A Couple Days Now

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This particular poem was inspired by the four days we spent without power this week because of the storm. I'll be writing another one soon that is also inspired by what I saw. This one is longer, but I found that I couldn't really shorten it.

It's been a couple days now,
A couple days without power,
Without distractions, without a phone or TV.
It's been a couple days now
Of not talking to friends,
Of sleeping on the couch because my room is too hot.
It's been a couple days now of opening every window and wishing you had a fan.
It's been a couple days now of sitting outside and looking around at all the trees that fell.
It's been a couple days now of dragging branches to the curb.
It's been a couple days now of cleaning up the yard.
It's been a couple days now of thinking about the negative.
What about the good?
It's been a couple days now of watching the stars, really seeing them for the first time.
It's been a couple days now of seeing the meteors trace fiery paths across the night sky.
It's been a couple days now of being outdoors much more then normal.
It's been a couple days now of bonding with my family.
It's been a couple days now of having fun in the yard.
It's been a couple days now of seeing the beauty around me.

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