↣ The Starcrossed Lovers ▸Allyn◂

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Client: slytherclaw_seeker
Designer: totally_allyn
Plot: The Starcrossed Lovers


In the 1800s, plagued by darkness, lives Kallias, the town hangman burdened with an ominous duty, and Esmeray, a lively young noblewoman who enchants everyone with her infectious smile and free-spirited nature. Fate intertwines their paths one fateful day as they accidentally bump into each other in the village square.

Despite their contrasting lives, Kallias and Esmeray find solace in each other's company. Their conversations flow effortlessly, and a deep connection gradually forms between them. Kallias, who has always felt isolated, finds joy in Esmeray's presence, while she finds comfort and understanding in his quiet strength. Despite being set to be engaged in an arranged marriage with the prince of the state, Esmeray falls in love with Kallias desperately.

Their blossoming romance remains a secret, hidden from the prying eyes of society. As they steal moments in dimly lit corners, they immerse themselves in a love that feels pure and true. However, their happiness is short-lived as rumors start to circulate, threatening to expose their forbidden love.

Driven by fear and to protect Esmeray, Kallias distances himself from her, hoping to keep her safe from the judgmental eyes of the world. Meanwhile, Esmeray becomes determined to prove that their love is worth fighting for, even if it means defying societal expectations and risking everything they have.

But tragedy strikes as dark clouds gather over their village. A series of mysterious deaths of nobles surround the town, leaving the villagers fearful and desperate for answers. In a cruel twist of fate, the news of Kallias and Esmeray's romance reaches the ears of the prince. Blinded by rage and pride, the prince ordered the soldiers to kill Esmeray and capture her family for treason.

However, the aristocrats of the palace objected, seeing this as a wonderful opportunity to warn and silence the rebels who were challenging the ruler by murdering the nobles standing in their way.

They set a trap for Esmeray, sending her out of town for a few weeks while the aristocrats convinced Esmeray's father to sacrifice his child for the greater good. To protect himself and the rest of his family. Esmeray was labeled a traitor for revealing sensitive information about the state to the rebels by her own father. He confessed in front of the public eye that she stole information regarding official matters from him and exposed it to the rebels.

Using the affection of his father as a leash, the prince coaxed the King to order Esmeray to be executed by Kallias himself, hoping to revel in their agony.

Kallias is forced to assume the role of the executioner with no choice but to carry out the execution in front of a crowd of grief-stricken onlookers.

As the day of the execution arrives, Kallias finds himself torn between his duty as a hangman and his undying love for Esmeray. The weight of the situation bears heavily upon him as he stands before the crowd, the noose in his trembling hands. His heart aches, for he knows that this act will tear him apart forever.

Esmeray, unaware of the grand scheme, thinks she was arrested because the rumors of her affair had finally reached the royal family. She arrives at the town square, hoping to convince the crowd of their love. When she sees Kallias standing on the gallows, her heart shatters into a million pieces. Realizing the gravity of the situation, she pleads with Kallias to spare her life, to find a way to escape the cruel fate that awaits them both.

But Kallias is bound by duty and honor. He knows that sparing Esmeray would risk the safety of the entire village, and so he remains resolute. With tears streaming down his face, he places the noose around Esmeray's neck, whispering his love and apologies to her as the crowd watches in silence, their hearts heavy with sorrow.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, Kallias is consumed by guilt and grief. The weight of taking the life of the one he loved the most becomes an unbearable burden. He retreats from society, isolating himself in solitude, unwilling and unable to open his heart again. With each passing day, he becomes a mere shell of his former self, haunted by the haunting image of Esmeray's lifeless form.

Years go by, and the village gradually forgets the tragic romance that once gripped their lives. But Kallias remains a haunted soul, forever carrying the weight of the past. The love they shared serves as a bittersweet reminder of what he lost, and he never lets himself fall in love again.

The tale of Kallias and Esmeray resounded for centuries, from generation to generation in the name of "star-crossed lovers". A tale of forbidden love, sacrifice, and the haunting tragedies of life. A love that transcends time and human comprehension. It reminds us that even the purest and most beautiful love stories can be broken by circumstances beyond our control, leaving everlasting imprints on our souls.

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