Episode 1

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A young lady was cleaning up the mess that a bunch of spoiled rich brats made as they made their way through the market.  "Damn spoiled brats."  she was muttering under her breath.  She was trying to get everything done so she could make it to college on time.  The young lady was Natasha Pandya, the daughter of Dev and Rishita Pandya, granddaughter of Suman Pandya.

Once she was done, she was ready to leave when a gentleman came into the shop.  

"Hello, my name is Amrish Makwana of the Makwana Group.  I was wondering if you had a chance to take a look at the papers we sent over.  I believe the deal is quite generous.   We want to build a mall, and if you want, you could have your store in the mall after the construction is done."  said Amrish

"Sorry, not interested.  We won't be selling or moving."  stated Natasha.  "Please.  I have given my answer.  I won't be changing it." 

Amrish looked annoyed but couldn't do much, as he left the shop.  "Kaka, I am going to college now.   Daama will be by later."  Natasha said as she left for college.

Amrish was muttering under his breath, about the stubborn, ungrateful chit of girl, that had the audicity to oppose him, Amrish Makwana.   As he was thinking of what to do next, Natasha rushed past him, getting into an auto.  "J.K. College, please, Bhaiya."  she said to the auto driver.

"J.K. College, "  Amrish muttered as he pulled out his phone to call his youngest brother, Dhawal.

"Yes, Mots."  answered Dhawal.

"There's a girl that goes to your college.  Natasha Pandya.  I need you to convince her to sell her store so I can build my mall in Sabar Bazaar.

"Sure, Mots.  I know who Natasha Pandya is.  I will do as you ask."  replied Dhawal as he hung up the phone.

Dhawal went looking for Natasha and purposely bumped into her.

"Hey, watch it!"  yelled Dhawal

"I'm sorry.  I didn't see you.   Are you ok?" said Natasha, wipe his clothes as Dhawal spilled coffee on himself.

"Most girls say this when they intentionally bump into me.   You want to go to the Fusion Fest with me.  I won't say no to a beautiful girl like you!" flirted Dhawal

"First of all, I know of you and your popularity with the girls.  And I don't plan to be in the queue.  I am not going to be a joke where you are bringing me. it is probably a bet or some other  underhanded issue.  Wait a minute, you're the guy from this morning!  You destroyed my  5 sacks! "  Natasha shook her head, and realizing that in her hurry to wipe Dhawal's clothes, she didn't recognize the guy that ruined the  sacks, angering her.

"Damn it!  This happened all because of you!  The bill I was going to send out just got destroyed.  And you owe me my sacks!"  yelled Natasha, walking off in anger.

"Damn, she's has a temper.  Beautiful but Mad."  said Dhawal to himself.

A couple of days later, Amrish was still pressuring Dhawal in trying to impress Natasha into selling the store.    Dhawal was stuck. He didn't know what he was going to do.  

A few days after, it was Fusion Fest, and the president of the student body had asked Natasha for a big favor, as one of the acts was canceled.  So Natasha ended up helping out and did a song and dance number for her act.

As Natasha dances and sang to the song, "Mere Naseeb," she didn't realize that her Daama was in the audience along with Dhawal with his family.  Dhawal was impressed. She didn't look like a Maddie then.   The last song of the Fusion Fest was with all the acts, and Dhawal was part of the last act, as they danced to 'Hello, Hello' and Dhawal kept on bumping into Natasha, pissing her off but she couldn't say anything.  But as soon as the Fest was over, she joined her Daama and left the venue, not realizing that the Makwana family was leaving at the same time.  Amrish tried to talk to Daama about selling the shop when Natasha said, "Bhaiya, please.  That shop is my legacy from my parents.  I won't ever sell, especially to the Makwana's.  I've lost enough to the Makwana family."  said Natasha

"What do you mean?"  asked Amrish

"Do some research.  Find out what happened years ago.  Our worlds were destroyed."  stated Natasha.  "Daama, let's go,"  

Natasha and Daama left, leaving the Makwana family puzzled.

"Mots, what is Natasha talking about?" asked Dhawal

"I don't know, but I will find out."  stated Amrish, as they also left the venue.

After that day, Dhawal always noticed Natasha.  He started to watch her quietly.   He liked to watch her.  

Amrish called Dhawal home one afternoon.  Dhawal rushed home, thinking something was wrong with his Mots.   When he arrived home, he saw that his Bhabi was serving tea to Mots and his brother Chirag.  Dhawal quickly asked, "Mots, Chirag.  What's going on?"  

"I found out what Natasha was talking about."  said Amrish

"What?  Tell me, "  said Dhawal

"Remember, Papa served in trying to avoid an accident but ended up hitting a store.  We ended up losing Mumma and Papa, but the accident also claimed the lives of the shopkeeper and his family.  That family was Natasha's.  Her parents, her aunts, uncles, brother, and her cousin.  She lost eight members of her family that day.  She was the only one left along with her Daama due to her not feeling well.  Her Daama kept her home.  The brothers had gone to the second shop as there were some repairs to be done, and the rest of the family went over to have lunch with them.   They all ended up perishing in the accident."  

"Shit.  This is no good."  muttered Dhawal sitting down on the sofa.  "We just lost our parents, but she lost everything."

"We need to rethink everything.   Things won't be easy, but I will leave Natasha's store alone."  stated Amrish.

"Bhai, I will get our engineers and architects to draw up a few different designs for us."  said Chirag.

"Chirag, Dhawal.  We need to go over to their house and give our apologies.   And explain that we will not be buying their store.

"Dhawal, we have to do something for the Pandya family.  They lost a lot after they lost their family.

"Ok.  Mots.  Let me think about this matter."  Dhawal said, getting up and heading up to his room.  His Bhabi watched him worriedly.

"Amrishji.  Chirag?"  Hetal, Amrish's wife looked worriedly at the brothers. 

"Don't worry, Hetal.  Things will get normal, "  said Amrish.

A few days later, the Makwana family went over to Pandya Niwas to explain the situation and to reassure that they would back off on buying the store.   They were sitting around the sitting area in Pandya Niwas, while Natasha was making tea and snacks for everyone.

"Kaki, I am sorry I didn't know that my parents' accident also caused the death of your family.   I am sorry that in our grief, we didn't check to see how you were doing."  said a subdued Amrish.

"Bhaiya, it wasn't anyone's fault.  It was an accident.  Or fate.  Stop feeling guilty.   I am sorry, in my anger, I misguidedly blamed you.  I know it wasn't your fault.  I was getting annoyed that you had requested for me to sell my shop, and I didn't want to do that."  said Natasha as she walked into the room with tea and snacks.

"Kaki, Natasha.  Still, I was older. Yes, Chirag and Dhawal were very young when our parents died, but I should have reached out."  said Amrish

"Beta, I believe in Kismat.  Fate.  My kids were fated, you see, they loved each other so much that they wouldn't have survived without each other.  Whether it was the love between the brothers, sisters in laws, or between husband and wife.  The only reason I survived this long is my Chutki.  Now stop feeling guilty, and have some tea and snacks."  said Daama

Dhawal was getting impressed with both Natasha and her Daama.  He smiles while grabbing a cup of tea.  Finally, the Cold War was over between Pandya's and Makwana's.  

A couple of days later, Natasha and Dhawal were stuck all night in the library, only getting out when Dhawal broke the door to get out as Natasha had fainted.

Dhawal brought her to Makwana's house and had Amrish call Daama to let her know of the situation.   Daama was already worried and had her neighbors out looking for her.   Daama quickly got one of her neighbours to take her to Amrish's home so they could bring Natasha home.

A couple of days later, Natasha's prospective groom canceled his marriage with Natasha after he heard that she had spent a night in the library with Dhawal, while Natasha herself stated that she would never marry a guy with such narrow-minded thinking.

The next day, Dhawal came by the shop and asked her to marry him, which she had refused, and he walked away.

A few weeks later, Natasha was seen dancing at her friend, Neetu's wedding.  When Neetu's cousin, Sundip,  asked for help, Natasha followed him, thinking nothing about it.   Dhawal and his family were also at the function, and Dhawal noticed Natasha wasn't around.  Dhawal went looking for her as he was getting worried.    It had been close to twenty minutes since he was looking for Natasha, when he heard some screaming, and decided to investigate.

He was shocked to see what he had found.  Natasha was being assaulted by man.  He rushed to get him off her.  He saw it was Neetu's cousin who was attacking her.   He started to beat him, and the noise attracted the other guests along with Neetu's family, including Sundip's wife.    Daama rushed over to Natasha to comfort her.  Dhawal gave Natasha his jacket to wear so she wouldn't feel insecure.

All of sudden, Sundip started to blame Natasha, stating that she came on to him. 

"I did not!  You asked me for help, and I followed you here.  You are the one who attacked me.  I was screaming for you to stop!"  cried Natasha.

 "I was looking for Natasha.  When I heard screams and went to investigate.  I saw him pulling Natasha by the hair and throwing her down.  I attacked him when he grabbed her legs."  stated Dhawal.

"Chirag, call the police," said Amrish

"No, Bhaiya. Please don't call the police. I have a small child. Please, it will ruin his life." begged Sundip's wife.

"Natasha, please, this  is my wedding. I don't want any scene." begged Neetu

"So he can attack other girls too?" yelled a frustrated Dhawal."He attacked Natasha!"

"Why shouldn't I?  You are a dirty girl.  You spent the night with the youngest Makwana.  Why not me?" said a frustrated Sundip.

"She's my fiancee.  And nobody attacks my wife.  You are going to jail, that is my promise to you!"  yelled Dhawal.  "Chirag, call the police now!"

"Liar, she is a woman who has been left.   Her prospective groom left her as he knew she was a low class woman who sniffs around other men!"  yelled Sundip

Dhawal hit again and again until Sundip went unconcious.  Amrish and Chirag pulled Dhawal away from Sundip.  Dhawal left the room for a few moments and then came back.  He had washed his hand, which were now wrapped in a handkerchief.   He walked up to Natasha and said, "Enough of your stubborness.  You are marrying me, and I don't want to hear any objections."  as her filled her partition with his blood.

Natasha looked up in shock, then looked towards her Daama as she lightly touched her partition and saw her fingertips were covered in red.  She looked at Dhawal's hands and saw that they were bloody and he was using the handkerchief to stop the bleeding.   She got up and grabbed his arm and out of the venue, with her Daama and Hetal following them.   Amrish and Chirag decided to wait for the police and file a complaint before going after them.

Natasha dragged him to her home, going straight to the kitchen where the first aid box was, and started cleaning his wounds and lecturing him.

"Was it necessary to go crazy like that!  What if you got hurt?" As she was cleaning his wounds.  He smiled, hearing her muttering.  She was worried about him.  Daama and Hetal looked at each other, while Hetal quickly messaged Amrish to let him know that they were at Pandya Niwas.

Ten minutes later, Amrish and Chirag walked in.   Hetal, Daama, and Dhawal were sitting down, and Natasha was in the kitchen making tea.  

Natasha came in with tea and snacks.

"Now that Dhawal had filled Natasha's partition.  We will have Natasha and Dhawal wedding at the same time as Chirag and Dolly's wedding, which starts next week."  said Amrish, shocking Natasha and Daama.

"What?  Are you serious?"  asked Natasha

"Yes.  Do you think what happened is a joke?  That was one guy.  There are many guys like him who will think the same way."  said Dhawal

"But I wasn't -" stammered Natasha

"Natasha, you have no other choice.  We have no other choice." said Daama

"Before we go any further, I need to say something,"  said Natasha

"Chutki,"  said Daama

"Daama, please."  she turned towards the Makwana's.

"I have only one kidney.  I was born with only one kidney.  I am healthy.  But the truth is that it is still one kidney." stated Natasha

"So.  I don't care."  stated Dhawal

"But-" stammered Natasha, surprised at their attitude.

"I've accepted you as my wife already.  We will deal with any issues when needed.  And we don't look for trouble.   We face it head on, and deal with it." said Dhawal

"Natasha, Dhawal has already filled your partition with his blood. Hee's accepted you as his wife.   We have accepted it.  We figured since Chirag and Dolly are getting married next week, we could do your official marriage then, too.  Otherwise, I believe Dhawal would have brought you home tonight.   I know its alot to take in.  You were attacked, you were blamed with no fault of your own, and then Dhawal married you in his style.  But Dhawal did the right thing.  Now the only thing for us to bring you home today otherwise we will bring you home with all the celebrations."  said Amrish

Finally, Natasha nodded.  "Next week is fine."

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