Cold room

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Jimin smiled in anticipation as he felt Yoongi's large hand pushing on his lowerback.

Both boys stepped into the cold room, their thin white shirts not doing much for the dropping temperatures.

Yoongi closed the door, pushing Jimin's pack against the metal.

"Are ou going to go full on violant jealous on me?" Asked Jimin, an arrogant smirk on his lips.

Yoongi's eyes scanmed his boyfriends face before his breath fanned his face, forming a little cloud in the cold.

"Well if you ask..." He whispered as he smirked.

His lips harshly pressed against the younger's. He emediatly responded, caressing his firm chest with his hands, the black haired's elbows leaning on either side of his face.

Their lips molded together, both moving into an open mouthed make out.

In the four months they had dated, the pair had gotten very good at kissing.

Yoongi smoothly slipped one arm to Jimin's shoulder before grasing against the length of his arm down to his waist.

He gently rubbed his hip with his thumb before sliding his large hand down and under Jimin's aprone.

He gave his ass a firm squeeze.

That made the boy gasp. He stood on his tip toes and pressed his body closer to Yoongi's, his hands slipping to his dark hair.

He sighed in the kiss as Yoongi slid his other arm down his lower back, giving his other cheek some love

He didn't object, but got startled again when he felt yet another squeeze.

His head slowly tilted backwards as he let out a shaky breath.

Yoongi smirked and took the chance to leave kisses down the younger's jawline.

He settled to gently suck on the skin just below his shirt.

Giving Jimin one last grope before sliding his palms down his thighs and gently pulling.

Jimin got the message a jumped in the older's arms, their bodies even closer than before.

Yoongi pushed his boyfriend to the wall and kissed him deeply, the otjers legs wrapping around his qaist and pulling them even closer.

As he did, Yoongi felt the pretty big buldge against his stomach.

He chuckled and slid his hands from his thigjs straight ro his ass, groping him stongly and slowly and biting his lower lip.

Jimin sighed sensually as he stuck his chest to his boyfriends.

Yoongi smirked at the action and moved his hands higher, placing them on the small of his back.

Jimin having no more support, had no choice but to unwrap his legs from Yoongi's thighs and hop back on the floor.

He was about to continue kissing Yoongi, when the said boy pulled nack, cupping his fave with his cheeks and stepping away.

Jimin whined and tried to pull Yoongi bacl into rhe kiss.

But he didn't budge and smirked, licking his lips.

"That's enough for today baby." He smirked.

Lips pecking him one last time and walking away, leaving a flustered Jimin, with ruffled blond hair, a swolen pout, crimson cheeks and....

"And good look with that." The ravenette teased as he looked down at the younger's buldge.


*lenny face*

hope you liked that.

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