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After the war of Mahabharat ...

At the palace of Indraprastha

It was a happy morning all are doing their works . Yudhishthir was in royal court and discussing something with minister he saw draupadi come there. He smile at her but she not give any reply as always . She behaving different today . She go to kitchen and saw Bheem was cooking. He saw her and about to go towords her but she left from there . Bheem became confused. She go to garden and saw Arjun is practicing of his archery he saw her and stop she left from there without saying anything. Arjun was totally confused . She go to library and saw nakul and sahdev were fighting for silly things .she left from there . Nakul and Sahdev can't understand anything.

After finishing their works they gathered at Arjun's chamber and talking.

Nakul : jyeshth Do you know what happened to Panchali ??

Bheem : yes she is behaving different today ??

Yudhishthir: let's talk to her ...

They go towards her room . They enter in her room they saw she was in balcony...

Arjun : Panchali

She wipe her tears and turn to them . She go near them

Yudhishthir: Panchali are you crying??

Draupadi: no aarya

Bheem : don't lie Panchali .. now tell us what happened??

Sahdev : why are you behaving like this today ??

Draupadi: aarya actually...

Nakul : yes Panchali say ..

Draupadi: today I don't know why I miss Devi ,Dhara , Subhi , Renu , Jaya,Himi jiji , chitra , uloopi ... I really miss them and the things of this palace make me remember them more ... I lose everything in this war ... My father ..my siblings.. sons ... And my soul sisters are angry on me because their sons died in this war ... Because of me ... (She cries)

Pandavas sat on their knees infront of them and wipe her tears . Suddenly they here the voice " who says your sisters are angry on you ??" They turn and saw eight women . Big smile appear on their face . Draupadi run to them and hug them tightly. They hug her back tightly.

Draupadi: Devi ...Dhara , Renu , Jaya , Subhi , Chitra , Uloopi .. Himi jiji you all here ...

Hidimbi : yes ... We are here because our sister is missing us ...

Devika : yes jiji ... And who says to you that we are angry on you ...

Draupadi: I think that you all are angry on me that's why none of you come for meet me ..

Subhadra : losing our sons are our destiny.. no one change it ... So this is not your fault jiji ... Don't blame your self ...

Valandhara : and you are our second mother ... How can daughters get angry on their mother ??

Uloopi : yes jiji ... Now stop crying we are here for forever... We don't go anywhere...

Uttara also come with baby parikshit. She hug her nine mothers . They also hug her back.. they take parikshit in their hands one by one and play with him ...

Uttara : your bond is so beautiful... I wish my and Vatsala's bond is also like you ...

Draupadi: don't worry putri ...

Uttara : maa I want to hear story of you nine .. how you marry pitashree.. how you meet eachother.. etc etc..

Pandavpatnis saw eachother and smiles . Pandavas also smiles ...

They take their place . Parikshit was sleeping on Devika's lap . She creases his head with love ... Uttara kept her head on Draupadi's lap . She creases her head with love ...

Valandhara : Himi jiji you start first

Hidimbi : ok Dhara .................


Here is the first chapter
Hope you like this
Pls ignore my mistakes
And yes also spelling mistake
Pls do vote and comment
And yes tell me how is the chapter ??

With 💖💖


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