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Yoongi was on the floor, hair dirty, eyes glossy; looking at the younger pleadingly.

Jimin's eyes watered, one single tear rolling down his cheek.
The fear that made his heart beat and hands shake took control of his body, feet dashing towards the door.

He regreted it instantly but his body didn't listen to his heart and he ran.

Far, far away from that hell.

He knew exactly were to go, legs already tired and fat tears rolling down his cheeks.

He slammed his fist on the door, hitting the wood firmly.

The door suddenly opened, making Jimin stumble forward.

"Hyung? What are you-"

"Yoongi! Yoongi! call an ambulance! Call the police! Fire department! Do something..." The blonde yelled his words desperately, his voice cracking with sobs. He whispered his last words.

The boy infront of him pulled his shaking body in a hug.

"Shh. Jimin, breath. Calm down you aren't thinking straight." Murmured the boy softly.

"There is not time for that." He whispered weekly. "He's in danger..."

"We can't call anyone Jimin. Yoongi is still too young to be living on his own. Do you really want the authorities to put them in an orphanage. Away from each other?" Whispered the younger.

"Jungkook, his mother found their house."

As those words left the blonde's mouth, the hug emediatly broke.

The ravenette didn't hesitate one movement as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Hyung! Bring your doctor ass here."

Jungkook voice was cold, Jimin could just feel how tense he was.

After a five minute wait, Jin came stumbling inside the house.

"Oh Dr Soekjin?" Jimin asked, surprised.

"What's the emergency? Did you fall over your shoelaces again?" Joked the older.

He emediatly shut up when he saw Jimin's teary eyes and Jungkook's cold stair.

"Sorry." He said, following the others outside.

They all hoped inside of Jin's car.

"Step on it doc'." Said Jungkook coldly.

The said man nodded, simply doing as he was told.

"Jimin, tell Jin were he lives."

Jimin nodded and leard them to the older's house.

The three ran towards the house, Jin still utterly confused as they jumped up the stairs.

He was completely lost, had no idea if he was in danger and didn't know what the hell was going on.

They finally arrived at the said door, Jimin pushing the unlocked door.

"Where the hell are we going! How much are you paying me for th-"

I am so done with torturing Yoongi.

Random question of the day:

Who is you BTS bias?

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