↣ A Fanfic Story ▸ Honey ◂

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Client: Fifipencil11
Designer: LostBoyDance26
Plot: A Fanfic Story

*In 4A apartment*

Sheldon: "You sure took your time,"

Howard: "Well let's not count the afternoon traffic and Raj having forgotten to buy a present, so yeah, judge us all you like,"

Raj: "Hey, blame Amazon, they never delivered my original gift, so I need to do gift shopping the old-fashioned way, going to Walmart,"

The men continued to talk, over at the kitchen counter, the women were having a good time.

Amy: "So, did you try any of those old wives' myths of finding the gender?"

Penny: "Nope, but why should I, those things are only myths and they probably are just a load of rubbish,"

Bernadette: "My aunt tried on myth when she had my cousin, said it would be a boy, which is kinda true since now she's a tom-boy,"

Penny: "Not sure how to take that information?"

Leonard: "Okay, now that everyone is here, we might as well start the party,"

Everyone gathers around. Character 1 explains how the game works, they will split into teams of two [team blue and team pink], and the teams will play each other in a game of the host's choice [for example; scrabble or Hind-or-Seek]. The team that wins a game gets a point, and the first team with 5 points wins will get a discount card to a fancy restaurant.

40 minutes in and Team Pink is winning by 4 points, Team Blue only has 2 points. The final game of the party was Twister. In the Pink team were, Amy, Denise, Raj, and Bernadette. In team Blue were Howard, Sheldon and Stuart.

Howard: "Come on Sheldon, you got this!"

Sheldon: "My back is having a mid-life crisis,"

Denise: "Aw, is little Sheldon turning into an old man,"

Sheldon: "In this high uncomfortable pose, yes indeed I am,"

Leonard: "Okay, next player, left foot on the green,"

Bernadette her left foot on the open green spot but she too was in an uncomfortable pose, and when she moved her foot she banged it against Stuart's forehead - really hard.

Penny: "Oh my god Stuart! Are you okay?"

Stuart: *blinked in pain* "No, I'm f-fine,"
But then he fell back on his back.

The Pink team won, gaining the final point. Once all head bruises were checked out and everyone got a drink, Leonard and Penny stood before the group.

Leonard: "Before we announce the gender, we just want to say how grateful we are that you took time in your busy schedules to celebrate with us-,"

Raj: "Yes, we know you're grateful, now get on with it!"

Penny: "Okay, slow your roll, Gandhi,"

Leonard did a drumroll on his leg.

Penny: "We're having... a GIRL!"

All those on the Pink team cried with joy. The others did as well, all but Sheldon.

Sheldon: "I'm assuming those games were rigged,"

Leonard: "You're just being a swor loser buddy,"

Sheldon: "No I'm not,"

Amy: "Oh Sheldon, just be happy for Penny and Leonard, they're having a baby girl!"

Sheldon hesitated but gave in to the celebration.


Note: If there are any changes you want, please say so. And if you wish to have another plot done or help with your story, don't be afraid to ask or fill in another form.

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