[1] ~ 2 Years Later - A week before new year party.

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Niti Taylor.

It's been two years since Yaariaan ended. I thought I'll move on, professionally I have - but my personal life! Ah ~ I better not talk about it, It's a mess. A big mess - My mood swings are worst but my life is even worse.

Let me make it a little more clear! Yeah. I've not moved on.. from Parth ! I feel for him still. Our equation was never a simple one you can refer it one of the most complicated chemical equations. He's doing really good in his life. We didn't talk all this while, like on hours long voice call - Haah ! What hour long I guess, basically not a guess - We didn't even call each other not even a minute long call.


I woke up, today's morning is different I don't have as such work to do. The series I was doing it shoot ended last week only - people liked it pretty much but not as much as yaariaan. Yaariaan was the best era of my life. Even though it ended but it's still alive in the hearts of people - they still post edits, make video mixes and they still tag me and parth in photos -TOGETHER! For them manik and nandini are still alive - MaNan is alive. Tbvh, MaNan is Forever ~ Hamesha.

As per my daily habit - I took my phone from the side table to check Instagram, twitter and WhatsApp. I clicked a picture and posted it on Instagram with a caption 'New day, New life.. Past is a memory we'll cherish forever.'

This caption is basically for my fans who're sad that my show is ending. Oh well - It's a phase eventually it'll pass and things will fall back in place.

I threw myself out of the bed saying; what If I don't have to go on shoot I need to get out of bed for how long I'll stay.
I strolled toward my bathroom taking my casuals along. I came out of shower after half an hour. I dried my hair and walked towards my kitchen leaving my phone in bedroom only - made bornvita for myself and made myself comfortable on the couch placed in my living area - turned on television, spent sometime watching tv and walked back to my room - saw my phone flashing, someone was calling me obviously, I ran to pick it up. I saw ayaz's name flashing, I picked up the call.

Hey ayaz! How are you doing? Long time no see? - I asked him.

I'm doing good, How are you? -He asked me.

I'm fine. - I said.

I heard your shoot ended? - He asked me, that surprised me. We never talked much but still he knows what's happening in my life.

Yeah, last week only. - I answered him.

You were really good. - He complimented me, did he even watch my show? A guy who didn't watch his own show knows how did I work in my show, amazing. Well I shoo away my thoughts.

Thank you. -I said.

So you must be free these days? - He questioned me, but why is he asking me that. Is there something I'm not aware of?

Yeah, kind of. - I said.

Perfect! - He exclaimed. Like what? What's there to be happy about?

What? -I asked him confusingly.

Erm, I mean we can have a reunion then. - He said, he seemed to be excited with this idea but I got jitters with just the name of reunion. I didn't let my nervousness take over me.

Oh okay. When? - I replied as if I was excited too but I was nervous.

New year party and a reunion for yaariaan cast. - He spoke, I gulped my saliva down - Yaarian cast! That includes him as well. How am I going to face him.

Oh it's a nice idea altogether. - I said, yeah even I was missing them. We hardly met - events and all! Yeah on birthdays but we can't really count them as meetings.

Yes, so you're in? - He questioned me.

Do I have an option? - I said and giggled a little.

No. -He said.

We talked about random happenings in our lives and then he hanged up saying he need to do some work and we'll meet then.
Well, I wasn't really a bad idea tbh. Even I want to meet all of them, like old times. Our priorities changed a lot. About the boys yeah I met them more than the girls, except for my ex co-star. All three of them are busy in their lives.

I read rumors about him dating his co-star but trust me it pierced my heart like anything. Even though we're not dating - we're not together but that doesn't really means that there are no feelings. I remember when we were dating - everything was so perfect, Our secret relationship behind the curtains of professionalism and mechanism, known by only our closed ones.
Our stolen moment, touches and kisses. Parth used to look like a shy one by face but with me - he was a kid and I used to be his favorite teddy. His bear hugs, infinite kisses and all those cute moments.
I still have our selfies in my phone. I was asked by my friends to delete them, flush his memories and move on - but is it that easy? Walking away just like that?
I cry at night missing him. I wish to cuddle him again. I want to feel him sleeping next to me, holding me close. Not letting me go even when we had work to do.

I was busy in my thoughts, about parth but then I heard my phone ringing.

Its was adi's call - my sister. I picked up the call and spoke.

Hey adi, how are you? - I spoke.

I'm good, how is my little sister? - She questioned me.

I'm perfect, how is choti? -I asked about my niece.

She's fine, she's really naughty just like her maasi. - She spoke and giggled.

Yeah right. - I mocked and we both burst out laughing.

Acha, listen I reached home just now, when is your flight to delhi? - She asked me. Oh Shit! In this reunion matter I totally forgot I have a flight to catch tonight for delhi.

Oh yeah that! - I spoke.

What that? You're coming, right? Please don't ditch me this time not this new year please. -She pleaded, no ordered me. What shall I tell? - I can't miss reunion neither I can tell her that I'm going to yaariaan's reunion party - obviously she know about my and parth's breakup and our equation and even that; I have feelings for him.

Yeah. I am, but I'll leave on 30th December only, as I have a party to attend on 31st. An official one. Maybe I get a new show. - I explained, basically lied to her. I can't tell her that I'm going to yaariaan's reunion and they all will be there.

No ya! This's not fair! you can't do this.. Oh well. It's about your work then you're allowed to leave. - She sounded sad but she knows how much my works means to me so she gave up earlier than usual.

Aye adi! I'm coming tonight na. We'll be together on Christmas. I'm so excited! - I tried to cheer her up.

Ah yeah, Acha listen mom's calling me. I'll talk to you later. Bye. - She said.

Oh okay, Bye. Take care. - I said and hanged up.

Right after the call I received some messages on our WhatsApp group of Yaariaan cast. I and parth were least active there. I don't know about him but I always knew what they're talking about. I checked every single message and replied too at times so that It doesn't look odd - tbh, I used to feel weird texting back. Idk why but.. I knew parth would read my messages and that feeling never let me message.
Oh well. Enough of it. I stood up from my place to pack my stuff.

(A/N: This FF is basically the result of my extreme boredom. I had nothing to do. This break sucks man. I'm tired sitting at home doing nothing. Yeah I have three other FF. One of them is to be updated today - I will don't worry. (:
This idea was circling in my head since long today I though to give it words. I don't know when I'm going to update. I'll end it in some 3 chapters or maybe 2. I hope you liked it. Tadaan.)

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