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chapter ten !
( takes place during 1x16 'home' )




Claudia Moretti's voice sounded throughout the house, making Luna wince as she walked back in through the front door of her house. Her mother and father were standing in the foyer of the home, both of them with unhappy looks on their faces.

To answer that question, for those of you wondering, Luna had been on a date.

Matt had finally gotten around to taking Luna out on their first date that he'd promised her during the Glee club's Madonna Week. He'd taken her out to BreadstiX, where the two of them had shared a pizza, gone through two whole baskets of breadsticks, and basically just had an incredibly wonderful time. Her and Matt had talked about their favourite artists, favourite tv shows, favourite movies ( during which Luna had let out an embarrassing loud gasp when Matt told her that he'd never seen West Side Story ).

Luna left Matt's car that night, when he'd dropped her off, feeling incredibly giddy. This had been her first date with a guy, and it had gone incredibly well, to her it did at least, and she hoped that Matt felt the same way.

But her visible giddiness was soon wiped off of her face as soon as she heard her mother's voice.

Luna looked up at her parents with a look that resembled a deer caught in headlights, she wasn't expecting them to still be awake. It was nearing 9.30, and Leo and Claudia were both horrifically boring people that were always in bed by this time.

Luna thought that going on her date with Matt a little later in the evening would have made it certain that she wouldn't have been caught and put herself in the predicament she was in currently.

"Uh, Out." Was all Luna could think to say back in response to Claudia's question.

"Out?" Claudia asked, jutting out her hip. "Out where? With who?" She practically demanded.

Luna let out an annoyed exhale through her nose, quickly pushing past her parents so that she could nearer the stairs that led up to her bedroom, in case she needed to make an escape there if things started to escalate into a full blown argument.

"I was studying." Luna lied to them. She had become a lot better at lying to her parents ever since all of the drama went down after she told them about her Trigonometry grade, maybe it was the pettiness that always resided in her deciding to make an appearance. "With my friend from school."

Leonardo gave her a look. "Don't lie to us." He warned. "That was a guy in the car that dropped you off, Luna."

"Okay, and? Lia and Artie aren't my only friends, you know." Luna sassed back.

"Do not take that tone with us, young lady." Claudia scolded her daughter. "Now tell us, is that boy your boyfriend?"

There were two options for Luna in this situation, either she could carry on lying to her mom and dad ( even though they seemed to know the truth for themselves, seeing as they watched her climb out of Matt's car. They probably saw the two of them kiss goodbye as well ), or she could just bite the bullet and tell them the truth, and deal with whatever consequences came along with it.

And Luna was tired of lying to them. She knew that she couldn't tell them about Glee club, that was a massive no. If they ever found out that Luna was a part of the New Directions, they would definitely make her quit, and that was the last thing Luna wanted.

So she decided to tell them the truth about Matt.

"You know what?" Luna said, letting out an exasperated sigh. "Yes. He is my boyfriend. And his name is Matt, and I really like him, okay?" Luna's voice faltered at the end of her sentence.

Leo's face softened slightly at the sincere look on his daughter's face. "Honey, you can't just keep something like this from us." He told her softly.

A groan of frustration left Luna's mouth. "Why do you think I do that?" She asked her parents rhetorically, even though she felt kind of bad because her dad's tone of voice was one of kindness when he'd spoken to her. But she couldn't help the weeks and months of pent up frustration that started to come spilling out. "Because I knew how you would both react if I told you!" She exclaimed, gesturing to them and their defensive stances that they had stayed in since the minute Luna walked in the door.

"Don't yell at your father, Luna." Unlike her husband, Claudia didn't seem to have any sympathy or understanding for their daughter in this situation. "We're doing this for you. We're only asking you all this because we don't want you to be distracted."

Luna pinched the bridge of her nose between her fingers and rubbed her forehead, an exhausted sigh leaving her mouth. "Distracted from what? My school work?" Luna saw her mother's expression become more and more angry. "'Cos I'm doing fine, apart from that one B plus in Trig, which, by the way, I did a bunch of extracurricular work to bump it up to an A." Luna let them know, and Claudia's oh-so-sure expression faltered slightly. "I have a 4.0GPA, I'm passing all of my classes, I study all the time. I do everything that you guys ask me to!" Luna couldn't stop her rambling after she'd started it. "So can you please just let me have this one thing just for myself?"

Well technically she had two things for herself, Matt and the New Directions, but they didn't need to know about the second thing.

Claudia and Leo were stunned into a silence by their daughters' outburst, and Luna wasn't unhappy about it.

She sent her parents one final pleading look ( with a hint of 'I'm sorry I yelled at you') before turning around and bolting up the stairs and into her bedroom, closing the door behind her with a loud slam.

Maybe this time her parents might actually listen to her.


The next day at Glee rehearsal, Luna was sitting in between Matt and Mercedes in the bottom row, one hand loosely holding Matt's one that was resting on her knee. The rehearsal was coming to an end and Mr Schuester had made everyone take a seat so that he could talk to them.

"Um, all right, I have one more announcement before we all leave." Will told them. "We can't use the auditorium for the next week." Their teacher let out a disappointed sigh after he finished talking.

Luna shot him a look of disbelief. Seriously? They were pretty close to Regionals by now, and still had a lot to figure out and rehearse and the auditorium was the only space big enough for the Glee club to do so.

"But that's garbage!" Finn exclaimed from directly behind Luna. The only reason she knew he was sitting right behind her is because she had let out a yawn as she sat down, and when she leaned her head back it had hit off of his knee.

The back of her head was still pretty sore.

"How are we supposed to practice for Regionals without the auditorium?" Finn wondered and Mr Schue held up his hands helplessly.

"The Cheerios need it to practice in. There's nothing I can do." He told the students, making most of them, including Luna, glance over to Santana and Brittany in the back row, who looked at each other with sheepish expressions.

Rachel stood up briskly, making Luna roll her eyes. "I recommend a sit-in." She pronounced, her right hand raised like she was making some sort of oath.

Yeah, because that would really help, Luna thought wickedly to herself, sharing a look of annoyance with Quinn.

From beside the blonde, Puck said "I recommend we torch the place." Luna let out a laugh along with everyone else.

"You know, I don't usually agree with him," Luna announced whilst using her hand that wasn't holding Matt's to point towards the mohawked boy sitting beside Jesse. "But that does sound like a great idea." She concluded.

Puck smirked at her and reached down to high five Luna, which she returned with a smile.

"Ooh, I know how to make a Molotov Cocktail!" Amelia declared from her seat beside Quinn, making her twin brother look up at her from his place at the end of the first row beside Tina.

"What? How do you know how to do that?" He asked Lia, a slightly scared expression on his face as he eyed the wide smile on his sister's face.

"'Cos I'm the smart and good looking twin."

I mean, Amelia wasn't lying, but Luna had a sneaky suspicion that the only reason Lia knew how to make one of those was because of the science lesson she'd had on it the day before.

Quinn and Luna fell into giggles at this remark, but Artie looked unhappy at his sibling's comment. "Rude." Was all he said before whipping his head back around to face Mr Schue.

"No, guys, no torching anywhere or making any explosive cocktails, okay?" He told them all, rejecting their ideas of how to get the auditorium back. "Look, we've all faced adversity before and come out stronger on the other end." He tried to reassure them, but Luna didn't feel very confident about his statement. "I'm gonna check out a few off-site locations for us to use just for the week. I promise, I'll find us a new home."

As the end of day bell rang, Luna stood up from her chair, starting to gather her bag and her jacket. As she slung her bag over her shoulder and started, she felt Matt come up beside her and take her hand. He smiled at her, and gave him a weak one back.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked her, concern evident in his voice.

Luna nodded. "Yeah, I'm good." She promised.

She didn't want to lie to Matt, but she didn't feel like she was ready to tell Matt about the argument that she had with her parents last night. Luna's turbulent relationship with Claudia and Leonardo Moretti, she felt, would be enough to drive anyone away. No guy would deserve having to put up with all the drama and secrecy that comes along with being in Luna's life ( and her parents knowing about said person ).

The only reason that her parents didn't mind the Abrams' twins was because Luna had been friends with them since she was seven, and way before Luna's parents had started pushing all of their successes and triumphs on to her shoulders.

And Matt was so sweet and nice to her, she didn't want to ruin what they had by introducing him to her parents.

"You sure?" He double checked. "You've seemed kinda sad all day. Are you sure nothing's wrong?"

"I promise, okay?" Luna affirmed as they walked through the double exit doors that led to the parking lot of the school. She could see that there was still doubt all over his face as he continued to stare at her, searching her face for any signs of sadness or upset.

Luna leant across and kissed his cheek in order to get him to stop worrying about her. "I'm fine." She told him. He seemed to believe her as a cheesy grin spread across his face after she pecked his cheek. "I'm just stressed because of the whole auditorium thing."

Matt nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I get that." He agreed, "it sucks that we're gonna have to find somewhere else to practice this week. It's gonna be weird not having rehearsal in the auditorium." His face was now creased into a frown.

Luna grabbed his hand and rubbed his knuckles with her thumb in an effort to sooth her boyfriend. "Don't worry." She assured him. "Mr Schue will find something."


And find somewhere, Mr Schue did.

"A roller rink?" Tina asked their director with a skeptical look on her face when they were in Glee club the next day.

Mr Schue nodded excitedly at his less-than-impressed students.

"Weren't those outlawed in, like, 1981 for being totally lame?" Santana chided, making Luna smirk.

"No, but they should've been." The Moretti girl replied, causing the rest of the club members to laugh.

Mr Schue scoffed. "C'mon guys, where's your sense of adventure?" He jeered at their unimpressed reactions to his news. "The space is great, April is giving it to us to practice in for free." He said as if it were the best news in the world.

Luna looked at Will with a confused expression. "Uh, who's April?" She asked her peers. The name seemed familiar to her, but she couldn't put her finger on where she knew it from.

Jesse pointed at Luna from his seat only a few people away from the brunette girl. "I second that question." He voiced.

"Yeah, me too." Amelia raised her hand slightly as she spoke.

The others' eyes lit up with the recognition that the April Rhodes fiasco was before both Luna and Jesse joined the New Directions.

Puck decided to be the one to tell the two about the woman that was giving them a space to practice,

and who they were all talking about. "April was this really hot older lady that Mr Schue used to have a crush on in high school." Mr Schue let out a noise of disagreement, causing Lia to giggle. "She came and performed with us at Invitationals and then made out with me on stage."

Okay, Luna wasn't expecting that last part of the sentence.

Luna felt her gaze automatically go to Jesse who was a few seats away from her, and who was already staring at her with a matching look of confusion on his face.

"Well, she seems.  . .great." Luna said politely, looking back over to Mr Schue with a wary smile.

"Wait, so she's Mr Schue's age?" Amelia asked no one in particular. Murmurs of confirmation came in response to her question. "And she made out with you? That's kinda gross." Luna nodded in agreement at her friend's statement, which was what everyone was thinking but was too scared to say out loud, in front of Mr Schue, who seemed pretty defensive over the whole Roller Rink situation.

Quinn crossed her arms over her chest, nodding at Amelia's statement. "She was also so drunk that she couldn't perform the rest of the number with us." She told Luna, Jesse and Amelia with some underlying malice, as she cradled her ever-growing baby bump.

Mr Schue decided that it was time to interrupt their slating of his high school friend, and crush. "Okay guys, that's enough." He told them off, making everyone fall into silence again. "What April is doing for us is extremely nice of her."

She still shouldn't have kissed a teenager though.

Kurt's soft voice interrupted their teacher. "Mr Schue?" He raised his hand to gain Will's attention. "If I may?" Kurt gestured to the floor, silently asking if he could take his place in front of the rest of the Glee club. Mr Schue nodded and Kurt strode up to the front, standing in front of the piano.

"The New Directions is clearly a club with a dearth of direction." The pale faced-boy informed with certainty. "Rachel and Jesse refuse to accept that all of us would rather die before we allow them to become the next Beyonce and Jay-Z of the club."

Don't insult Beyonce and Jay-Z like that, Luna thought to herself pulling an unimpressed face as the pair near to her both sat up a little straighter, annoyingly proud smirks on their faces.

"And Finn's mother's romance with my father is sending him into a wholly unnecessary tailspin of despair." Kurt's eyes went to Finn in the first row, who shifted uncomfortably at the mention of his mother's budding relationship with Kurt's father. "What we all need right now is to explore the idea of a sense of place and how, if we find that place within, will we get that happy ending." Luna smiled at the nice sentiment of her friend's statement.

Kurt turned to the Piano player after he'd finished handing out the sheet music to everyone, so that they could sing along with him. "Brad, B-flat." He instructed the older pianist, who nodded and began to play.

Luna recognises the opening to A House Is Not a Home by Dionne Warwick and sits back in her chair, ready to enjoy Kurt's impromptu performance.

"A chair is still a chair, even when there's no one sitting there." Kurt's soothing voice echoed throughout the small choir room. "But a chair is not a house and a house is not a home,

when there's no one there." Kurt's eyes were on Finn as he sung the opening lines of the song.

At first, Luna found it sweet that Kurt decided to dedicate the song to Finn, who was clearly struggling to come to terms with the fact that his mother is moving forward in her romantic life, and it must have been especially hard for Finn to know that his mom was dating someone from the same Glee club as him.

But, as Luna caught Puck mouthing "are you gay?" To his quarterback best friend as Finn was being serenaded, Luna finally recognised the look in Kurt's eyes as he looked at Finn.



It seemed like everyone else realised what was happening around the same time Luna did, as she saw Amelia and Tina share a puzzled look with each other as Kurt sang "To hold you tight and no one there, you can kiss good night." Quinn gave Luna a brief 'are you seeing what I'm seeing?' to which Luna barely nodded in response.

Luna felt bad, but she really wanted to start laughing. She didn't know if it was because she was incredibly uncomfortable, or because of the irony of the whole situation. She bit her lip and focused on paying attention to Kurt's performance at the front.

"Turn this house into a home, when I climb the stairs and turn the key. Oh, please be there, still in love with me." As Kurt sang the closing lyrics of the song, he turned around and faced the piano, and Luna's face contorted with sadness as she could tell he was trying his best not to cry.

Everyone gave Kurt a supportive, yet still highly confused, round of applause. Despite how awkward the whole scenario was, no one could deny how heavenly Kurt's voice was. Luna was surprised to see that Rachel and Jesse were two of the people clapping the loudest for him, but pleasantly surprised, she thinks anyway.

Mr Schue dismissed everyone not long after the end of Kurt's performance, and Luna was one of the last people to leave, it seemed to always be her leaving last nowadays, maybe she was just slow at packing her things up so that it would take her longer to get to home and to a house and atmosphere where she felt as if she couldn't breathe properly, like her parents were suffocating her.

But someone else was also slow at packing this afternoon it seemed.

"How come you always seem to be the last person out of here, Moretti?" The arrogant voice of Jesse St James questioned her, making her jump in fright as she stood up from her chair.

Luna placed her hand over her chest to calm her heart rate, before glaring at the blue-eyed boy in front of her. "God, are you trying to kill me?" She complained as he smirked at her reaction.

Jesse shrugged. "Not currently, no."

"Does that imply that you have tried, or will try to kill me in the past and/or future?" Luna tilted her head as she walked towards the door to the choir room where he was standing.

"I'm saying nothing to incriminate myself, my talents can't afford to be wasted in prison." He joked, making her send him a wry smile.

This was how they had been with each other since Madonna Week, as opposed to their typical bickering, they had become somewhat civil with each other. Luna had come to discover that being around Jesse wasn't as bad as she initially imagined it would be.

Albeit, she didn't spend hours upon hours with him, but she also didn't go out of her way to avoid being anywhere near him like she would have done about a month before.

"I assume you're about as excited for this roller rink idea as I am?" Luna wondered as they both walked down the school corridor.

"Actually, I think that skating and singing at the same time will probably improve our vocal chords." He informed her, making Luna send him a disbelieving expression in response. "And there are a decent amount of people in there that desperately need to work on their vocals if we're gonna beat Vocal Adrenaline and win Regionals." Jesse told her. "Your little boyfriend included. Speaking of, where did he run off so quickly? Trouble in paradise?"

Luna turned and scowled at him as his face remained entirely impassive. "Excuse you!" She objected. "Matt can sing perfectly fine." She defended her boyfriend. "And he has football practice, actually." Luna informed him.

"See, you said fine." Jesse sent her a smirk of success.

"Yeah, well, it's not like it matters anyway." She scoffed, crossing her arms across her chest. "Everyone knows that Rachel and Finn, or you, now, are gonna get all the lead solos at Regionals. The rest of us are just gonna be singing and swaying in the background." Luna couldn't help the bitter tone that she spoke in, making Jesse raise an eyebrow at her.

Luna wasn't someone who would actively fight for a solo in Glee club, unlike Rachel who seemed to throw a temper tantrum every time someone who wasn't her ended up getting a solo. Also unlike Mercedes, who seemed to be the only person brave enough to compete with Rachel when it came to getting solos. Luna just didn't care for being in the spotlight that much for her to actively go out and try and get a solo.

"Well," Jesse drawled. "With vocals like those of your boyfriend and Mike Chang, maybe swaying in the background is where they belong."

Ah, there it was.

They never could stay in a civil conversation for very long. And it was always usually Jesse that ended the civility with a petty comment like the one he just made.

"What is your problem?" She asked him angrily. "Why do you always have to make comments like that? And about my relationship?" She crossed her arms as the two of them stopped in the hallway.

Jesse turned to look at her with a bemused expression. "I never said anything about your relationship." He stated, and Luna realised that he was right. "I was merely commenting on his lack of vocal skills, you're the one who made this about your relationship."

Luna opened her mouth to say something back, but she came up empty. She felt like she probably resembled a fish as she opened and shut her mouth several times, before giving up and changing the subject.

"Let's not pretend like you make those comments as some sort of helpful critique." Luna remarked. "You just love to bring other people down." She finished.

Jesse tilted his head to the side. "Well, it can be very fun." He agreed, nodding slowly, and Luna scoffed.

"You're unbelievable!" She said as she sent him a venomous glare.

"Thank you." Was all he said in return, irritating Luna even more.

"I have to go." Luna declared. "If I spend another second with you, my face will probably break out into hives." She told him as she sent him a wry smile and started towards the exit doors.

"Yeah, you probably should." Jesse called out to her back as she was walking away. "Can't have your pretty little face being ruined because my clearly superior advice is hitting too close to home for you."

Luna clenched her jaw and carried on walking until she reached the door, opening it and quickly stepping out into the parking lot. She refused to even give him the satisfaction of reacting to his statement.

Until it dawned on her when she was only a few steps out of the door.

He had called her pretty.

Luna whipped back around to face the door she had just come out of as she realized what he had actually said, standing on her tip-toes to peer through the window near the top of it.

But Jesse was already gone.



I do not own glee, all rights go to Ryan Murphy, FOX and whomever else made that acid trip of a   show that I love so much.

I neither own the gifs in any of my chapters unless stated otherwise, all credits go to the creators of the gifs.



This is the worst chapter I've written, I know😭.

I just didn't really know where Luna could fit in during this episode if I'm being honest, and this episode is my least favourite of season one tbh, I find it pretty boring lmao.

I hope u guys enjoyed the lil moments in this chapter, I wrote half of this at 3am last night so if it's terrible let's just blame it on that and not my terrible writing okay thnx😗✌🏻.

Also, I may or may not have a double update for u guys tonight so 👀 👀 stay tuned.

Thank you for reading and ily all sm 💞💞

— jade❤️❤️

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