𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐗 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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chapter six !
( takes place during 1x14 'hell-o' )




This was the first thing that Luna was greeted with by Amelia as she stood at her locker on a bright and sunny Monday morning. Her first feeling was immense confusion, but this feeling soon faded as she turned around and was met with her best friend's purple stained face.

Amelia had been slushied.

Luna felt lucky enough to have not been slushied yet. But, with her now being a member of the most hated club in school, she knew her time was almost upon her.

( Not to be dramatic or anything ).

Luna frowned and started to go in for a hug, in an attempt to comfort her friend, but Lia pushed her away softly.

"Oh, I wouldn't." Luna's friend warned her. "I'm still all sticky. At least it was grape flavoured, though. Oh, and Kurt, Mercedes and Rachel got slushied too, so I'm not alone." Amelia shrugged once she'd finally stopped explaining the predicament.

Luna frowned, reaching into her locker and grabbing a packet of tissues that she kept in case of emergencies. AKA, an impromptu crying session after a test, or she was surfing the crimson flow and was having a down day. She handed the packet to Amelia, who muttered a thanks and started to dab her face, being able to finally wipe off the sticky purple drink.

"Who was it?" Luna asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"Karofsky and his goons." Amelia told her, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

Luna scoffed angrily, shaking her head. David Karofsky was someone at Mckinley High that Luna would gladly punch in the face with a metal glove, if she were given the opportunity. He was one of those guys that thought he was tough just because he went around and bullied kids at school who were minorities, or who looked at him the wrong way, or anyone that walked past him he didn't like the look of.

"Karofsky's an asshole." Luna snapped, and Amelia nodded in agreement. "Want me to run him over with my car? My parents pay the insurance so we'll be fully covered." Luna offered as she slammed her locker door shut, linking arms with Lia who was finally rid of ( most of ) the slushee stains.

The Abrams girl laughed loudly at her friends comment, drawing looks from some of the other students in the hallway. "Honestly, yeah. But you wouldn't deserve the jail time so it's okay. Don't hit him with your car."

Luna shrugged, tilting her head and peering up at Lia through her long eyelashes. "But you know I would though?"

"Yeah I know."


Luna cringed as the black permanent marker Mr Schuester was using squeaked as it glided across the whiteboard. Apparently their Glee club director had taken up art since their victory at Sectionals.

Will turned around and walked to stand in front of his students, most of them staring confusedly at the large stick figure he had drawn on the board with a little speech bubble coming from its mouth that said "HELLO".

"Nice drawing skills Mr Schue." Amelia complimented the curly haired man, and he nodded in thanks before addressing the rest of the New Directions.

"Hello." Mr Schue said, pointing at his drawing.

No one said anything.

"Helloooo?" He tried again, drawing out he 'o's.

Luna looked around to her peers in confusion, muttering a quiet "hey," as some of the other kids also murmured the same kind of thing.

Rachel, who was sitting next to Finn, their hands intertwined, was the only one of them to loudly reply with a "Hello!"

"What do you guys say when you answer the phone?" The students were asked.

Luna tilted her head in thought as her friends answered.

"What up?" Mercedes asked.

"Who dis be?" Artie responded, and Amelia rolled her eyes at her twin brother's answer.

"No, she's dead, this is her son." Kurt admitted nonchalantly, playing with his hair.

Luna shot him a look of concern, as did Mr Schue and many other members of the Glee club, but Mr Schue started speaking again before anyone could question the young man.

"O-kay. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, liked to say, 'ahoy, ahoy' when he answered the phone." Luna felt slightly guilty for finding what Mr Schuester was saying incredibly boring. "It was Edison who decided that 'hello' was a more appropriate greeting."

"Wow." Luna drawled, "we love a history lesson. Thanks, Mr Schue." Luna heard Quinn giggle from beside her, but the blonde did tap her arm lightly, as if she was scolding Luna.

Luckily Mr Schue didn't seem to pick up on her sarcastic comment. "Look. I am really proud of what you guys did at sectionals. But, as most of you have realized by now, it hasn't made a bit of difference in your day-to-day at school." Mr Schue's voice was tinted with sympathy.

"I have a slushie-stained training bra to prove it." Rachel complained.

"Yeah, I had to break into my emergency tissue supply this morning because Lia got slushied by the football team neanderthals." Luna told the group as she folded her arms and leaned back in her chair. Amelia nodded.

"It's true," Mercedes nodded. "Took me an hour to get the smell of grapes outta my hair." Luna sent her a sympathetic look.

"Fact is, we're going to have to be better, even more spectacular at Regionals. It's time for some reinvention, some new, New Directions."

Didn't they reinvent themselves like. . .every week at this point?

"We need a new. . .hello. Here's your assignment for the week: Come up with a fresh number, but it has to have 'hello' in the song title. All right?" Mr Schue finished, giving everyone their assignments for the week.

If there was one guarantee about Glee club, it was the incredibly specific weekly assignments.

Luna glanced away from their director as he finished speaking, catching Rachel beaming at Finn, who seemed to be somewhat nervous as he smiled back at her unsurely. Luna felt her eyes narrow. Was there trouble in paradise for the Glee club's newest IT couple? She hoped not, after Sectionals, Luna had her fill of drama, she just wanted to get to Regionals without any major hitches or incidents.

Boy was she in for a surprise.


Rachel and Finn's romance was short lived, to say the least.

Over the next few Glee rehearsals after they were given their assignments, Luna had noticed the longing looks of despair that Rachel was sending the tall Quarterback, and how Finn would make a point to not catch his girlfriends' eye.

And when she saw Rachel practically run past her sobbing the next day, and Finn's remorseful look as he stood a few feet away and watched as she walked off, Luna put the pieces together.

The thought of any more relationship drama happening around her made Luna want to scream.

And she did actually feel pretty bad for Rachel. It was obvious that she loved Finn a lot. That had been obvious since Luna had joined the New Directions, and the heartbroken look that Luna had seen on the Berry girl's face was enough to make Luna's own heart ache for her.

But hey, at least the group got a great rendition of Gives You Hell, courtesy of a scorned Rachel Berry. Mr Schue hadn't been too happy with Rachel's disregard for the assignment, given that she was only singing about the first syllable of the word, but it was still fun to sing along to, nevertheless.

After that day's rehearsal, Luna approached Rachel once everyone had departed from the room.

"Rachel?" Luna asked softly.

Rachel turned around from where she was standing at the piano, wiping the solemn look off of her face as she met Luna's eyes.

"Yes, Luna?" Rachel answered, "may I help you?" The smile she sent didn't reach her eyes, and to be honest, she looked like she wanted to burst out crying.

"Uh, actually, I was wondering about you." Rachel seemed taken aback by the Moretti girl's statement.

"W-what do you mean?" Rachel crosses her arms across her chest defensively.

Luna mirrored Rachel's actions and folded her own arms across the same way, giving Rachel a look.

"C'mon, Berry." She countered back. "Don't play dumb with me. I know about you and Finn, everyone does."

Rachel huffed angrily and turned back around to face the piano. "What, is Finn that eager to make sure every girl within a five meter distance knows that he's single again?" Rachel then turned back around to Luna, who had her hands up defensively as the tiny diva snapped at her.

"Uh, no." Luna stated obviously. "I saw you crying in the hallway earlier." Rachel's cheeks went crimson. "And you were clearly singing Gives You Hell to Finn, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out."

Rachel, who Luna actually did feel bad for because of the whole situation, despite how incessantly annoying the tiny brunette could be, looked at the other girl, her eyes glassy as she recalled the words Finn had used to break up with her earlier on in the day.

She was quiet for a moment before speaking in a small voice. "I really thought that me and Finn were gonna last." Rachel told Luna. "But he just used me as some sort of distraction until something better came along. Two things, actually, both in Cheerio uniforms."

Luna gave Rachel a sympathetic look. "Look, I just think that Finn doesn't really know how he feels right now." The Moretti girl ventured, making Rachel sigh. "He did just find out that his girlfriend is pregnant with his best friend's baby like a month ago. He's probably just overwhelmed right now. He needs time."

"But we didn't even become an official couple until after Christmas!" Rachel tried, and Luna rolled her eyes.

"Rachel," Luna grabbed her friend's shoulders. "I didn't stay behind to argue with you, 'kay?"

Rachel nodded mutely.

"I'm here because I wanted to cheer you up." Luna told her, making Rachel scoff.

"I don't think anything is gonna cheer me up right now."

"Not even a trip to the Lima Bean, then afterwards we can go to the library and help each other choose a song for this week's assignment?" This piqued Rachel's interest and made her look up from where she was packing up some sheet music into her school bag.

Luna smirked.

"Can we listen to the Funny Girl soundtrack in the car on the way over there?" Rachel wondered, smiling shyly. Luna rolled her eyes and nodded.

"If we must." Luna sighed loudly.

Rachel nodded, now walking towards the door of the choir room with a spring in her step.

"We must." Was all Luna heard Rachel say in a sing-songy voice as she practically skipped towards the exit of the school.

"Sometimes I think I'm too nice to people." Luna muttered to herself as she followed Rachel out the door.


She'd only spent about half an hour in Rachel Berry's presence, but already Luna could feel a migraine starting to appear.

"I just don't understand how you don't think that Funny Girl is the best movie-musical out there!" Rachel practically wailed in despair as the pair walked through the door of the library, earning them a stern glare from the librarian.

Luna muttered an apology before turning to Rachel and whispering loudly to her. "I never said it wasn't," Luna huffed, already tired of the mini-argument the two of them were having. "I was just saying that West Side Story has much better songs."

Rachel shook her head, pulling a face of disgust. "Absolutely not, Fanny Brice is one of the most iconic characters in musical theatre history, and I won't stand for this slandering of her."

"Oh my god, you're so dramatic." Luna retorted back. "I'm not slandering her! I just like West Side Story better than Funny Girl, that's all." She then turned and gestured towards a bookshelf which had a bunch of song books sitting on top of it. "Now can we please focus on why we're even here in the first place."

Rachel brushed past Luna, muttering a quick "fine."

As Luna caught up and stood beside Rachel, who was holding a Lionel Ritchie songbook, Luna grabbed one of the ones Rachel had placed to the side. She skimmed the pages lightly, none of the songs really taking her fancy.

Luna didn't usually spend an awful lot of time at the library, sometimes she would come here if she had to study for a test and her parents decided to have a screaming match so loud that she couldn't concentrate, but other than those rare occasions, Luna never really gave the library a second thought.

She started to think that maybe she should frequent here more often. It was quiet, but not the type of quiet that would make her uncomfortable or uneasy. A peaceful kind of quiet. She liked it here.

She felt relaxed, like nothing could pop up out of nowhere and bother her.

"Lionel Richie, huh?" A male voice came out of nowhere. "One of my favourites."

The two girls jumped at the sudden interruption of their browsing. Rachel let out a gasp as she locked eyes with the guy in front of her. Luna let out a small yelp, and a curse word, which earned another glare from the passing librarian.

As Luna met the bright blue eyes of the boy in front of her, a wave of familiarity washed over her, and he wore a similar expression when he looked at her as well. He narrowed his eyes, almost as if he was trying to figure out how she seemed to be familiar to him.

"Oh my god." Rachel's awestruck voice interrupted Luna and the strangers staring contest. "You're Jesse St James. You're in Vocal Adrenaline."

Luna's head whipped around to face the girl beside her and stared at her in shock.

"He's who from what, now?" She asked, now giving the guy in front of her, Jesse, a look of suspicion.

This guy was their biggest competitor for Regionals? Didn't that make them sworn enemies? Why had he approached them?

"And you're Rachel Berry." Jesse St James said knowingly.

Luna couldn't help but feel slightly put out that he'd only taken the time to find out Rachel's name.

"I saw you perform at Sectionals. Your rendition of 'Don't Rain On My Parade' was flawed. You totally lacked Barbra's emotional depth." He continued on his little information-spilling tangent. He grabbed the Lionel Ritchie song book that he'd lowered down from Rachel's face when he had first gotten the two girls' attention.

Rachel's face fell as his compliment turned into criticism, which Luna found ironic seeing as this is what Rachel did any time someone apart from herself sung during Glee rehearsal.

However, Luna still felt offended on behalf of her friend and crossed her arms at the arrogant boy in front of them that now stood nearer to them.

He seemed to notice Rachel's disappointed look and Luna's offended stance, as he backtracked slightly. "But you're talented." He finally admitted.

"And you seem like a pompous prick." Luna blurted, not being able to stand the cocky look that was in his face any longer.

Rachel shot Luna a shocked look at her sudden outburst, but Jesse's face suddenly lit up in recognition after she'd insulted him.

"Ah, so I do know you from somewhere." He replied coolly. Luna tilted her head in confusion to his answer. He smirked, once again making Luna want to wipe it clean off his face.

"I beg your pardon?" Luna asked, taking a step closer to him, they were close enough now that if either of them reached out they'd be able to touch the other one's shoulders ( annoyingly large height difference aside obviously. )

Jesse tilted his head slightly to the side. "Did you ever manage to get the coffee stain out of that shirt?"

It took Luna a few seconds until she realised what he meant, and when the memory returned and she was transported back to that November afternoon when she'd first laid her eyes on that familiar mop of brown curls, and his annoyingly beautiful blue eyes, she let out a gasp.

"You!" She pointed her finger accusingly at him, causing his smile to grow even wider as he took in her horrified expression.

Rachel piped up from beside Luna. "Wait, do you guys know each other?" She asked them, looking between the two of them, almost disappointed that Luna had met Jesse before she had.

"Yes, we do." Jesse replied.

"Unfortunately." Luna added.

"Don't be like that." I thought our first meeting was very. . .interesting." Jesse spoke mockingly.

Luna glared at him. "Yeah, well, my shirt was ruined because of you. So I have a very different outlook on how our first meeting went." She hissed.

"Well that's disappointing." Although his facial expression didn't appear to match his statement. He started to walk away from them, Rachel followed like him like a lost puppy, and Luna reluctantly followed them both.

"This is one of my favourite haunts." Jesse expressed to them, mostly to Rachel.

Luna snorted. "Why?" She asked him through a laugh. "Does the smell of old people and crusty books really do it for you?"

Her comment caused both Rachel and Jesse to glower at her, but she didn't care. There was something about Jesse that fundamentally irritated her, so when he found her insult actually insulting, it brought her a small ounce of satisfaction and joy.

God, she sounded like Sue Sylvester.

"No." Jesse defended adamantly. "I like to come and flip through the celebrity biographies, pick up some lifestyle tips. I'm a senior now, so this year's kind of my victory lap. Snagging a fourth consecutive national championship would just be gravy."

So much of his statement to them gave Luna an insight on what kind of person he was. And it wasn't the type of person that she wanted to be around.

Yet he still continued to speak, much to her annoyance. And Rachel still listened enthusiastically. "I'm getting out of Ohio soon. I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California, Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it? It's in Los Angeles."

"Wow, I can see why you got offered a full ride." Luna deadpanned. "You're so smart." She inspected her nails, not bothering to look up at his expression this time. She knew she was annoying him and it was great.

Jesse moved over to the piano with Rachel, as Luna stayed in her spot, watching as he sat down at the keys, nodding towards the instrument before looking back at Rachel.

"What do you say we take her for a spin?" He asked, looking up at Rachel.

Luna's eyebrows rose in surprise as she saw her teammate actually contemplating it.

If the rest of the team found out that their main vocalist had done a duet with their competition's main vocalist, it would be World War Three: show choir edition. Luna felt kind of like she was aiding and abetting just by being here. She should probably leave now.

She already felt like a bit of a third wheel as she watched Rachel and Jesse give each other lustful looks, something which made her stomach churn for reasons unknown to her.

"Come on. I do this all the time. I like to give impromptu concerts for the homeless. It's so important to give back." Jesse still tried to convince her.

Yeah, she was definitely leaving now.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna head out." Luna spoke louder so that she would actually gain their attention away from each other.

They both looked at her.

"Oh, are you sure you have to leave?" Rachel asked her, not even looking away from the blue-eyed boy in the chair beside her. Her voice was dismissive and Luna could tell that it would make a difference to either of them if she left or not.

"Yeah." Luna reassured her in a clipped tone. "My parents are making dinner soon, so I'm just gonna. . ." She trailed off, pointing towards the door.

"Okay. Bye." Rachel waved lazily at her, still giving Jesse heart eyes.

"See you later, coffee girl." Jesse replied, briefly meeting Luna's eyes and gave her an arrogant smirk.

Luna grumbled some choice words under her breath, but restrained herself and turned around and walked to the door, she suddenly found herself becoming annoyed.

How come she decided to be nice and cheer Rachel up after everything that went down with Finn, and now she's the one being ditched for a guy?

And a guy that was so. . .like him.

He comes up to them and basically ignores Luna the whole time, mocks ruining her favourite shirt, and then manages to ruin her afternoon plans. All whilst not even bothering to learn her name.

Coffee girl, he'd called her coffee girl.

What an asshole.

So, in a momentary lapse of judgment, and with a flair of dramatic-ness sprinkled on top, Luna marched back over to where the couple were sitting at the piano, slamming her hand down on top of the the sleek black lid, interrupting Jesse's opening keys to Hello by Lionel Ritchie.

The both looked up at her with irritated and surprised expressions.

"By the way," she directed her statement at Jesse. "My name's Luna. Not 'Coffee Girl', since you never even decided to ask."

And with that final word, Luna wasted no more time in strutting out the library doors in a dramatic fashion.

She felt kinda bad for leaving Rachel, but she seemed pretty preoccupied by Jesse and his massive ego to really care about the fact that Luna was leaving.

Luna had only met him twice, but two times was enough for her to realise that she definitely did not have the patience to deal with Jesse St James.

Luna felt sorry for whichever poor girl he ended up with.



I do not own glee, all rights go to Ryan Murphy, FOX and whomever else made that acid trip of a   show that I love so much.

I neither own the gifs in any of my chapters unless stated otherwise, all credits go to the creators of the gifs.




But also hey guys thank u for reading.

Can you believe our bbys finally met😭?? Now we gotta think of a ship name for them, pls leave ur suggestions below if u want.

Im honestly so excited for this book and Jesse and Luna's journey throughout the seasons and hopefully you guys are to!!

Also this book is almost at 4k reads and that's entirely crazy to me cos I genuinely didn't think anyone would read this book, and I'm also not that confident when it comes to my writing so that fact that u guys are enjoying this story is so nice and ur comments honestly make my day😭😭.

So ty all so much, and I'll see u in the next chapter💫.

ily all sm🥰💖💞

— Jade <3

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