Chapter 14: weakness

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After entering the restroom to shave off his beard and mustache, Bower walked over to Payton.

"Do you have any spare clothes?" He asked.

"I'm afraid not, I found the last uniform for that Gallo guy" Payton answered.

"Then, do you have a spare glow stick?" He asked.

"I might, I haven't checked this room thoroughly" Payton answered, getting up from his chair.

Bower waited as the man checked each nook and cranny of the chamber, until Payton came back with a glow stick in hand. However, it was a red one than the green that he used when he first woke up from hypersleep.

"This is the last glow stick, try not to lose it. At least it self recharges, so you don't have to discard it" Payton said, handing it to Bower.

"Thanks, now I'm going back to rejoin with the others" Bower said.

"You're not going back like this, are you?" Payton questioned.

"Well, my clothes are with Nadia since I died and respawned here. Therefore, I'm going to get my gear back" Bower answered.

"You know what she said about going like this: fists and kicks won't get you far, and at least find something to wear for protection" Payton reminded.

"I'm sure I know what I'm doing, so keep watch if I get killed again and respawned back here" Bower assured, before walking out of the chamber.

Payton wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling worried and nervous. As for Bower, he felt uneasy when he walked into the dark corridor. He snapped the red glow stick, and it glowed in a bright red to provide light. The entire ship was so silent, that he can hear his breathing and his heartbeat. He felt vulnerable, since he's wearing only underwear and not his uniform. However, it doesn't stop him from going back to the place where he died.

"Ok, I have to memorize the route that takes me to Nadia's base and then get out of the ship" he thought to himself.

A burst of steam came out of the pipes, spooking him from which he thought had encountered a monster. He had to take the same corridor that will lead him to Nadia's base, but along the way, he saw strange lumps slowly crawling on the floor. These lumps change shape and go back to being amorphous, which indicates him that these are slimes.

"These must be slimes, or a different type. Hopefully, they're low leveled that I can kill them with a single attack" he thought to himself.




He stomped his foot on each of them, reducing them to puddles of slime. But each time he did so, the slimes felt cold on his foot. However, it gave him little experience.

He continued walking through the corridor, until he sees a blue light in the distance. To him, this can't be good. It headed towards him, so he got into a fighting stance while placing the red glow stick on the floor. As the blue light got closer, he can see that it was one of the cannibal mutants. But this one was smaller, compared to the mage and the brute. It wore a headband made of metal with a working blue bulb, it's armed with a makeshift knife, and wears black pants.

"Monster name: cannibal scout.

Level: 4.

Description: easily the weakest among the cannibal mutants, weaker than a cannibal mage. Still poses a threat to anyone at lower levels, and to anyone that have little to no protection. It's knife attacks are weak, but can pose a threat when chipping away health multiple times" the screen says.

The cannibal scout let's out a growl, waving it's knife as intimidation, but Bower wasn't scared. He stood in place as it charges at him, and he punched it in its face. It scrambled on to its feet, and stabbed him in the lower abdomen, causing him to yell in pain. Then he kicked it away, while covering his wound. He watched as the cannibal scout got angry, and stabbed him in the leg. He then punched again, knocking the cannibal scout on its back. Seeing that it's at lower health, he repeatedly punched it over and over while getting blood on himself. After that, he was breathing heavily while covered in blood. Then a screen appeared in front of him, telling him that he had leveled up to level nine.

"Heh, that's good" he said, feeling relieved.

Then his wounds healed up, and the blood on him is gone. However, it felt like a thrilling experience to him the way he defeated a low ranking cannibal with only punching and kicking. Afterwards, he continued on his way to Nadia's base, in which it serves as a rest area before going out of the ship.

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