Where I'm From

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I am from past and present and a perpetual hope for a better tomorrow. I am from romantic walks to the library, broken doorknobs and calling "elbows" "potatoes"

I am from a place where love has no bounds, from walls covered in angry crayon marks that express what words can't. I am from a battered radio that I escape to when my world gets turned upside down, singing along to the latest hit song.

I am from a family where silence speaks volumes, where the hardest thing to say is "I love you." I am from friends that double the joy and divide the pain, where times of sadness are overcome with laughter.

I am from watching "Elf" with my family and driving around town to see the Christmas lights. I am from spreading cake icing across my sister's mouth on her special day, giggling at the sight of her colourful face.

I am from smiles, yawns and asking questions that hold no relevance at all. I am from microwaved eggs, empty ketchup bottles and mismatched socks found at the bottom of stuck drawers.

I am from steady hands that are always at work, from solving simple math equations to being wrapped around my sister's hand.

I am from increased heart rates at the sight of books and getting unbearably attached to fictional characters. I am from long nights spent living the life of another, a world full of romance and everlasting adventure.

I am from silent fears and a darkness that threatens to pull me in. I am from times of boredom that fall over me like thin blankets of snow.

I am from seeing the world without the microscope that is shoved into our hands at a young age. I am from a million thoughts wound together to spell one word, happiness.

|| Author's Note ||    

This thing isn't really a short story, more of a poem. I wrote it for school five years ago and decided to post it. :) Thanks for reading.

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