responsibility of his younger brother and as husband, took Panchali's side but never termed Sahdev as guilty.
Just like Sundri, even he wasn't at fault.

"Yes my lord, let's go, the lunch is ready," she spoke and Nakul nodded.

When Draupadi and Nakul entered the hall, the four Pandavas were already seated and discussing something.

The four smiled at her in an assuring manner, to which she unknowingly sighed in relief.

"What is it?" Nakul questioned his brothers. Arjun mischievously winked at Draupadi and replied to Nakul, "myabe Panchali can answer,"

Draupadi embarrassingly looked at her husbands who laughed lightly. Nakul, who stood next to her, slightly pinched her cheeks making her cheeks turn red.

"Panchali, what you did was perfectly fine, but, you shouldn't have lied," Yudhishthir calmed down his brothers and asked.

"But I didn't lie," Panchali immediately replied.

That was true,
In Bheem's case, he did uproot a tree in her presence to defend her at her Swayamvar.
Arjun shot at arrow to win her, that incident also at her Swayamvar,
Nakul teased Bheem for his appetite, but whatever it is for husband is for his wife, and whatever is for the wife is for her husband, so teasing for Bheem is for Draupadi.
And Sahdev, it was just another session of the two teasing eachother, neither meant to hurt eachother and both knew this.

"I just spoke half of it, it's half truth," Draupadi said. "But half lie too," Yudhishthir asked.
"How? I did not add anything, it's half truth and half emptiness, your fault you didn't ask for whole," she cheekily replied.

The five brothers shaked their head, she was, and will always remain a kid, no matter what.

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*Bang Bang*

It's completed!!!


Also, imagine Pandavas trying to test Draupadi,
So the five of them acts like drowning, "Panchali help,"
And Draupadi sees them, "You can't even swim? Pathetic," and walks out immediately.

I remember this meme was actually of original Six avemgers, and added it here!

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