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*currently working on a new Yoonmin and forgot about sleep*

Jimin was in the shared room, layed on Yoongi's covers and staring at the ceiling.

He was just so shocked about what Hoseok had told him.

He knew everything know, his mind was trying to play a small movie of Yoongi's life in his head.

First he lived with happily with his parents and Jungkook as his best friend. Then he got kicked out of his house for a still unknown reason, he lived on his own and dealed drugs. That sent Jungkook's brother to jail, reason behind them ignoring each other. Next he got part time jobs and befriended Hosoek.

And after a few years here he was now, helping Naho pack her bags in the room next door.

Jimin sighed, he couldn't let what he knew affect his relationship with him. On the contrary, he had to help the older and make him happy.

He sat up and slapped his cheeks.

Walking to the kitchen, he started preparing dinner and prepared Naho bento and both of the boys lunch since they would be eating in the bus on the way.

They were both called at the school at 6a.m sharp the next day.

Jimin was very excited.

For one because he had never been to Daegu and was looking forward to it, and maybe also because he was going to share a bedroom with Yoongi.

Although it had become a very usuall thing for him, somehow The older's presence was reassuring in some way.

He had gotten so used to living with Yoongi it almost felt weird to sleep back at his house when he visited his parents.

Just as he thought that while checking the meal, two pale hands wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him backwards.

His body hit Yoongi's and he smiled, he slid his hand to the pale ones wrapped around his neck and felt the others hot breath on his nape before the older's head rested on his shoulder.

His heartbeat kickened and his cheeks heated.

"You've become pretty touchy mhm Hyung." He said as slighlty turned his head backwords.

The other quickly let go and looked down, embaressed.

"Sorry." He muttered.

Jimin turned around completely and slighlty pouted as he saw the others ashamed face. Finding his red cheeks and shiny that looked at the ground as he rubbed the back of his head absolutely adorable.

He took the pale hands in his and pulled the older closer, guiding the hands to his waist and placing them on the small of his back before sliding his chubby hands to the others neck.

The older let his hands rest on Jimin's waist as the boy leaned against the counter.

Their eyes locked, faces a few centimeters away from each other as their arms were wrapped around the others body, their breaths mixing and both of their cheeks flushing.

Yoongi closed his parted lips and gulped slightly, his gaze dropping to the others lips. Jimin licked his lips, his gaze mirroring the older's.

The raven haired looked back up to the man he cared so deeply for and he sighed.

His forehead dropped to the younger's shoulder and he closed his eyes.

Jimin chuckled and tighten his hold on the other's shoulder, bringing him closer and their chest hitting.

"Depend on me, Yoongi. Trust me." Jimin whispered as he nuzzled in his soft hair, taking a sniff of the older's sweet shampoo.

"Mhm." The older said as he hugged Jimin's thin waist tighter. "Thank you."

Jimin smiled, his white teath showing and his eyes almsot closing.

"Aish hyung, i really like you you know that?" He said, meaning it in a very platonic way because he knew the older was straight.

"Mhm. I really like you too Jimin-ah." The older said, his voice muffled in Jimin's sweater.

I wish he meant it the way i do...

They both thought.

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