True Courage

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This is a new type of writing that I've gotten into, it's more like a very short story-like poem, not like my others. This one also has a lot more emotion behind it, and I wish that I could attach a video of me reading it out loud so you can really feel the emotion, but that isn't possible, which saddens me. Hopefully you can still feel the emotion that is in this, and I want it to be powerful and send a message. I would like to enter this in Birdschirpsalotavill 's poetry contest, and I hope that you feel the emotion!

True Courage

Courage, a word we hear so often.
A word people say over and over again,
A word used to sum up someone's amazing selflessness.
You know what it means.
Being able to stay strong through tough times.
But what does it really mean?
Stop and think for a second.
What comes to your mind when you think about the word courage?
I can tell you what doesn't come to your mind.
The thousands of people out there who work three, four, five jobs just to survive.
Who don't know if they will be able to eat today.
The mother who just lost her child and is trying to see past the grief.
The child getting bullied at school,
Who gets shoved to the ground and laughed at.
The single mother who has to balance work and taking care of not only her children, but herself as well.
The doctors who face patients they can't save.
The police officers who go out every day not knowing if they will come home,
Who face hate and violence when all they are trying to do is keep you safe.
The firefighters who face the flames to save those they don't know,
Who see people lose everything, lose loved ones and have nowhere else to go.
People who run small businesses,
Who work low paying jobs.
The word courage is all of these people.
The word courage is when the bullied kid gets back up and stands tall.
The word courage is when a grieving mom decides to live her life to fullest, knowing that's what her child would want her to do.
The word courage is the first responders who go out every day despite the dangers to save those they don't know.
Courage is to lift your head up and be who you are.
Courage is to love.
Courage is to look past the pain
To find the good in the bad,
The light in the dark.
I want you, when you hear the word courage, to think about these people.
Think of the ones who have the courage to get back up, dust themselves off and say 'I am not giving up.'
This is true courage.

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