Operation 00 - Silent Night Part 1

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October 21, 1956 - Rossiya, in a region beyond the Volga River

Two years ago...the day it happened...the day I could not forget for the rest of my life...

It was the day when I lost something. When we lost something. Something important, someone we loved. Sometimes I wondered...why was our world like this.


I ran as fast as I could, with all my strength. Against the deep snow. Against the odds that drove us to fight. A fight...that we were losing...

I was tired. I was breathing heavily, my uniform stained with snow and debris, and my gray hair blowing through the wind. I felt the pain of my left leg due to an injury I got a while ago. Still I kept going. In front of me was both darkness and snow, colorless trees, and a large smoke overhead.

Behind me? Bears. That's right, angry bears...aiming their turrets at me. Firing with HE shells blasting through snow, intending to kill me off. I travelled as quickly as I could to evade the blasts. I tried...

Soon a large explosion threw me off balance and I found myself lying on the snow with pain all over my body. I was lucky that shot did not kill me. Unable to get up, I aimed my turret at the approaching enemies. I pulled the trigger - and nothing happened. I was out of ammunition. Before long, it was their turn. The bears shot another round of HE shells directly at me. I closed my eyes as I waited for my ultimate fate...

That fate...was kind to me. After another explosion, I smelled the ashes of the blast as I looked at another figure standing before me. I realized soon enough that someone blocked that round and saved me. Before long, she fired her bullets at the enemy. I believed she managed to destroy two of them. I recognized my savior - she was a KV-1E Metal Maiden.

"What the hell are you doing here, Zoya? Trying to kill yourself?", she told me.

"I...I'm looking for the Commander! Where is he?!"

"Seriously? You went all the way here to see him? You're not even an official Metal Maiden yet..."

"Please I need to see him! He's my fiancee!"

Soon, two more KV Metal Maidens appeared. All three of them covering me and firing at the enemy. More bears were destroyed. Despite the chaos of that skirmish, the girl I was talking to replied: "General Faire is holding his forces at the fort. Just keep moving north, you'll find him!" I thanked her for approving my actions then I immediately moved up north to find the Commander. I hope I make it in time.

--- ---

My name is Zoya Zhukova. 17 years old. Currently a student of Yagudina Academy. A KV-85 Metal Maiden...actually I will be a month later after I graduate.

Long story short, humanity was at war with beings we call Beast Tanks. Animals fitted with military hardware and brute strength that now wanted to kill us. War broke out - but humanity was losing it, now being driven to extinction.

I...we...are probably humankind's last hope. Trained to become Metal Maidens, humans fitted with armor, turrets, and superhuman strengths, with the capability to stop the Beast Tank onslaught. But I wonder even now...are we enough?

--- ---

Meanwhile at the nearby fortress. 12:56 AM.

The area shone bright as flames and smoke rose from the fort. Battle began since midnight, when Beast Tank SPGs somehow made the first strike and bombarded the fortress. The walls and it's lower structures fell as Beast Tanks smashed through the Rossiyan Army's defenses. The dead litter the field, as corpses of Rossiyan infantry spilled blood on the cold floors of the fort. They were not incompetent, they fought bravely with whatever arsenals they had. The few Metal Maidens who survived the bombardment held the enemy at bay, however, they are losing ground, ammo, and are increasingly getting tired from the fight. Some have already fallen to the enemy.

At the fortress' Headquarters, the commander, General Gabriel Faire, looked over the turmoils down below. Well dressed in black and red. Calmly observing the current situation. This young man expressed concern...how much time do they have left to hold out? Has the government evacuated the Rossiyan populace here, in the region he is defending? Will he live, to fulfill a promise?

Moments later, a young, blonde girl ran towards him, delivering news.

"Commander! Beast Tanks have attacked our last line of defenses. They'll come here at any rate!"

"Any word from the authorities?"

"Sir, they have reported two minutes ago that about 93% of their citizens have been evacuated. They have been relocated to Stalingrad, sir."

"Good. Katyusha, is the escape route still intact?"

"Yes sir! And my real name is not Katyusha, sir!"

"Whatever. In any case, give them the order to retreat!"

"Yes, sir!"

Soon, every soldier hurriedly carried the wounded, and prepared to evacuate. Gabriel Faire personally took charge of the operation. Metal Maidens took a defensive formation, holding the gates from the Beast Tank assault. The mission has been done. It was time to retreat.

About half of the survivors have evacuated when the Beast Tanks suddenly broke through the gate, faster than everyone anticipated. Many were killed, now only a handful of Metal Maidens were left and fierce battle ensued. Gen. Gabriel managed to hold off some Beast Tanks on his own, with support from nearby soldiers as they made their escape.

Outside, Zoya reached the burning fort, aware that things have gotten worse. She saw corpses all over, still she treaded carefully hoping to find the commander, asking for directions from some retreating soldiers whilst trying to avoid another Beast Tank encounter.


1:16 AM

Meters away from the fort, Gabriel searched for more survivors, going to a ruined barracks, accompanied by a KV Metal Maiden.

"We have to hurry, sir. The enemy will be here at any moment."

"Not yet. We need to find at least one survivor here..."


A voice was heard in a nearby field. A soldier critically injured, blood all over him.

"There you are! Soldier, are you the only one alive?"


"I won't leave without you! Tell me, how many Beast Tanks attacked you?"

The soldier tried to reply with his dying breath, aware of his coming death.

"Please...run......one...Beast Tank did this to us..."

"One? What kind of Beast Tank?"

"......It was...it was......human..."

"What?!" Immediately, Gabriel heard a shot coming behind him. His bodyguard was dead - she fell to the ground, shot on the head. Gabriel immediately pulled out his pistol and his knife, preparing for the encounter. The soldier who talked to him was dead afterwards.

The killer slowly appeared out of the shadows, taking the appearance of a young girl with pigtails. She was heterochromic - one eye was purple, the other was green. She had pale skin. Indeed she was human-like.

"I see. She must be those new kinds of Beast Tanks I heard about.", said Gabriel as he aimed his pistol, equipped with modified ammunition that could stun or even kill a Beast Tank when properly handled. He prepared his knife with his other arm. He prepared for what may be his last fight.

No one else was with him. Nor could he escape, if he did, that humanoid Beast Tank would kill him instantly. He's only option left was to fight.

He whispered: "Sorry, Zoya."

--- ---

I ran as fast as I could to where Katyusha girl told me she last saw Gabriel. Hurriedly, I ran for him.

I came across a ruined barracks. More corpses. I searched for the commander when I found the body of a dead KV Metal Maiden. Examining it, I noticed that she was killed instantly. Soon I felt fear - whoever killed her must be very dangerous. I kept searching.

Then...I found something. Meters away from where that Metal Maiden was, I saw a corpse. No...don't tell me...

I ran to it. I ran towards him. I ran towards the corpse I just saw. I got worried.

When I got there...I was shocked.

It was Gabriel. He was still breathing. There was a lot of blood on him, and his left leg was missing. My heart pounded fast as my worse fears were about to be realized. I was about to cry.


I called him, hoping he could still say something.


... ...


Gabriel opened his eyes, and tried to speak. I held him tight.

"Commander! Please...don...don't die!"

"Z-zoya...*spits blood*...s-sorry..."

"Don't say that!"

"S-sorry...I...I won't be...coming back..."


He held my hand, as tightly as he could. I knew he was just trying to be honest with me...but still...

"Z-zoya...be strong...protect...everyone..."

I sat speechless...watching him die...hearing his last words...see his smile...


... ... ...

After that, I heard nothing from him. He was dead. I could do anything but to hold his lifeless hand and put on my chest. I wept more tears. I tried to cover my mouth with my other hand, hoping no one hears me cry. I felt the pain...of losing someone...for the first time...

It all ended in darkness. Snow falling slowly. Red all over the white snow.

Until now...that day...his death...haunted me...

--- ---
A/N: I hope you like this first part. I really wanted to do a fancomic for this but I have no time for that now. Maybe in the future once I have the schedule to do that...

By the way, the art above and in the cover are all my own work. Also, anyone is free to comment or message me if you have scenes or characters to request.

Credits to Happy Universe Studios and the developers of Panzer Waltz, btw :3

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